The Hunter and the Prey

A few minutes passed. The eagle didn't move at all. It seemed to be dead. Wei Gaoyuan jumped down from the eagle, still panting heavily. He found his clothes had been soaked in sweat.

The little fox ran up, gave the eagle's head a kick with his front paw, then raised his head high with a look of pride as if the eagle had been killed by it.

After gasping for a moment, Wei Gaoyuan picked up the broken sword to cut the eagle's belly. A short time later, he was pretty delighted to find an Internal Essence in it. Sure enough, the eagle was a spirit animal.

Wei Gaoyuan looked at the broken sword in his hand, turning down the corners of his mouth. Such a desert island mustn't have a blacksmith. With a helpless sigh, he found a well branch and cut a wooden sword with the broken sword.

He put the broken sword into his bag in case of encountering another spirit animal, then took the wooden sword and went to the periphery of the Trial Island under the guidance of the little fox.

A few days later, the little fox got fully recovered. The little guy bid farewell to Wei Gaoyuan and went into the deep forest. For Wei Gaoyuan, it was about the time to return to the flying ship.

One day, when Wei Gaoyuan was resting under a big tree three men jumped down suddenly from the tree.

It was three teenagers, one with a scimitar and the other two with long swords.

Wei Gaoyuan was overjoyed to saw the companions finally. When he was about to say hello, however, one of the three shrieked, "Hey~ Boy, leave your pine crystals and Escape Fu, then fuck off!"

"Uh, not companion…wanna rob me?" — not a surprise, there was not much time left for the trial assignment.

He recalled the assignment rules, which did not ban robbery indeed. And, that also meant —

"You three must get a few pine crystals. Why don't you give them to me? Besides, who can lend me a sword?" Wei Gaoyuan said, smirking all over his face.

The three teenagers all laughed at the same time.

The oldest-looking one stepped forward and looked at Wei Gaoyuan as if he were examining an idiot. After a moment, he sneered, "Look at this arrogant fool, a wooden sword~~ Oh, you're Sword Demon? I'm so scared!"

The two men behind him laughing, one said, "even powerful Sword Demon is just a swordsman in the mortal world, and he'll die if come to our sect."

"I agree with younger brother Lu!" the only one holding a scimitar nodded and stared at Wei Gaoyuan. "Go worshiping your Sword Demon, you don't need to strive for protecting the ticket for entering the sects, just leave them…"

"Just consider first how to survive my sword," Wei Gaoyuan looked expressionless, shook the wooden sword and continued, "give you ten seconds to surrender all your pine crystals, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Oh? Just show me how rude you can be."

It was the teenager named younger brother Lu who spoke. Right after his words, he shot himself to stab Wei Gaoyuan's shoulder with his sword.

Obviously, the opponent had a little conscience, not to stab his fatal part. Therefore, Wei Gaoyuan didn't intend to hurt him but just let the opponent's blade slip through his side. Meanwhile arrested his wrist to use one pattern of "Joint Locking", forcing the opponent's sword fell into his hand.

(Joint Locking: "Qin Na" in Chinese, a unarmed fighting techniques of Martial Arts, to overwhelm enemy by using the laws of the movement of the human joints and the physiology, function and weakness of the vital parts, as well as the transfer of human body weight and the principles of motion mechanics, etc.)

The oldest teenager was the closest to them two. Seeing younger brother Lu's situation was not good, he immediately stabbed Wei Gaoyuan 's chest with his sword. Wei Gaoyuan flashed himself behind the younger brother Lu and the coming sword lost its target.

Almost at the same time, Wei Gaoyuan crossed the wooden sword in his right hand, and the hilt of the sword precisely hit the younger brother Lu's Point of Tan Zhong, whose condensed Internal Qi was hit dispersed, and without any pause, following this hit was a slap on the back of younger brother Lu, who was slapped flying to hit the coming sword.

(Point of Tan Zhong: one of the points in human body, at about the middle of the chest)

"Brother Gu! Look out!" shouted the teenager with the scimitar.

Facing with younger brother Lu who was almost hitting the point of his sword, brother Gu had no choice but to took back the long sword to catch him. However, Wei Gaoyuan didn't give him the choice, stepping forward fast to give them a round kick!

Brother Gu and younger brother plopped together onto the ground.

At this time the teenager with the scimitar jump out and hacked at Wei Gaoyuan's face, "You wretch! You…sneak attack!"

"You call that a sneak attack?" Wei Gaoyuan gave a sigh of disdain, moved his steps to evade the scimitar strike and let out a swift kick to sweep the opponent to the ground.

Brother Gu and younger brother Lu had got up and attacked Wei Gaoyuan respectively from his left and right with the sword and the scabbard — younger brother Lu's sword was in Wei Gaoyuan's hand.

"Good boy, you're presenting your scabbard~~" Wei Gaoyuan threw out the wooden sword, which was shooting to brother Gu like an arrow.

In an astonishment, Brother Gu crossed his sword hastily to parry it.

Wham! The wooden sword hit the body of his sword. Brother Gu only felt a strong force passing to his own hand through his sword. Even though clenching his teeth to hold the sword, he failed; His sword was knocked out of his hand by the hit!

Just now he'd realized that their prey was far stronger than all of them; a bad hunter would become a good prey!

It was too late for him to wake up. Wei Gaoyuan had grasped the scabbard of brother Lu, who was focusing and pouring his Internal Qi onto his sword to pull it back. But it soon hit a much more powerful Internal Qi through the body of sword!

Like a rubber ball hitting a wall, younger brother Lu was hit flying out by his own Internal Qi which was bounced back!

All this happened in a quite short time just before the teenager with the scimitar got up from the ground.

"You wanna continue?" Wei Gaoyuan glanced around the three with menace.

The teenager with the scimitar seemed to be unwilling to quit, but brother Gu was silent for a moment and said, "We're not match for you… we out."

Wei Gaoyuan nodded slightly, "Well, leave your pine crystals and Escape Fu."

Brother Gu didn't hesitate and took out a pine crystal from his bosom pocket. Younger brother Lu and the teenager with the scimitar lowered their heads without any action.

Wei Gaoyuan looked at them two coldly, "Do I have to take it myself?"

With an embarrassed look on his face, brother Gu carefully said, "We three got only one pine crystal… as for the Escape Fu... "

"What? Only one?"

Brother Gu's explanation was interrupted by Wei Gaoyuan, who stared at him suspiciously and said, "are you kidding me?"

"No, that's no good for us," brother Gu spread out his hands and said helplessly, " so we decided to rob..."

Wei Gaoyuan was speechless. Pine crystals wouldn't be issue as he'd got 117 from the trees, adding theirs, it was 118. So he said in a low voice, "then hand over your Escape Fu!"

All three looked hesitated and didn't react.

"One pine crystal, no Escape Fu, please give me a reason to let you go," Wei Gaoyuan said coldly, raising his sword.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it!" shrieked younger brother Lu. As Wei Gaoyuan's sword was raised, he quickly took out his own Escape Fu and handed it over.

Seeing this situation, brother Gu and the teenager handed theirs to Wei Gaoyuan as well, frustratedly.

Putting them to the bag, Wei Gaoyuan turned to leave when a low voice came hesitantly from behind, "That... Could you... give me back… my sword?"

"Sorry, I need a sword, so I'll take yours," Wei Gaoyuan refused and threw out an Escape Fu to younger brother Lu, saying, "take this, exchange for your sword."

Younger brother Lu took it with a sigh. What a fair deal! Exchange my Escape Fu for my sword?!