The End, or the Outset

As the voice came, three figures appeared on the deck, then jumped down and landed on the ground.

It turned quiet around at once, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed for a time. Faced with the envoys of the four major sects, the teenagers hardly dare to breathe.

The three from the high of flying ship were all middle-aged men in different uniforms. One of them, wearing the uniform of Tri-harmo Clan, said amiably to Wei Gaoyuan, "Boy, uh, Wei Gaoyuan, which Family are you from?"

"Senior, I've got no Family," Wei Gaoyuan replied respectfully.

"Oh? No Family?" all four envoys were wearing surprised expressions.

"Hmm…Wei…Gao…yuan…" the envoy of the East Mountain Sword Clan whispered, then looked up at Wei Gaoyuan, "so you are the Wei Gaoyuan."

The other three envoys got confused, "Brother Guang De knows the boy?"

The envoy of the East Mountain Sword Clan looked Wei Gaoyuan up and down, smiled, "I have heard of you. Before the departure, Miss Yunyi mentioned you particularly; she told me if your performance in the trial meets the criterion, just enroll you as an outer disciple of the East Mountain Sword Clan."

Miss Yunyi? Was it Mu Yunyi? The daughter of the Leader of the East Mountain Sword Clan knew this boy?

If so, the other three envoys' looks changed, there would be little chance for them three of competing with Miss Yunyi.

It was the East Mountain Sword Clan that was breaking the rule.

While Wei Gaoyuan naturally dreamed to be a disciple of the East Mountain Sword Clan, he knew it more clearly than others here that he was not qualified to be one of the Taoism Followers because of his fake spiritual root, otherwise three years ago, he could have been enrolled by the East Mountain Sword Clan.

Thinking of this point, he bowed his head and said honestly, "Seniors, I shouldn't make it covered up in front of you… Three years ago, I'd been tested…I've got the fake spiritual root…no capacity to cultivate the Taoism Arts."

Upon hearing Wei Gaoyuan's statement, the expressions of many persons around him changed. The envoy of the East Mountain Sword Clan gave an approving nod and said nothing; the other three envoys were silent, a little disappointment in their eyes.

Some of the teenagers around showed admiration, some gave sighs, some got sneers on the faces, and some were even gloating about it.

Gu Qianqian, who'd been listening without any words, couldn't help asking by now, "You…own the fake spiritual root?! Really?!!"

Wei Gaoyuan nodded, "Truly, the result of test showed it's the fake spiritual root…"

Gu Qianqian fell into silent. She'd also tested her own ever, it turned out to be the superior spiritual root. That was to say, she didn't need to come here for the trial, and was allowed to directly enter one of the four major sects after she reached the Mystery; why she came here was to compete with Wei Gaoyuan in the trial, and she lost, unfortunately.

Not surprisingly, she thought originally that Wei Gaoyuan's quality in spiritual root should not be inferior to hers, but it turned out to be… Did that mean he actually got an extraordinary constitution in cultivation of the Martial Arts? He was born for the Martial Arts?

After a slight disappointment flashing on the face, the envoy of the Ancient-Stream Sword Clan laughed, "The Fake spiritual root is good, my sect just wanna select the outer disciple in the trial. The fake spiritual root, if without any exception, might be the key to reach the stage of the Nature, I mean…he was the right one my sect plan to enroll."

His words just made other envoys woke up, "We do come here for enrollment of outer disciples. The fake spiritual root is certainly more suitable for cultivation of the Martial Arts, he's a rare genius for the Martial Arts. Otherwise, we might have directly tested the spiritual roots of all participants rather than launched the trial..."

It was truly beyond Wei Gaoyuan consideration. He thought he would be abandoned by all four sects after they got the truth. Hence at the moment he could hardly know how to react it.

As a matter of fact, no one had told him that spiritual roots was actually divided into several levels: the common spiritual root, the inferior spiritual root, the medium spiritual root, the superior spiritual root, the supreme spiritual root, the earth spiritual root, the heavenly spiritual root, the innate spiritual root...

The fake spiritual root was indeed a unique existence—though impossible to cultivate the Taoism Arts, the one with it tended to be the right one in the Martial Arts, so it was universally regarded as an rarer spiritual root than the common spiritual root.

