Outroduction and Author's Last Words II

Wow. The story rolled further downhill than I originally had in mind. I wasn't actually planning on making humanity lose, but sometimes I just can't resist how the story flows naturally when you take off the plot armor.

Okay, let's be honest here, just like many other works of fiction, my characters have a bit of plot armor too; but I never exaggerate it to the point where it is plain stupid, or I don't apply it to large scales. If it helps realism, I am okay with making protagonists lose. If there is no science in science-fiction, it is just fantasy!

And I actually like how both the second Lodos and the second Republic 'aged like milk'.

Anyway, now that the humanity is fighting for survival at the edges of the Solar System, and we have a bunch of heroes with a plan to save the humanity and retake Earth, and a brand new spaceship to tuck those heroes in together (although not as amazing as the previous two), this calls for a new book in the SolCon series! I don't know when I will start writing though. I need a break.

Meanwhile, please put a review to get plot armor IRL!

Pfft, just kidding. Put on common sense and you are good to go.

Did I start going off-topic? Maybe.

Should I stop here? Perhaps.

Word count of this chapter? 235 apparently.
