No Such a Genius

The next morning Wei Gaoyuan as usual went out of the door of the East Mountain Sword club to the forest outside the city for practice.

Every day in the past three years, he needed to run for an hour to go there back and forth. For ages like that, now he could ran across a street just in a blink of an eye.

Shortly after his departure Gu Qianqian entered the club. Because of her special status, Gu Qianqian had been radiant as the sun with the titles of the city lord's third daughter and the top Martial Arts genius among the youngsters of her age in Qizhou City, and always attracted attention wherever she went. So she was received warmly and politely by the East Mountain Sword club. But her inquiry was really a big challenge for the receptionist.

A student with a wooden sword, who was not weaker than the warrior at about the level of Transforming Force? It seemed there was no such a student in the club.

Then Gu Qianqian went to the training field, recognized around all the warriors above that level in the club and still didn't find that boy. She was unwilling but to find all the warriors in the club again. Still, no such a boy.

"Are there any other students in the club?" she asked the student manager.

The manager replied, "The students in the club now have been all here. The person your ladyship was finding, I guess, might be out today."

"Go out so early?" Gu Qianqian widened her big eyes, then made up her mind, "I'm gonna wait here for his coming back."


As a routine, Wei Gaoyuan would not get up so early. But he was quite excited in the early morning because of the new sword he got yesterday.

About three years ago, the club did prepare a sword for Wei Gaoyuan. However, he'd been absent for quite a long time, so the sword that should have been his was given to some student.

When Wei Gaoyuan went to the Weapon Room for a sword, the person in charge had no impression of this boy at all. He had no choice but to turn to Zhao Xiongying for help.

Zhao Xiongying was just relieved and delighted when hearing Wei Gaoyuan wanted to take a sword finally. After all, the stone had lightened up! Although it was kind of late, with the care and push of your ladyship and himself, he believed that the boy's achievement in the future should not be as low as he'd supposed. So he personally led this newly-shiny-stone to the Weapon Room.

Things naturally went on much easier with Zhao Xiongying aside. Wei Gaoyuan got a sword which was actually two or three grades of quality higher than the swords distributed to other students. So, here he was, in the forest with his new sword.

He'd forgotten the exact names of the methods for cultivation of Internal Qi and the eight patterns of swordsmanship in that scroll because almost all of them were corrected or adjusted in his dream space, more or less different from the original illustration on the scroll.

Therefore, Wei Gaoyuan renamed the eight patterns: " The Eight Clouds in Dream."

"Clouds" referred to the cloud pattern at the cuff of the woman in white, He would never forget it was her who gave him the scroll.

"Dream" was undoubtedly his dream space. the first of the eight patterns had been modified many times during the fights with the virtual dream opponents, which he believed had been more powerful than the original pattern and been closer and closer to the flawless one. And the second pattern, the third... even the eighth he assumed would got modified in that miraculous space.

It was at noon when Wei Gaoyuan returned to the club right after Gu Qianqian had left.

Then for three days after that, he hadn't met her. Gu Qianqian had almost asked all the people in the club but no one had ever heard of such a genius student with a wooden sword.

She couldn't help but suspect that Wei Gaoyuan had lied that day. That rascal was definitely not the student of the East Mountain Sword club! It might be a good idea to go to the woods they'd met that day…

"Couldn't it be Wei Gaoyuan?" with a spark in his mind, Hu Xiaoshu muttered.Then he quickly shook his head. Wei Gaoyuan? That idle boy? The genius Miss genius Gu was looking for?

"Who is that Wei Gaoyuan?" asked the girl beside him.

"Well, It was the guy you saw that day, my former roommate," Hu Xiaoshu explained.

"That boy? I remember you mentioned that he'd done nothing but eating and sleeping for all three years?" The woman first showed a surprise, then shook her head too. "This kind of person just has been lucky enough not to be expelled by the club. How could he be the target of the city lord's third daughter?"

Hu Xiaoshu threw up his hands, "God knows how…"

The girl smiled again, "I am afraid that even the owner of the club has forgotten your former roommate, otherwise he could allow such a useless boy to live in the club?"

"You shouldn't judge brother Wei like that," Hu Xiaoshu looked serious and said, "he just asked me about the sword yesterday, you know… it must be a sign that he was planning to learn the Martial Arts hard!"

"So what?" the woman said without hiding full contempt in her eyes. " You couldn't be looking forward to the impossible possibility that he, a boy who'd wasted his youth for three years, was able to catch up with other diligent students. After all, even a polished stone cannot be as brilliant as a diamond…I am afraid…that's just his trick… he wants to continue living here… for a carefree time."

Undoubtedly not happy with her remark, Hu Xiaoshu, however, does not want to argue, just keeping a sensible silence.


Wei Gaoyuan had practiced for more than ten days in the woods. On the day he took the sword he'd signed up for the Trial Island, and then prepared some dry food and water for another self-practice days in woods.

By the evening, Wei Gaoyuan began closing his eyes and sitting cross-legged for practicing the breathing techniques on the scroll. Being in a wonderful state after minutes, he only felt that there were two streams of Qi flowing in his body, one was from his Dantian, but he didn't know where the other one came from.

