Nothing Happened

You finally tore up your mask.

Wei Gaoyuan was not afraid of a competition, but now it was not the right time because he'd paid three contribution points and wasted on the dispute for a long time. If they went out the wind basin for a competition in Martial Arts, he would waste at least one point. Who paid for it ?

So he shook his head and said, "Wanna a competition? Tomorrow! Today, I just have to practice here."

"What?! You dare say it again?!!" the tall man suddenly raised the voice.

"I'd paid. Don't waste my time…" Wei Gaoyuan said.

The tall man's eyes flashed devilish light and suddenly screamed angrily, "How dare you insult me!?"

An annoying pudding, too sticky!

As Wei Gaoyuan was thinking how to get rid of it, the tall man gave him a palm-strike all of a sudden!

Fortunately, Wei Gaoyuan had got ready secretly while the tall man became furious just now. He took a few steps back fast. Seeing the strike missed, the tall man raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Good! A nice dodge! Just look at this one!"

With a sneer in his heart, the tall man moved his steps swiftly close to Wei Gaoyuan and shot another palm-strike.

Wei Gaoyuan moved aside about one meter this time, and avoided it again.

"No wonder you dare go to Cyan-Feather Peak to challenge! Look at this!" the tall man's expression became serious. He started to run and concentrate his Internal Qi before the third strike came out.

After a short while, the third palm-strike was shot, with a howl of wind.

The strike seemed to be quite heavy and powerful, which had been roaring to cover and block almost all the ways to evade. Wei Gaoyuan found it was no time to run his Internal Qi together to take it, but to give out the pattern of "Iron Arch Bridge" right as the palm was just about to bang into his chest!

(Iron Arch Bridge: a life-saving Martial Arts trick usually used to dodge enemy's sudden Concealed Weapon which is too fast to be evaded by just jumping or moving aside. It has to keep the upper body stiff and suddenly leans backwards, with the feet still fixed into the ground.)

The tall man's palm was flying close over Wei Gaoyuan's face and the wind of palm-strike blew his hair band away.

After avoiding the third strike fortunately, Wei Gaoyuan was enraged! The power and speed of the palm-strike showed the tall man had reached at least the bottom of eighth-level. If hit, his ribs must have been broken! Did the guy intend to kill him?!

The fighting of the two had attracted a few disciples' attention in the distance. Some glanced over here, some talked, "What happened there? Is that Ji Huzhe? He's bullying the new guy again??"

The tall man was Ji Huzhe, who entered Cyan-Feather Peak four years ago and was 21 years old this year. With a boyish face, he just looked like a 17, 18 years old, though.

The three strike all missed. Ji Huzhe's face turned extremely gloomy. Three patterns hadn't beaten over a new guy. Perceiving the glances around him, he once again assembled his Internal Qi. In next strike, he must knock Wei Gaoyuan down!

"I've taken your three patterns, it's my turn…" feeling the power of Qi from Ji Huzhe had reached its summit, Wei Gaoyuan snorted and pulled out the sword at his back.

Ji Huzhe was reminded that he should have taken Wei Gaoyuan's three punch-strikes, but it turned out to let his opponent take the three strikes of himself. He couldn't help but blushing with shame.

At this moment, Wei Gaoyuan's sword flashed over! The first pattern of "Eight Clouds in Dream", his most powerful pattern!

He knew the stage of this brother of Cyan-Feather was absolutely no less eighth-level. So, it must be the "first cloud."

There was nobody around who could tell how this sword-stroke was like except Ji Huzhe himself. He never thought Wei Gaoyuan would really pull out the sword and launch such a decisive sword-strike. Having been astonished for just a blink of eyes, he saw all sword-shadows with a few branches flying over him from all angles, as if the space around him were filled up with countless flying swords! How to resist so many swords!?

"Am I going to die?!" Ji Huzhe couldn't move or speak out but cried in his heart, "No! No! I don't wanna die! You can't kill me!!!"


