See You Here Again

Eight productive days went by so fast. These days, Wei Gaoyuan went to the wind basin to train himself for about an hour each day; most of the rest of time he kept strengthening his Internal Qi and practicing how to control and use it well; at night, he infiltrated into the dream space to learn and cultivate "Eight Clouds in Dream."

In the past few days, there had been two or three small frictions between the disciples of Cyan-, Dark- and Scarlet-Feather, without casualties, fortunately.

And unfortunately, Wei Gaoyuan was running out of the contribution points…

During the day in the outer section, there was no place busier than the Exchange House, which was even more lively than the wind basin; there were always crowds of disciples in and out there, who were looking for their suitable missions or exchanging kinds of items.

Every two years, the East Mountain Sword Clan would launch a selection for enrolling new disciples, ten to twenty people each time; they would graduate after about twenty years, which was also called "Going Down the Mountain."

The selection, however, was not the only access to get into the clan. For example, if some rich family could afford a quite large price, they could also get their offspring a ticket, as so-called "registered disciples"; surely, so could some other related connections. Therefore, there were as many as hundreds of disciples in the clan now.

Although a saying went: The rich Martial Artist and the poor scholar, learning Martial Arts well did depend much on talents. As a result, those disciples who entered through the selection tended to been more highly valued in the clan due to their talents.

And for Jin Dashun, he just belonged to those who owned little outstanding talents in Martial Arts. For two years, since entering Garden of Nine Herbs, he had not reached the Mystery, or not even the Transforming Force of the Undistinguishment. Among the registered disciples entering in the same period, he was nicknamed "Power 5"— A man whose combat ability was only 5 points.

However, god opened a window for him while closing his door; Jin Dashun was a real genius in planting herbs. He was able to bring any seed to a beautiful life. And that was why few disciples looked down upon the hotshot of Garden of Nine Herbs despite his 5 combat power.

And now, Jin Dashun was submitting a mission in the Exchange House on behalf of the Elder in Garden of Nine Herbs: To bring the seed of Full Moon Flower.

Full Moon Flower, cold in property, bloomed only on the full moon night; it could not only neutralize the effect of Internal Qi of Yang, but also absorb Internal Qi of Yin; so it had the magic power to treat most internal injuries with either Yin or Yang Internal Qi, and was a significant ingredient in other elixirs as well.

However, to get it was not that easy because it grew only in the places of extreme Yin, like an ancient cemetery.

When Wei Gaoyuan came to the Mission Board, the mission of Full Moon Flower had just been pasted on. He glanced up at it: Difficulty— unknown; Reward— 30 contribution points.

Staring at "30," Wei Gaoyuan nodded with a sigh. Life was definitely far more precious than contribution points! Thinking of the bandit head in white encountered in last mission, he couldn't help but get a chilly shiver.

He moved his eyes onto other missions when one of his old acquaintances showed up not far behind him— Liu Xingfei.

When Liu Xingfei arrived in the Mission Hall, he first saw Wei Gaoyuan standing in front of the board. Stopping for a second with a little surprise, he walked straight to the Mission Board and tapped Wei Gaoyuan on the shoulder, "Hey~ Junior brother Wei, see you here again~"

"Ah, brother Liu!" Wei Gaoyuan quickly greeted with a bow.

"Come on~ Not that bow… Seeing you here means…" Liu Xingfei smiled, "your contribution points is run out??"

Wei Gaoyuan nodded, with a tortured and helpless face, "Our outer section is a bit stingy… it only took me a few days to use them up, that's the points for which I exchanged my life~~"

"Hahaha, the contribution point in our outer section was supposed bigger than monetary stuff~ So, it's not easy to get it," Liu Xingfei smiled, putting his hand on the shoulders of Wei Gaoyuan, "or…how about working together again? "

"Good, certainly, if brother Liu could let me in your team~ And… what do you think of that one?" Wei Gaoyuan directly pointed to the mission of Full Moon Flower.

"Oh? Another unknown difficulty?" Liu Xingfei revealed a curious look as he was skimming through it and murmured, "uh…the seeds of Full Moon Flower… Is our outer section short of Full Moon Flower?"

