Chapter 1

Jiang Xiaoman had a nightmare.

In the dream, she saw her uncle lying in a pool of blood with no blood on his face and motionless. The blood under him is getting more and more, the color is getting thicker and thicker, and it gradually merges with the night...

Jiang Xiaoman opened his eyes and cried out with a "wow" as he smelled the strong smell of blood on the tip of his nose.

As soon as the cry broke out, I thought that my grandma was always coughing lately, and she couldn't sleep well. She finally didn't move tonight, for fear of disturbing her rest, she had to squeeze her mouth aggrievedly and silently drop the golden beans.

It's so pitiful that I can't breathe anymore.

"System, system system..." Jiang Xiaoman's two chubby little hands grabbed the pillow towel and cried until he hiccups. He couldn't say anything. "My, my uncle was beaten...I saw a lot of blood."

Jiang Xiaoman is a precocious child, and also precocious. When other children were deceived by the tiger mother, she had been popularized by the system for a long time and knew that it was a fake deception. She also knew that people would die if they bleed, and that they would never wake up when they died. It was not as simple as a sleep.

The system sighed helplessly: "I told the host, sooner or later."

At the age of three, when the system was bound to Jiang Xiaoman, she told her that she was the true daughter of the true and false daughter, and she took the cannon fodder script.

After the wealthy parents lost their daughter, they adopted a girl who was similar to her, and poured their love for her into the fake daughter. And her life after the loss was miserable, and her life was very unsatisfactory.

At the age of four, the family who adopted Jiang Xiaoman would be ruined. First, Jiang Xiaoman's uncle died in a fight and the rescue failed, and then his grandma couldn't stand the blow and followed.

Jiang Xiaoman completely became an undesired child. He grew up after several times, hungry and full. He was only retrieved by wealthy parents at the age of fifteen, and ended up living behind and poor in Shangougou.

It's just that Jiang Xiaoman is still too young, and the system babbles a lot, no matter how outrageous it is that the fake daughter has robbed her of everything, she is still confused. I don't know what cannon fodder female partner means, nor how to write the word vicious.

She only chooses words she understands to understand-the system said that with her origin, she should do whatever she wants, without wronging herself.

That night, Jiang Xiaoman told his grandmother that she would double her daily candy snacks, she would not eat the picky carrots, and she would not go to bed until the cartoon was finished. In the end, I didn't say what I wanted, and was spanked by my grandmother.

Although grandma's temper is violent, she still hurts Jiang Xiaoman a lot, and she is not easy to beat the children. Because of the system, Jiang Xiaoman suffered a lesson inexplicably. She was so wronged, clutching her ass, never daring to make unreasonable demands, and no longer worry about the identity of the vicious female partner.

Until tonight, she had such a dream.

Jiang Xiaoman had been in the same dream for a few days, but the previous dreams were very hazy and he couldn't see clearly. It was the first time tonight that he really knew what happened.

Uncle won't really be like in the dream, has something happened? She hasn't seen her uncle for many days.

Jiang Xiaoman was terribly scared, she cried but didn't dare to cry loudly, so she had to grasp the pillow towel with both hands, bite it hard, and resist the sob.

"I don't want to let my uncle die, nor do I want my grandma to die, I don't want to be a child no one wants." Jiang Xiaoman wiped a teardrop, "Is there a way for Brother System?"

She knew that the system was very powerful, and when she cried, she would turn her into snacks like candy and cookies. Very often, my grandma would not let her eat sweets, saying that she had eaten too many bad teeth. At this time, she secretly exchanged points with the system.

The system looked at the panel with less than ten points and fell into a weird silence.

Not to mention that it is a villain system. It is here to urge Jiang Xiaoman to go through the plot. Even if it really wants to save, it is less than ten points... to save it?

For the first time, the system experienced the grief of being a human being, and experienced what is meant by the pain of a penny stumping a hero.

"The system can't do anything." The system answered truthfully.

The time it was bound was not right, it should have been bound after Jiang Xiaoman was retrieved by the rich, but the program went wrong and the time was messed up. The system was bound when Jiang Xiaoman was still a baby boy. Facing the vicious female partner of the juvenile body, the system was also deeply depressed.

What can a three or four-year-old nanny do? I still remember that on the day of the binding, the host asked it with a gruff of milk, whether it was the sourness of brother or sister...

The system is a villain. You can only earn points by doing bad things. Jiang Xiaoman is at most smashing a plate while his grandmother is not paying attention. Even if you do bad things, the system opens your eyes and closes your eyes and gives her a little point as a reward. Encourage her to do bad things and plant the seeds of evil. Later, grandma replaced all the plates with unbreakable iron plates, and Jiang Xiaoman couldn't even earn this point.

Life is not easy, and the system wants to sigh.

Without points, it cannot be upgraded. It is so diligent and hard to bind the host to do tasks in order to grow into a big villain system. But now, it is too difficult.

Jiang Xiaoman couldn't get a systematic answer, sobbed and lay down, and went back to sleep when he was tired of crying. It's just that I still miss my uncle in my sleep, and I can't sleep well.

The next day, the sky was slightly bright, and Jiang Xiumei got up early as usual. After preparing the soup at home, I went to get Jiang Xiaoman to get up. It was just that when she opened Jiang Xiaoman's door, she was shocked.

Jiang Xiaoman's quilt had been kicked to the ground long ago, and his short hair was messy, and he fell asleep like a chicken nest. The tears I cried last night are still there, and my big eyes have turned into swollen eyes. The fleshy little face was red, I don't know what he was dreaming of, sobbing with his half-open mouth, looking very miserable.

