You Dig, I Bury


"I'll kill you!"

The two men were furious, one of them picking himself up off the ground and taking out the long sword, then shooting himself to Wei Gaoyuan.

Wei Gaoyuan calmly picked up a chopstick on the table and threw it out as a concealed weapon, just hitting the man's hand holding the sword and making a clear and crisp sound—the long sword was slammed out and fell on another table on the side.

(Concealed Weapon: Anqi in Chinese, refers to the weapon that facilitates the raid in the dark. It is mostly created by martial artists, small in size, light in weight and easy to carry, also with fast speed, strong concealment and great power.)


"Don't fight!"

The two girls of the four tried to stop the fight as Hu Xiaoshu had already pulled out his scimitar, ready to join the combat.

Sitting around the table at the back side were four people, who were shocked by the sword falling from the air and roared with rage, "What the hell are you doing!"

"You guys want an official punishment? Fighting in the dining hall?!"

As the city lord's third daughter and a rare martial arts genius in Qizhou City, Gu Qianqian was naturally treated in higher class than the ordinary participants.

She didn't have to get a meal here with others, but as an important participant in this trial she'd like to find some others who could be suitable for teaming up, so she was invited to come here.

The much noise made from Wei Gaoyuan's area surely got Gu Qianqian's attention. She looked there and asked, "What happened there?"

"It seems a fighting," said one person beside her.

"Oh? The fight's just begun before arrival at the Trial Island. Boys…just pick the right moment and place," Gu Qianqian said with a frown.

Suddenly she raised her eyebrow and murmured, "it's him?"

"Your ladyship knows someone in the fight?" said a handsome teenager in a brocade gown, his face turning sullen.

"Hehe!" Gu Qianqian let out an intriguing smile, "I have been searching you for so many days… just got you here, show me where you can hide this time…"

As murmuring, she got up and walked towards the direction of Wei Gaoyuan's area.

Now the two men of H-Sun club both in a desperate posture were scowling at Wei Gaoyuan with their swords.

In the distance Wei Gaoyuan hold a plate with sneers, ready to shoot it out on the next sword-attack from the two men.

When both sides were on the line, a girl's clear voice came, "All stop!"

The crisp voice just froze the tense atmosphere for seconds, and everyone turn to the direction of voice, finding that Gu Qianqian was coming with her cold face.

"Your ladyship!" exclaimed the crowds.

Seeing Gu Qianqian, the two men of H-Sun club who were ready to shoot their swords looked a little uneasy; the other two girls on their side also bowed their heads and dared not speak anything.

Gu Qianqian glanced around, then came to Wei Gaoyuan and asked, "Why fighting here?"

Wei Gaoyuan was far more surprised than the crowds, surprised that Gu Qianqian was so imposing that almost every one here was overpowered by her presence. However, he did not know her real special identity, nor would he be shocked by her power.

"We three did not know the two men, but they've overturned our plates and dishes, pushing us to change the table. So, you exactly should ask them why," replied Wei Gaoyuan slowly.

"He's telling the truth?" Gu Qianqian turned her staring to the two men of the H-Sun club.

In the face of Gu Qianqian's gaze and question, one of the two men lowed his head silently. The other man blinked for a moment then said, "Reply to your ladyship, because we four came late, there was no vacant table then; I tried to discuss sharing the table with this brother, he refused…even with some rude words, I couldn't stand it, so..."

"Nonsense!" Hu Xiaoshu was roused to fury by the man's lying through his teeth.

"That's true," at the moment the other man who was looking down raised his head and turned to Wei Gaoyuan, "this brother seemed to have a prejudice against the students of the H-Sun Martial Arts Club… he did curse and insult us and our club!"

As soon as he was speaking, the students of the H-Sun club on the other tables, about ten people, gathered and stormed around at the same time.

The East Mountain Sword Club also got more than a dozen students eating here. When seeing the intense scene, they all stood up and came over on the side of the three of Wei Gaoyuan. Two sides of different clubs facing each other, a bigger fight was getting to explode.

