The Library

As I see everyone leave and I'm lone again. I try to fall asleep, again I'm woken by someone . Maybe the scullery maid I guessed and walked out of the door into an empty hallway

"Mr.Quinton!!", I almost yelled

"Dr.Damian!!" I yelled again a little shrill run down my spine as none replied back

I went further and further in this never ending hallway and I suddenly heard a slow voice in my room

The blood in my body gushed as my heart pounded heavily

I went back in to see a beautiful fair woman with golden locks and weather beaten face like that of starving maids ,lying on my bed saying a name.

I got afraid and closed my eyes ran outside and slipped from the stairs , I saw outside a dark husky man standing near the books

"You woke up? Cathy? I told you we will be together didn't I ", He said in a knowing tone and was slowly coming towards me.

"Madam!!!! " I heard someone scream

"Miss...Estelle!!!", I heard another scream

I opened my eyes to see Damian holding me

"What happened ??",I asked them

They looked at me perplexed

Damian broke the silence,"look at yourself " he said

And I obliged as I looked down to see my wrist wrapped in a Muslin and the carpet soaked in blood, as I looked at other side there was a knife in my hand covered in blood

My mind went blank as I looked at them my eyes filled with tears

"I didn't do this !!" I said

They looked at me half afraid and half pitiful

"I swear " I cried . I wasn't afraid of judgement I was afraid I was descending into madness

" we trust you " Damian said reassuringly

"Join us for the breakfast!" He said and ordered all the servants to not leave me alone

" yes I will" I said as I tried to stand up with his help