The Man in Dark Blue

Everything around turned calm except for the whistle of the breeze between the trees and the grass.

Wei Gaoyuan clung close to the trunk, holding his breath.

What a shocking combat! He thought, the man in dark blue, a Land Daoist, were finally shot down by the giant eagle! Especially its last magical strike, that blue flash, so fast!

While thinking alone, Wei Gaoyuan patted his stomach when it was growling. He just wondered if the giant eagle was cooked by that raging fire.

The dry food he carried had been depleted ten days ago. In addition to catching a fish in a small river six days ago, he had to pick some of the fruit from the tree, or even dig into the soil for the grass roots to fill the hunger,

After minutes, still quiet around, he took a peep out behind the tree — the flame on the giant eagle was extinguished; the man in dark blue was lying motionless on the ground. He held his breath and sneaked towards them.

When got closer, Wei Gaoyuan discovered that the unique eagle was so giant that only its body was not less than 10 feet long.

Such a giant bird, no wonder it appeared quite powerful and stressful even if lying motionless on the ground.

Wei Gaoyuan got closer to smell it, a pungent smell of burning. Such smell was not strange for him. It was a smell of barbecue, surely, without any seasoning.

The giant eagle was burnt black, and all feathers were burnt up. Some parts of its body even showed a blackened skeleton. It must be completely dead.

Wei Gaoyuan got relieved, went to find the man in dark blue, who was lying on the other side not far away and seemed red and black on his chest, between life and death.

Wei Gaoyuan approached the man and just saw his beautiful face. Then he reached out to the man's nose for his breath, weak, but obviously still alive. The wound on his chest seemed similar to the extremely serious burns.

In spite of having dealt with some burns ever, Wei Gaoyuan had never seen such a wide range of deep burns. But considering the man's fate hanging by a thread, he had no choice but to have a try. After tearing off a piece of clothes and making it wet by his water bottle, he carefully opened the man's clothes on his chest, trying to clean the wound. Suddenly his hand trembled, appearing before him was the snow-white chest of the man in dark blue …

The man in dark blue was clearly a girl!

(Disguise skill: an important skill frequently used by martial artists for some special purposes. A master of disguise skill can even completely change his face and voice.)

Trembling, embarrassed, Wei Gaoyuan's hands stopped, not touching her chest ...

Seeing the water on the wet cloth gradually evaporating, he quickly pressed it on the girl's wound — it was just not the right time to consider "to be or not to be".

Her eyelids slightly flickering, the girl made a painful groan and said with difficulty, "Water...water..."

Wei Gaoyuan rapidly opened the bottle and fed the remaining water little by little into her mouth. Not until she drink up all the remaining water, did the girl take a long breath and slowly opened her eyes.

With her sight clear and clear, the girl saw Wei Gaoyuan who was close to her. Her big eyes appeared bland for a second and then got bright again, she blinked," Could up..."

Wei Gao nodded, carefully held her neck and slowly lifted her upper body to make her sit cross-legged on the ground.

She narrowed her eyes, "That Thunder Eagle..."

The Thunder Eagle? That giant bird lying on the ground?

"Dead, I guess, burnt black,"he replied.

"Could you get me...some of...its blood?" she asked.

"Okay, I'll try..." Wei Gaoyuan responded as he walked toward the dead Thunder Eagle.

It was burnt beyond recognition, only with its tough claws almost intact. He took out the short knife and cut it for a while, just got a few drops of blood. Then he carefully caught it with his hands and ran to the girl as quickly as possible.

Squatting beside her, Wei Gaoyuan discovered the blood in his hands was very thick, not flowing like a normal liquid. He said carefully, "Could I ask... I just wondered why you, fairy, want the blood?"

Fortunately he knew how to call a woman Land Taoist from the storyteller so as not to offend her.

The girl narrowed her eyes and looked down, "Help me... put the blood to my... wound ..." then her words came to an abrupt end.

Wei Gaoyuan felt the air around him still. He subconsciously took a step back, and saw the girl's look return to normal.

"Just remove the wet cloth, directly get the eagle blood to my wound..." she said.

Following her request, Wei Gaoyuan got closer to her again, inclined his head in a little bow, "Fairy, I'm so sorry if I were to offend you, in some way..." Then he pulled off the wet cloth on her chest and applied the eagle blood to her wound as quickly as he could

As the girl closed her eyes and fell silent again. Wei Gaoyuan stepped back, looking at her quietly.

After quite a while, Wei Gaoyuan got his stomach growling again. Seeing the girl still sit motionless, he came to the side of the Thunder Eagle with caution and cut a piece of its meat which had been burnt great brown.

The short knife he used was once placed on the bedside of his sister for her self-defense. He had never used it before. So this time it took a long time just cutting a small piece of eagle meat.

He put it in his mouth and was chewing it up for a couple of minutes, just got a pain in his tongue because it was so hard as wood. Shaking his head, he spat it out and signed in disappointment,

Just then, a sudden voice came from behind him, "I haven't got your name, and how old are you? "

Her sudden words gave Wei Gaoyuan a jump. He quickly turned around, just saw her bright beautiful eyes staring at him. He replied very politely, "Fairy, I'm Wei Gaoyuan, twelve years old."

"Just twelve…" relieved secretly, the girl stretched her eyebrows and continued to close her eyes for meditation.

About half an hour passed, she opened her eyes again and whispered, "Boy, thank you for saving me, and you need something as a reward, don't you?"

Wei Gaoyuan had been waiting her recovery and didn't dare to leave. He made a bow, "Just don't mention it. I've done little and don't deserve any reward."

"Well..."she greeted his reply with a little smile, "just put my thank you aside, do you know any shelter nearby?"

Wei Gaoyuan thought for a moment and pointed to his back, "About half-an-hour's walk from here, there is a cave for rest."

The girl gently nodded, got up and walked slowly to the side of the Thunder Eagle. Then she stabbed into its burnt body with her long sword and took out an small egg-sized sphere from its body inside.

Wei Gaoyuan was kind of curious about that blue sphere with white light in her hand. Was that the Inner Essence of the Yaoist in the story? The Thunder Eagle turned out to be one of the ancient legendary creatures, no wonder it could hurt a Land Taoist so badly.

(the Yaoist: belongs to the Yaoist tribe, one of the most ancient powerful tribes. Yaoists own the power of Yaoism Arts and most of them are animals with the different Inner Essence which are the most significant parts deep inside their bodies.)

No one knew what tricks she used, the Inner Essence just vanished in her hand. Then the girl sheathed her long sword and said with a smile, "After you, boy, please!"

"Please follow me, fairy," without any hesitatation, Wei Gaoyuan led the way to the cave.