"My deed." Jiang Xiumei was taken aback and woke her up, "Xiao Man, what's wrong? Is it sick?"

Jiang Xiaoman has always slept with her. This child is very well-behaved at night, never crying, and his sleeping face is very gentle and delicate. That is to say, Jiang Xiumei was ill recently, and she was sleeping in separate rooms because she was afraid that she would be sick to her children. Otherwise, who can put it down with such an older child?

But who knows that after a night apart, the child becomes like this.

Jiang Xiumei put her hand on Jiang Xiaoman's forehead, and found her heart relieved when she found it was not hot.

"Grandma..." Jiang Xiaoman put his arms around Jiang Xiumei's neck and rubbed it in her arms, and Xiaoma's voice rang weakly.

Seeing that the child was okay, Jiang Xiumei breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the child and went to the bathroom, and stuffed her with a small toothbrush, "Hurry up and wash, and go to school with grandma in a while, I will be late soon."

Jiang Xiumei is an old lady with no abilities, and her son is not obedient, and she can only find work for herself to support her family. She cooks and serves the students in the canteen of the elementary school in the town. She was not assured that Jiang Xiaoman was at home alone, and would take her with him every time he went to work.

Jiang Xiaoman replied dullly, brushed his teeth and washed his face obediently.

Hanging up the little toothbrush and the towel, Jiang Xiaoman was startled. Thinking of last night's dream, she wanted to cry again, but she narrowed her mouth and held back.

Tell grandma, grandma won't believe it either. Only Jiang Xiaoman can hear the voice of the brother of the system, and only Jiang Xiaoman can communicate with the system. Having said that, my grandmother would say that she was talking nonsense, and then she would find a goddess to treat her.

Jiang Xiaoman had said it once before, but grandma thought she was talking nonsense, so she found the goddess of the town to drive away evil spirits. The goddess took a hot red iron pot and chased Jiang Xiaoman all over the yard, saying that this could drive her away evil spirits and frightened Jiang Xiaoman.

Since then, Jiang Xiaoman has never dared to mention the system or the future.

She has to find a way by herself.

Jiang Xiumei came to school holding Jiang Xiaoman and started steaming buns and buns. At this time, the other two wives had already arrived. One is cooking soy milk and the other is washing vegetables.

The steamed mantou noodles were made last night, so you can steam it in the basket without much toss. Jiang Xiumei was busy in the kitchen, so she let Jiang Xiaoman sit on a chair in the dining hall and play.

She is very good and never makes people worry, sometimes she can sit all day long. Others say that Jiang Xiaoman is well-behaved and sensible, and can calm down. Only Jiang Xiaoman knows that when she is quiet, she is also chatting with the system.

It's just that she is not in this mood today.

The system was also extremely silent, without saying a word.

Jiang Xiaoman's small white face wrinkled, his face full of distress. She couldn't think of where her uncle was, or what he was doing at this time.

Although grandma always scolded her uncle for not having a family all day long, and giving birth to a son is not as good as having a mallet, but every time her uncle came back, he would bring Jiang Xiaoman candy and snacks that are only available in the city. There is something called chocolate, Jiang Xiaoman likes it very much.

Jiang Xiaoman liked him very much and didn't want him to die at all.

"Grandma." The more Jiang Xiaoman thought about it, the more he couldn't sit still. He rushed into the kitchen and asked at the door: "Why isn't uncle coming back?"

When Jiang Xiumei heard Jiang Xiaoman mention her great son, she immediately sneered: "It's better not to come back. Maybe it's dead outside. It's better to get into trouble with his friends every day and die outside. It saves my old lady to clean up his funeral affairs. Well. Humph."

Jiang Xiumei scolded and grinned like usual. After she finished her scolding, she turned her head to find that Jiang Xiaoman was crying pitifully, and blinked to look at her. Those eyes were like grapes in the water, and they were so watery that Jiang Xiumei's heart was broken.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xiumei wiped her hands and rushed over to ask.

Jiang Xiaoman sobbed: "I, I don't want my uncle to die, I don't want him, I want him to come back, grandma, I dreamed of my uncle. It's terrible, I, I want him to come back..."

The child was crying so pitifully, Jiang Xiumei had to say: "Okay, don't let him die, you wait, grandma finish steaming the buns, call your uncle and ask where he is."

Jiang Xiaoman broke his tears into a smile, so he kissed Jiang Xiumei.

There were not many students in the school, and naturally there were not many portions. Jiang Xiumei quickly sealed the steamer and got it right.

Thinking of her hapless baby, Jiang Xiumei also became irritable. After thinking about it, it was indeed time to go home. Jiang Xing had been away for a long time this time.

After breakfast, Jiang Xiumei took Jiang Xiaoman to the principal's office to borrow the phone for convenience.

Jiang Xiumei was rather picky, and there was no one to contact at home, so she didn't install a landline, but Jiang Xing was on the verge of flying, catching up with the fashion, and buying a mobile phone instead of buying anything else at this time. It's quite convenient to get up.

After a few beeps in the microphone, it was finally connected.

Jiang Xiumei immediately said: "Where are you Wang Ba Lao? You can't go home yet? Xiao Man misses you, where can I die for my old lady!"

The other side was silent for a while, but the voice was a female voice: "Hello, are you a family member of the patient? Please come to the city hospital, the owner of the phone is in the emergency room to rescue—"