Whenever the Qi stream from Dantian met the unknown one, the two streams would merge together, and soon after that he would breathe out a grayish turbid Qi and meanwhile felt completely comfortable.

With time passing by, Wei Gaoyuan was in a state of deep cultivation, not noticing that his body was shining with golden light. As his cultivation continued, the light around his body became brighter and brighter. Not until he finished a full circle flowing of Internal Qi and opened his eyes was the golden light gone.

Feeling his body full of strength and energy after that., he couldn't help but pull out his sword and wave it ahead with all strength. A cracking sound followed and the big tree in the front was cut off in the middle! What surprised him even more was that the waving of sword had produced a foot-long sword Qi.

(Sword Qi: when a sword with injection of Internal Qi is moving fast enough, it'll produce and shoot a kind of visible Qi called sword Qi, which can do a great damage to the target in the distance.)

"It should be there, that direction!"

A voice came not far away, accompanied by the footsteps of darting which sounded more than one person rushing here.

After a few seconds, three men and two women appeared in the front.

The five people frowned while seeing Wei Gaoyuan. One of them asked first, "Who are you?"

Since Wei Gaoyuan was still wearing shabby old clothes, the five people could not recognize him clearly; Wei Gaoyuan recognized them, they wearing the uniforms of the H-Sun Martial Arts Club in Qizhou City. Thinking that they were also the students as himself in the same city, he greeted with a bow gently, "I'm Wei Gaoyuan, the student of the East Mountain Sword Club."

"From the East Mountain Sword Club?" among the five, a young man who looked the eldest frowned and asked, "we've just seen the strong golden light shining form… about this area, have you ever discovered something… odd was born around?"

(something odd was born: it is believed that once something like treasures, talismans, or evil things appear, they might trigger some peculiar phenomena such as bringing a roll of thunder, sending out lighted, etc.)

Golden light, here?

Wei Gaoyuan looked blank and shook his head, "I've been here for quite a long time, not seeing any golden light or the birth of anything odd…"

Apparently not believing it, the eldest sneered, "Boy, I advise you to tell the truth. The birth of any unique talisman must be so earth-shattering that it is not for you boy to occupy it alone."

"I did have never seen some talisman, so… you might get the wrong place." Wei Gaoyuan did not get annoyed but tried to explain.

A young man next to the eldest said coldly, "Brother Yu, you don't need to give him any advice. We just take him then search him!"

"Alright!" the eldest who was called brother Yu nodded, "younger brother Yao and younger sister Lv, could you please get that boy for us?"

"No need to bother younger sister Lv, I can take him by myself," younger brother Yao, that young man who was talking to brother Yu, stepped up and walked to Wei Gaoyuan alone.

A group of the unreasonable!

Wei Gaoyuan frowned, staring at the young man approaching. Neither did he like to cause troubles, nor get afraid of troubles. Therefore he didn't mind playing with those five troubles before him, just running away if can't win, just getting beaten if can't run away, that was it, being beaten happened a lot…

So Wei Gaoyuan prepared a fight posture, "Come on!"

Giving a sneer, younger brother Yao snapped, "Take this!" then he quickly punched in Wei Gaoyuan's face.

Yes, a quick and powerful punch in the eyes of commoners, but full of defects in Wei Gaoyuan's eyes — insufficient strength and low speed with the unstable lower body. Wei Gaoyuan was seen calmly reaching out his right hand to grab the coming wrist, pulling the young man's arm to the direction of his punching and meanwhile tripping him with one leg. Only three actions together made younger brother Yu kissing earth and dust.

Younger brother Yao quickly got up and blushed, feeling losing his face in front of brothers and sister. He screamed and gave another punch.

Wei Gaoyuan shook his head slightly, kicking out. This time, one kick made younger brother Yao flying a foot away.

Seeing the sufferings of their companion, the four people standing aside all rushed and gathered around. Wei Gaoyuan's fists and feet was flying at a high speed, which was actually one set of the basic unarmed tricks learnt from the East Mountain Sword Club. Just moments later the four people were all knocked down, lying with their companion on the ground defenselessly.

Brother Yu sat on the ground in a shock, seemed to realize that Wei Gaoyuan was far stronger than all of them. He did not dare to continue to attack but asked, "You...who are you?!"

Wei Gaoyuan had never expected that the set of basic unarmed tricks from the East Mountain Sword Club was so powerful that he could overwhelm five people that easily. He raised his head, "I've already said… I am a student of the East Mountain Sword Club."

He didn't want to speak more with those five guys, so turned and walked away in their unwilling stare. No one pursued him, just letting him disappear into the shadows of the night...

After a moment or two, younger brother Yao gnashed his teeth, "Brother Yu, why didn't you draw your sword?"

" We should be glad I didn't draw my sword…" brother Yu shook his head, showing a sigh and unwillingness in his eyes. "We five… are no match for that boy!"

"No couldn't be true…" the other four people expressed doubts. That boy seemed younger than each of them while even brother Yu admitted that he wasn't the one who could defeat that boy.

Was the boy a bastard son of the owner of the East Mountain Sword club?