Wei Gaoyuan sneered in the heart: you guys played dirty? He'd been living and struggling at the bottom of society for many years, what kind of dirty stories he hadn't heard? What kind of rascals he hadn't encountered? Wanna play such little tricks? Even adults were not necessarily a match for him.

Booger-eating boys, you'd dug a pit and jumped in yourself, I just help to bury you.

Wei Gaoyuan put on a chilly expression and said coldly, "I'd said something rude? Why didn't mention that you brother touched my face, saying 'you little boy just has such a soft and smooth skin, must be tastier than that so-called… third daughter of the city lord… Don't fear to make a good friend with me, I will try to teach you little boy something amazing then'…"

" nonsense!" with big change on the face, that man pointed his sword at Wei Gaoyuan with rages and his tongue seemed to get tied.

Hu Xiaoshu was stunned entirely by the scene, his eyes fixed on Wei Gaoyuan like seeing a ghost. Just now, his former roommate took the two guy's plates as a magician and shot a chopstick so fast and powerful at the coming sword, but all those were just a little piece of cake compared with what he was doing now…

Just look at his mouth, the dirty water he was pouring out, no, that was acid precisely, the acid to ruin the fame and future of his opponents!

At this time, Gu Qianqian's beautiful face had turned deadly gloomy, nobody around her could hardly feel that a big storm was right on the way.

Wei Gaoyuan continued adding some more, "Oh, I remembered he just remarked your ladyship's figure was as flat as a door panel and that seemed not easy breed…"

Having finished his speech, he coughed twice slightly and said, "I just heard someone calling the name of your ladyship, isn't she here?"

Gu Qianqian had already been driven mad, her whole body trembling…

That man of the H-Sun club almost fell to kneel to Gu Qianqian, said in trembling voice "I've…always respected your…as the goddess in fable…You vicious liar...slander…frame us! Never believe him, your ladyship!"

"Ah? You... you're that…'your ladyship'?" Wei Gaoyuan made a look of surprise.

Gu Qianqian did not pay attention to Wei Gaoyuan's show at all, just fixing her eyes nowhere but on the men of the H-Sun with a murderous look. She said word by word, "The man of the H-Sun Martial Arts Club, I've noted it down…"

Under the pressure of staring-attack from Gu Qianqian, that man of the H-Sun club suddenly jumped up and rushed to Wei Gaoyuan like a crazy beast. He roaring, "It's you! You dare to frame me with such a dirty trick! Go to hell…"


Before getting close to Wei Gaoyuan, the man was blasted off by a heavy kick.

A handsome teenager was seen standing in front of Wei Gaoyuan, then turn to give a bow to Gu Qianqian, "I'm Xiu Xu'an, apologize first to your ladyship for my younger brother You's behavior. I believe that, he's never spoken that unrefined words. "

After that, he turned to face and stare at Wei Gaoyuan's eyes with a serious look, "This brother said that younger brother Yao had insulted your ladyship, could you please show us any evidence?"

Wei Gaoyuan shook his head, said softly and calmly, "No one can seize the water that's been poured out, neither can I. His ladyship decides how to handle him."

He'd noticed that Liu Xu'an seemed to have a good reputation around Qizhou City, the looks on the faces of many people here could prove it just after he'd given his name.

After Wei Gaoyuan's reply, Liu Xu'an once again said with a bow to Gu Qianqian, " If your ladyship is convinced to punish younger brother You by the only words of one side, It would be just a bit unfair. I believe the truth can not escape the eyes of your ladyship."

Frowning fiercely, Gu Qianqian seemed gradually calmed down. Liu Xu'an's remark sounded pretty reasonable. She couldn't judge it only relying on Wei Gaoyuan's statement.

For Wei Gaoyuan, however, he didn't care whether she believed it or not. Everyone present here might remember today's interesting incident once seeing any students of the H-Sun club in the future, that was enough.

After all, the crowd tended to happily recall what strangers had suffered.