Another Humiliation

For these three days, Wei Gaoyuan went to the gambling house to play a little for about half an hour a day and won dozens of copper coins, and stayed himself with that scroll in the woods behind his cabin for a whole day.

All the contents in the scroll, even the words which he couldn't read, had somehow stuck in his mind deeply. After going through the whole contents in his mind, he realized that the scroll offered not only a brilliant way to benefit his Internal Qi, but also eight patterns in swordsmanship. From its description, the eight styles were so marvelous that even if got only three of them, he would be a Martial Arts expert among common people; if got all in the scroll, he would get a legendary state easily: the Nature — the top of the three primary stages in Martial Arts. (the Undistinguishment, the Mystery, the Nature )

(Internal Qi: regarded as one kind of energy in Martial Arts, stored in the meridian-collateral system of human body and equally important as the energy stored in muscles)

In the story by storytellers in teahouses, the man in the stage of The Nature was invincible with the power next to the Land Taoist.

(the Land Taoist: common people call all Taoists the Land Taoists, the Sword Taoists are known as one category of the Land Taoists.)

Wei Gaoyuan had been 12 years old, theoretically over the age of enlightenment in Martial Arts and without any foundation about it, but these days he'd been trying to breathe according to the breathing techniques in the scroll, just feeling the whole body extremely comfortable from head to toe like bathing in a warm spring in winter. He just found himself love this feeling so much.

Twenty more days had passed, the copper coins he got from the gambling house were up to almost one thousand. So Wei Gaoyuan decided to treat himself to a big meal — a roast chicken!

However, just as he was about to leave the town with the roast chicken, a group of men surrounded him. Seeing the eight familiar guys, his heart sank.

The first man in front of the group, the head of those guys, simpered, "Hey, rich boy! look at that, guys, a whole roast chicken! What a beautiful chicken! "

Realizing not easy to get away this time, Wei Gaoyuan smiled, "Brothers, I was just lucky enough to win dozens of coins in the gambling house. So, a roast chicken, you see. if you don't mind, here still leave little more coins, please take them all to get some wine and snacks... "

"What a cute boy! " the head grinned, grabbed the roast chicken and threw it to a guy behind him. After taking the coins Wei Gaotyuan handed, he suddenly turned a grim face, " okay, time to talk about our business."

"What business?" Wei Gaoyuan asked in a low voice with his countenance changed a little.

"Of course, again, Brother Dragon asked me here to invite you to join the Sole Dragon Gang," said the head.

His words killed Wei Gaoyuan's last hope. Brother Dragon, the head of the Sole Dragon Gang which was the largest underground gang in the north district of the White Plain Town, was a warrior at the third-level of the Undistinguishment. No one knew his real name. In his early years, he lost one arm in a fight, then came to the White Plain Town and built the Sole Dragon Gang.

Indeed, a warrior at third-level of the Undistinguishment seemed not significant in all three stages of Martial Arts, but was undoubtedly a big man in the north underground world of this town, and very few men here could fight against Dragon, except Wei Gaoyuan, the only guy to deny his order so far.

Knowing that Dragon was very interested in his stealing skills, Wei Gaoyuan was dissatisfied with the rules of paying half of his income; besides, something might go beyond his expectation if he joined them. After all, Dragon cared little about his little half paying.

In the past, Wei Gaoyuan had a lot of concerns like his sister. Now with her absence, he should have worried about nothing. But because of his stealing skills, he must be ordered by Dragon to do something illegal or even worse; If his sister became a Land Taoist in the future, he, the only boy in his family, would be notorious and even imprisoned, without any doubt his parents would turn in their grave.

He smiled with an apology, "Brothers, my limited ability might let brother Dragon down, so I am sorry... "

"Hey," The head said with a sigh, "I know you will make the wrong choice. You guys, just talk to him, oh, politely." The head nodded to the persons behind him, and found an empty space to sit down with the roast chicken.

It was not something new to Wei Gaoyuan, so as a conditional reflex, he put his head in his arms and crouched down very skillfully while seeing seven guys was gathering around him.

Then came a rain of punches and kicks. Although he had been beaten quite often, every time endless punches and kicks made Wei Gaoyuan in deadly pain. But it seemed weird this time that all beatings brought him much less pain than they did ever, thus without any groan, Wei Gaoyuan kept quiet from beginning to end.

The seven guys also found the difference. This time they just felt like hitting on the tough sandbag full of sand Instead of on the fragile firewood ever, with their fists and feet even a slightly painful.

After a while, one guy stopped and looked around, then walked over to a tree not far away, and returned with a branch. Then the others went for branches as well and slashed Wei Gaoyuan together.

The last person who carelessly hurt his fingers while breaking the branch saw the blood leaking between his fingers, took a short knife from his pocket secretly and turned to Wei Gaoyuan in a fury.

The head sat in distance, chewing a chicken wing and keeping watching the situation of Wei Gaoyuan. "Stop!" he quickly shouted while seeing that man stabbing quickly at Wei Gaoyuan's waist with his knife. Unfortunately with the chicken in his mouth, his order was not so clear that the man did not mean to stop and his knife pierced Wei Gaoyuan's waist accurately.

Never expecting the guys would even attack him suddenly with a knife, Wei Gaoyuan was still defenseless, and only let out a scream when a terrible pain abruptly came from his waist.

The guy with the knife was awakened by the scream, remember at once that Wei Gaoyuan was the right person brother Dragon wanted. In a panic, he quickly withdrew the knife, stepped back and stared at Wei Gaoyuan blankly.

The others all stopped as well. When all of them appeared at a loss, Wei Gaoyuan suddenly raised his head and faced them, looked like another totally different person. His whole body exuded something majestic and thrilling, at the same time a glowing dark golden seal emerged in the middle of his eyebrows.

"What the hell is that?!" all guys including the head were stunned like fools at the moment.

And before they could respond and acted, that dark golden seal began spinning up faster and faster, and the eight guys only felt as if the air around them had solidified and been squeezing their bodies heavily.

"Ah..." full of terror in their eyes, the eight guys all made a painful scream at the same time.

Meanwhile Wei Gaoyuan's pupils turned into golden and his only blink gave the eight men's bodies the violent shivers and then their eyes all became blank.

A moment later, all surroundings fell into total silence, only left all the nine men lying on the ground…