After thinking for a while, he raised his head and said, "It must have been listed by someone of Garden of Nine Herbs… Jin Dashun? Perhaps… Except for too mean, he is a good guy~ Thirty contribution points, even much higher than the last mission we did…"

Hearing "the last mission," Wei Gaoyuan's face looked as if he had eaten rotten cabbage.

In terms of last mission, he'd asked other brothers: a mission with a seventh-level enemy should be classified as a three-star difficulty, at least 30 points. Yet they got only 20, almost losing their lives and bringing back half a chest of treasure.

"Or, we move to another one?" Wei Gaoyuan said.

"Okay~ Just skip those unknown difficulty, after all, it's Fatty Jin who might post that mission; you don't know him, in any deal, he'll never throw himself in a lower position…" while speaking, Liu Xingfei turned his attention to other missions without noticing a fat, just slightly fat, disciple behind him was walking slowly over here.

Wei Gaoyuan saw it, and thought it was just someone searching for missions. But unexpectedly, that disciple said with a bitter forced smile, "Brother Liu, I'm so sad to be that low in your heart~ But, you know, the contribution point was precious, I have to be most careful, with so little authority given by my Elder, so little…"

After Jin Dashun submitted the mission, he wandered around the trading area to search anything fancy, and wanted to confirm before leaving if his mission had been listed on the board, and he just heard Liu Xingfei was highly commending himself.

In the Exchange House, Liu Xingfei didn't have to keep vigilant, and was startled by the voice behind. He suddenly turned around and found "Fatty Jin" of his remark.

He didn't show any embarrassment and regrets but continued to scold with a smile, "Hi, Fatty Power 5~~You'll win if you can tell any time you did not hold back the contribution point, won't you?"

"Well, well, I'm so lucky to get a new title… But every one knows I'm not fatty at all~ Just a slight…beefy! "in fact, Jin Dashun was not so fatty.

He did not get angry, but laughed awkwardly and said, "My brother Liu, you know I come from the merchant's family; you also know, there is no such a merchant as hates a fortune. So~ if a flock of wild geese flew over my head," Jin Dashun stopped and then continued as rolling his head, "I have to pluck just one feather from each of them. It's reasonable! Could you find anything more reasonable, logical than that?"

"One feather? It must be one handful of feathers from each one!" Liu Xingfei rolled his eyes and responded, "okay, no nonsense, 60 points, junior brother Wei and I just help you to take this mission! "

He seemed to know Jin Dashun quite well and directly doubled the reward.

Jin Dashun rolled his eyes and grumbled, "Brother Liu, my dear brother Liu, you're trapping me! The elder allocated a total of 50 points to this mission! Just 50 points in total! I can't run a special errand for the Garden, and return at the cost of losing my own points…" he stopped at once while realizing he'd let it slip.

But Liu Xingfei didn't stop, "To believe you? I'd rather believe I could plant Full Moon Flower myself!"

"…" Jin Dashun kept frowning and shaking his head with a sigh, which made Wei Gaoyuan think that Liu Xingfei's bid seemed too high.

Liu Xingfei estimated it was nearly the right time. He stretched out his arm and opened his hand, "One price, 50 points! Leave 10 points for your errand, much more than 'one feather,' you take it, or we leave it. "

Jin Dashun looked still hesitating, embarrassment on his face fading away little.

Seeing his reaction, Liu Xingfei proceeded to threw a little more gasoline on the little flame, "I guess you know, few hunters in the outer section never heard the wonderful things about you, except the new comers like junior brother Wei, who are about…Err…"he turned to Wei Gaoyuan. "How many new guys like you?"

"About 10," Wei Gaoyuan answered.

"10 new guys… all together, to find the seed of Full Moon Flower, too~~ easy~~"

Jin Dashun sighed again, and said with a painful face, "Alright…alright! Just follow brother Liu, you know, I'm just cutting myself to feed you! 50 points!! And… don't forget me if you get something nice during the mission~ Wish you good luck!"

"Of course, we will, if we get~" Liu Xingfei responded with a smile as planning out the mission in mind.

He was not unfamiliar with the Full Moon Flower. Even if some brothers or sisters would like to join in, it might not go smoothly…