Goodbye! Senior Lie!

Wei Gaoyuan's big eyes and mouth made Lie Qianshan asked, "It's like…you don't know your own talent in spiritual root?"

"Senior, I did. I've tested it, it's fake spiritual root… that's why I have to choose the road of Martial Arts," Wei Gaoyuan responded truthfully.

"Fake spiritual root? Rediculous!" Lie Qianshan immediately denied it, and asked. "Where, and when did you get the test? Who gave you the test?"

Wei Gaoyuan explained it all to him, including the changes of the test crystal cylinder in details at that time. It made Lie Qianshan lost in a deep thought.

The test crystal cylinder lit up first and went out soon; it was indeed the sign of fake spiritual root. But Wei Gaoyuan's current situation just couldn't prove it…


"Just do exactly as what I tell you next! Don't ask why!" Lie Qianshan suddenly said, "sitting cross-legged! Sink Internal Qi into Dantian! Drive Internal Qi around your 8 extraordinary meridians! Then 12 regular meridians! Flow it in a full circle! Slow down! Okay…too slow!!..."

Wei Gaoyuan knew Lie Qianshan was teaching him a cultivation method of Internal Qi and tried hard to follow his instruction as quickly as possible. With breathing in and out in a subtle way, the air around him was flowing and undulating slowly like colorless clear liquid, and after a few flow-in-full-circles, a cloud of silver vapor just rose from above his head.

"Stop!" Lie Qianshan suddenly stopped it.

Wei Gaoyuan stopped and exhaled a long breath, opened his eyes, looking unwilling to stop. The short while practice of breathing just gave him a wonderful feeling, a feeling of Internal Qi touching inside system of his body, accumulating little by little, purified bit by bit and…he just couldn't describe that feeling precisely.

"That's it! The Transcendent Spiritual Root!!" Lie Qianshan could hardly conceal excitement in his eyes.

Just as he'd speculated, that stupid test crystal cylinder couldn't bear Wei Gaoyuan's spiritual root at all,whose level was too high!! In case of bursting itself, the crystal cylinder naturally extinguished soon after an abrupt red light rise.

(the Transcendent Spiritual Root: the supreme, the earth, the heavenly, and the innate spiritual root together are usually called Transcendent Spiritual Root.)

"Hahaha… Tao dosen't abandon me!!!" in an ecstasy of delight, Lie Qianshan burst a shout of laughter. For thousands of years, this division stream of his consciousness he'd ever left finally met a boy with the Transcendent Spiritual Root! Magin Religion wouldn't be erased from the page of history!!

Lie Qianshan himself was a genius with Transcendent Spiritual Root. He originally left his Universe in Bag just to try his luck, with little high expectation. But today, Tao presented him with such a boy, who just embarked on the start of cultivation. What a perfect seed of hope!

"Hahaha..." Lie Qianshan laughed as much as he pleased, then he stared at Wei Gaoyuan, "boy, do you wanna be a man to hold the whole world in your hand as soon as possible? Or even break the restraints of the mortal world, to stride out into a more spectacular world?!"

Wei Gaoyuan was too astonished to speak anything.

Throughout the pages of history, among countless martial artist, Taoism Followers, all kinds of dreamers, as many as stars in the universe, how many, however, could wake up from the dreams in dreams? How many could carve their names on the pages of history? How many could finally free themselves from the invisible shackles of the mortal world?

Wei Gaoyuan could not answer it certainly, but he knew the Cloud-Heaven Palace might be the highest mountain he couldn't get around in the future!

Fortunately, Lie Qianshan didn't knew his biggest dream was just to see his sister again. Most of the time, the dream was not a big meal for others, but a small dessert of dreamer alone.

Looking at Wei Gaoyuan's expression, Lie Qianshan had got the answer. He continued, " SONG OF MAGIN, I've taught you part of it just now, was the supreme internal cultivation method of Magin Religion; CHASING WIND SWORD, which includes sword patterns and movement tricks, was a set of combat techniques. Just learn them as hard as you can, try to condense the Essence in twenty years."