The Taoism Follower with the common spiritual root, as usual, tended to reach the stage of Building Base, roughly equivalent in power to the Mystery in the Martial Arts system, and the Martial Artist with the fake spiritual root was most likely to became a much mightier one at the Nature.

As a result, to the four major sects his fake spiritual root turned out to be far more valuable than the common spiritual root.

The main reason why the four major sects had to launch the trial, instead of directly testing their spiritual roots, was that even if the inferior spiritual root was usually too rare, recognized as one in ten thousand. Except for Gu Qianqian, there might found none with the inferior spiritual root among nearly 200 participants; As for any participant with the spiritual root above the medium, God might told where he was now.

The East Mountain Sword Clan was Wei Gaoyuan's first priority, however, its envoy had been very quiet and expressed nothing yet; It was a long time before he spoke, " Originally, I'd like to enroll you into the East Mountain Sword Clan but…frankly, to your talent and current stage, it might not be the best choice, it might even delay the progress of your further cultivation..."

His remark made all the other three envoys fall into deep thinking.

Sixteen years old as Wei Gaoyuan was, never entering into any sects, he'd reached eighth level of the Mystery by almost his own efforts alone in the club; such a rare talent, which of the four major sects could be confident in offering him the best cultivation methods?

A moment later, the envoy of the East Mountain Sword Clan broke the silence, "How long has it been since the last one appeared? I mean…the one appeared last time, who even got the key to the world of the Taoism Arts through the hard cultivation and talents of the Martial Arts (the Martorian )… "

"It's almost been… hundreds of years?" said the envoy of the Ancient-Stream Sword Clan, then his eyes brightened suddenly. "You mean the boy was likely to break through the peak of the Nature in the Martial Arts and get into the stage of Condensed Qi in the Taoism Arts? Only through the cultivation of the Martial Arts?!! That…crazy!!!"

"I'm not sure,actually… anyway, I think we should… give him the chance and…the hope, even if it's so so slim, I know it… " said of the envoy of the East Mountain Sword Clan.

The envoy of Yan Hua Clan raised his brow,"Brother Guang De, you don't intend to recommend him to Sect of Dual Sword, do you?"

"Yes…I do…" the envoy of the East Mountain Sword Clan nodded.

"It's too hard! No way…" the envoy of the Ancient-Stream Sword Clan said very seriously, "yes, yes… Sect of Dual Sword do set up the Martorism school, but that's been the past… now they'd even got no Martorian at the stage of Condensed Qi; what I concern more, they'd always been so strict in enrollment, the fake spiritual root…that's just impossible!"

The envoy of the East Mountain Sword Clan made a sigh, looking at Wei Gaoyuan with regret, " Finally, Martorism's still the rough patch of road!"

"Exactly," the envoy of the Tri-harmo Clan shook his head slightly, "I believe every one with the spiritual root would never choose this road. "

"So, we'd better not give him such a chance and a hope, after all, to be a Martial Artist at the Nature was not a small achievement," said the envoy of Yan Hua Clan.

Certainly, Wei Gaoyuan himself could not be satisfied with the stage of the Nature, but he wouldn't speak it out, as a matter of fact, he didn't knew how to make it clear to the envoys, just standing there silently to wait for their conclusion.

After a long discussion, the four envoys didn't decide a right sect suitable for him around the same level of the four major sects; for those which were much stronger than the four major sects, it would beyond their capacity, undoubtedly impossible to get him a ticket. So how to properly arrange Wei Gaoyuan was suspended finally.

One day later, with the participants returned, the coast turned pretty lively again.

Many latecomers showed great surprise when hearing Wei Gaoyuan had obtained more than one hundred pine crystals, but their expressions soon appeared different while knowing such a unique peer actually couldn't cultivate the Taoism Arts.

The trial ended.

The East Mountain Sword Club eventually became the biggest winner: apart from Wei Gaoyuan, there were Hu Xiaoshu, Lin, and Li Xiaochun, who returned last with one pine crystal.

As was announced by the four envoys, a total of nineteen persons had finally brought the pine crystals, but they knew that only ten pine crystals were laid around the island secretly.

Nine of the nineteen exceeded their preplanning.