Liu Xingfei

Liu Xingfei, who entered the outer section of the East Mountain Sword Clan four years ago as a teenager at just Transforming Force of the Undistinguishment. And after three years of almost relentless cultivation, he'd reached the top of eighth level of the Mystery, which literally towered over other 14 disciples in the same period.

Liu Xingfei's great efforts were obvious, the consumption record of his contribution points could prove it. With a high-speed consumption, he needed to earn himself the points today.

Except for those new disciples, the old mission hunters in the outer section all knew clearly that the mission of unknown difficulty was not so ideal as it seemed in description. Most of such missions usually wouldn't be a good dish in that its actual difficulty might turn out to be much higher than its contribution points.

There were probably a few surprises during suppressing bandits like spending much longer time than expected. Therefore, such sort of mission tended to be the last option of both the strong hunter and the weak one. As a result, the mission of suppressing the bandits for Chu Village had been on the board for two days.

Liu Xingfei decided to take this mission, for a girl.

More than a year ago, he went down the mountain to do some affair for the outer section and went through the village by chance, where he met a girl and became her good friend then. Thus, upon seeing this mission, he knew he had to do something.

As Liu Xingfei was registering his information for the mission, Wei Gaoyuan also made his decision and handed the identity tag to the chief officer, "Salute the chief officer, I'm Wei Gaoyuan, a new disciple."

"Boy, what can I do for you?" asked the chief officer.

"May I take the mission of suppressing the bandits for Chu Village?" Wei Gaoyuan said.

Oh? Liu Xingfei was not far from him, who looked over here while hearing Wei Gaoyuan's inquiry.

Meanwhile Wei Gaoyuan also discovered Liu Xingfei. Freezing for a moment, he asked, "Excuse me, brother, you've taken this mission already?"

The chief officer said first as Liu Xingfei was still thinking how to answer it, "This task has no limit to the number of participants, so, if don't mind, you can cooperate."

Cooperate... Wei Gaoyuan hesitated. The mission offered only 15 contribution points. If completed in cooperation, each would only get about a half points. Besides, he was just a freshman, senior earned more…It seemed not a good deal.

At that time, Liu Xingfei asked, "This junior brother, you've never taken any mission, have you?"

"Greet brother, I haven't, I'm a freshman," Wei Gaoyuan saluted Liu Xinfei.

"Don't mention it," Liu Xingfei said. "This mission might not be so easy. Junior brother just entered the section, I mean, you'd better not take risks because the mission told little about the bandits."

Although Wei Gaoyuan didn't know if the brother was unwilling to cooperate with himself or was just a kind reminder, he had to admit that the brother's warning was justified. If there was some unexpected bandit above the seventh level of the Mystery in this mission it would be really troublesome.

But…what if none of the bandits was above the ninth level?

He chose to roll the dice.

Wei Gaoyuan thought for a moment and said: "Thank you, brother, for your kind suggestion. Brother must be strong enough, I believe,ang and couldn't get few choices on the board, would you mind giving this mission to me?"

"Give it to you?" Liu Xingfei was amazed. He never expected this junior brother could make such a request.

Actually he didn't mean to eat the cheesecake all himself but just worried that this freshman might be rather weak so that it would distract his attention to take care of the junior brother in case of unexpected danger in mission.

A newborn calf was never afraid of a tiger.

"May I ask junior brother's stage? Uh…the ninth level?" Liu Xingfei asked.

"Above the ninth level," Wei Gaoyuan replied.

"Oh?!" Liu Xingfei's eyes lit up.

As usual, new disciples at the ninth level were all the top geniuses in their respective cities, let alone, from his words just now, he seemed at the top of the ninth level.

This junior brother was a real surprise so that he might be a good teammate rather than a headache.

Liu Xingfei smiled," I'm Liu Xingfei, from Cyan-Feather Peak."

"I'm Wei Gaoyuan, the disciple of Dark-Feather Peak." Wei Gaoyuan said.

Liu Xingfei continued,"Well, junior brother Wei…if you don't mind, we may cooperate, and if everything goes well, each of us will receive seven points, and the left one to exchange other useful items, which will also be divided into two halves. What do you think?"

"What if it doesn't go well?" Wei Gaoyuan asked.

"If so, the division will just depend on how well we complete the mission; if couldn't complete the mission, we'll bother nothing about contributing points." Liu Xingfei said.