In the looks of doubt and amazement around, Ji Huzhe hit the ground with a thud.

The long sword of Wei Gaoyuan stopped in the air. Actually, as long as it kept moving an inch forward, there must have been a little hole between Ji Huzhe's eyebrows. Wei Gaoyuan didn't want to, and mustn't, kill his opponent, the brother from the same outer section after all; he just want to teach his opponent to quit.

As soon as he stopped the sword, however, a wrist-thick branch in the wind was shooting and hit the temple of Ji Huzhe exactly, making him pass out immediately.

Wei Gaoyuan didn't expect such an accident either. Freezing in the silence and stillness for a while, he quickly reached for the breath of Ji Huzhe, who was, fortunately, still alive, only with a slight hurt next to his temple.

Wei Gaoyuan took a long breath and then aware of many stares over here.

He slid the sword back into the scabbard quickly and said aloud, "Sisters and brothers, please testify for me, this brother was injured by the branch just now…"

There was no voice in response, only a number of curious gazes and discussion coming with the wind.

"The little junior brother seems like a freshman, kind of cute~"

"It should be, just pulling out the sword openly against Ji Huzhe, and defeated him by chance."

"He was not only defeated, he was almost killed!"

"Ji Huzhe was silly? Standing still just now to be stabbed?"

"Who knows... Maybe…maybe that lovable boy's sword pattern is too~too~magic that he was so frightened…"

"Are you kidding me? That sword-stroke could frighten Ji Huzhe, an eighth-level, into a stupid statue?! "

"Maybe he's not a new guy~"

"Just look at him, he mustn't be over 20 years old, I guess… Is it possible that no one knows such a disciple who entered two years ago and can defeat Ji Huzhe with only one sword-stroke??"

"You made a good point! Anyway, I'm gonna get closer to my little junior brother~"

As Wei Gaoyuan found no one responded and felt it would be another headache, a bunch of brothers and sisters suddenly gathered around him with all kinds of questions. Some sisters even reached out and gently squeezed his face…

Hey, hey, brothers and sisters, I'm not a new monkey!!

Before long, Wei Gaoyuan was dizzy by the rain of questions around, not noticing there were two disciples, in the uniforms of Law Enforcement Hall, standing quietly behind the crowd.

(Law Enforcement Hall: a functional division responsible for maintaining law and order in the outer section. It is composed of disciples selected from all Peaks except the division of Garden of Nine Herbs.)

After a long while, the voice around turned down gradually, and the two disciples of Law Enforcement Hall got their way out of the crowd and asked, "What's going on here? Anyone was fighting here?"

Wei Gaoyuan's heart sank, knowing that big trouble was coming soon. He lowered his head, wanting to explain. But before he opened his mouth, one sister in the uniform of Scarlet-Feather walked out of the crowd and said with a smile, "No one fought, we've been here for long~ Did anyone see any fight here?"

A brother in the crowd, wearing the uniform of Dark-Feather, added, "I saw it clearly. Ji Huzhe was accidentally injured just now, by a branch in wind during his training. Junior brother Wei was just the closest to him and came for detecting his breath first. That's it~"

After the two took the lead to explain, the crowds didn't deny it, and a few voices even agreed.

There were some disciples of Cyan-Feather not far away, one of them was going to speak before someone pulled his sleeve from the back, "Just keep silent! He'd lost! Lost to a new guy!!"

"Well," the disciple of Law Enforcement Hall said, "everyone, dismiss! Junior brother Ji was injured by a branch during training. He needs an immediate medical help!"

The crowds gave a way soon for the two disciples of Law Enforcement Hall to lift Ji Huzhe out.

Feeling hundreds of pounds lighter, Wei Gaoyuan nodded to the crowd to express his thanks, and glanced over the direction of the two disciples of Law Enforcement Hall, one of them looked back, gave him a smile and then left…