"Alright, as brother Liu planned, I'll follow you." Wei Gaoyuan nodded.

Liu Xingfei might not have perceived Wei Gaoyuan's exact level because of his unique cultivation methods. In contrast, Wei Gaoyuan could roughly perceive Liu Xingfei's stage according to the Qi he exuded around; this brother should be slightly stronger than himself and had not reached the seventh level yet. The team just got almost balanced between the power of teammates.


The Chu Village was not at the foot of the East-Lee Mountain but located dozens of miles away from it. it was a village of less than 50 households.

One day later, Liu Xingfei and Wei Gaoyuan arrived at the Chu Village in the evening. Standing by the entrance, they found that the doors and windows of all houses were closed, full of depressed atmosphere.

"Is anyone there?" Liu Xingfei shouted

After a long while, no one responded, Liu Xingfei frowned.

"We just go in," Wei Gaoyuan said.

"Alright!" Liu Xingfei stepped into the village first.

Whoosh! A sound came through the air! And Liu Xingfei's eyes instantly narrowed into a line, seeing a black speck shooting fast here.


Liu Xingfei shouted as he pulled out his sword and swung at the black speck. Thwack! Two objects fell down beside his feet.

It was an arrow, which was cut into two halves.

"A beautiful stroke of sword!" Wei Gaoyuan commended it in his heart. This brother was indeed extraordinary.

Some low noise came from the distant roof. The two of Wei Gaoyuan looked over there, Liu Xingfei said loudly, "I'm Liu Xingfei, this is my junior brother Wei Gaoyuan. We came here for rescue, under the order of outer section of the East Mountain Sword Clan."

The noise from the roof disappeared after his introduction and a moment later turned louder.

A voice of a middle-aged man came, "Do the two young warriors really come from the East Mountain Sword Clan?"

"We do, " Liu Xingfei replied. "You can send someone to check our identity tags."

The voice trailed off again. It seemed that a few people were discussing. After a long while, a huge figure appeared in distance.

That was a middle-aged man, with his right hand on his waist and a long bow hanging behind him. Wei Gaoyuan had perceived the middle-aged man's stage, at about Exterior Force. But it seemed something wrong with his body because of his kind of unsteady walking pace.

After a few seconds, the middle-aged man came to their front, his waist wrapped in bandages, his right hand holding on the handle of a long scimitar, his eyes full of vigilance.

Seeing Liu Xingfei and Wei Gaoyuan wearing the uniforms of the East Mountain Sword Clan, the middle-aged man got relieved a little. He said, "I'm Chu Shan'gao, greet two young warriors."

"Uncle Chu, you get injured?" Liu Xingfei seemed to know the middle-aged man. Staring at the bandages, his face appeared severe.

"You are..." Chu Shan'gao's eyes flashed, then asked in surprise, "You are young warrior Liu?"

"Yes, it's me! Liu Xingfei!" Liu Xingfei asked, "Who hurt you? You're not badly hurt, are you?"

"No, not badly," Chu Shan'gao shook his head and then said joyfully "Great! You're here! The warriors of the East Mountain Sword Clan are here!"

He turned back and shouted, "Everyone just come out! they are the young warriors from the East Mountain Sword Clan! "

After his cry, dozens of people ran out from the road between the houses, and everyone seemed to be cheering… The rescuer finally came!

An old man, whose hair and long beard were all white, was walking behind the crowd and stepping forward then. His expression became serious while seeing the two of Wei Gaoyuan,"Greet two young warriors, and with all due respect, is there anyone else coming with you?"

"No," Liu Xingfei replied, "just two of us, I am at the eighth level of the Mystery, junior brother Wei was the top of the ninth level, could you tell us something about the bandits? "

Liu Xingfei glanced around the crowd as he spoke, "Where's Xiaoyue?"

Upon hearing the name of Xiaoyue, Chu Gaoshan's look turned gloomy instantly, and all villagers were speechless.

With his heart sinking, Liu Xingfei felt something bad must happened, "What happened to her!?"

Chu Shan'gao sighed in sadness, "The group of bandits attacked the village seven days ago. Xiaoyue was taken by one of their leaders, who said…said…" he sighed deeply, shaking his head, "we're too powerless to protect Xiaoyue…"

Chu Shan'gao subconsciously looked at his waist, his throat too tight to speak.