Enter into the stage of Golden Essence in twenty years?!! Senior, are you serious? Wei Gaoyuan was startled again by the speech of Lie Qianshan. The original goal of Wei Gaoyuan was trying his best, in twenty years, to become a man standing at the top of the Nature, and Lie Qianshan just raised this goal by two stages, by a few simple words, as simple as his breathing…

As Wei Gaoyuan opened his mouth and wanted to speak something, Lie Qianshan suddenly looked back then said, "Your brother's gonna to wake up, and… well, that's the end of my last words. Take them and leave. Within a hundred years, this place will be sealed completely by my force…After a hundred years, if you go smoothly in cultivation, by the way, return and kill Five Yinzi."

Wei Gaoyuan nodded. He knew it was the time to say goodbye to the senior, again.

"Thank you! Senior, I'll never forget what you've instructed me!"

"Well, after you leave, I'm starting to seal up this place with last bit of my power…" Lie Qianshan beckoned him out.

Wei Gaoyuan said respectfully, "Although I couldn't be your formal disciple, senior, please accept my respects!!"

Wei Gaoyuan immediately went down on his knees, with his forehead touching the ground! (A disciple's most formal and respectful courtesy to his master)

"Good! Good!! I accept it!!" Lie Qianshan smiled, floating in the air. "Boy, hope to see you again…"

The throat of the Captor who fell first was crushed and had been dead for a long time. Wei Gaoyuan first took out his body and returned to take out Qiu Mengqin and Liu Xingfei, both in comas.

"Senior, hope to see you again!" watching the stone door slammed, Wei Gaoyuan said in his heart.


The deep forest after midnight gave everyone a ghost of creepy feeling, strange noises coming and going, hoots with howls, sough after whistle, from time to time.

Among all people guarding the hole, Yu Wansu might be the most anxious. Four disciples set off from the outer section, only herself left safely now.

There were still a few hours before dawn. She decided not to wait for the reinforcements and said to the Captors, "Brothers, I have to go down right now!"

"Miss Yu, please wait!" Brother Zhao, the leader of Captors, stopped her. "We've still got no news from warrior Liu and Wei, including Miss Qiu, which might indicate the situation below isn't optimistic, we'd better continue guarding until the reinforcements come."

"But ... I'm just worried about them…" Yu Wansu said, without concealing her anxiety. "If something… happened to them…we came out together, and go back together!"

Brother Zhao was silent for a moment, and gritted his teeth, "I go with you!"

Then he turned to others, "Brothers, just leave the guarding to you! And wait for our reinforcements!"

"Yes! Head, trust us! Take care!!" the other Captors said seriously.

Brother Zhao jumped into the hole, and close behind was Yu Wansu.

Under the ground, Liu Xingfei had woken up from comas. He looked around blankly and murmured, "Where am I ...?"

"Great! Brother Liu, you woke up! " Wei Gaoyuan was pleased, who was doing meditation for a breathing adjustment.

"Junior brother Wei ... Ah!" Liu Xingfei wanted to get up but let out a painful moan. It seemed that he'd suffered bad internal injuries during the fight.

"Just do a breathing adjustment first to stabilize your internal injuries," Wei Gaoyuan said.

"All right!" Liu Xingfei sat cross-legged and started adjusting his breathing.

At this moment, two fire lights flashed and approached quickly with a girl's voice, "Brother Liu! Junior brother Wei! That's great!! You're all… Sister Qiu!!?"

"Sister Yu, Brother Zhao," Wei Gaoyuan greeted them. "Don't worry, sister Qiu will be fine; we're all injured, brother Liu was adjusting breathing to cure himself…"

"What happened??" brother Zhao asked as he quickly went up to check the condition of the Captor lying on the ground. After verifying that his companion was dead, this middle-aged man let out a long sigh, looking very somber.

"There is a secret room behind that stone door," Wei Gaoyuan pointed to the closed door. "We encountered an ancient Unorthodoxer inside, very powerful! When Brother Liu and I arrived, the Captor brother had been killed, I'm so sorry… sister Qiu should have been absorbed much of her essence by the Unorthodoxer… "

What he said was true. Blood stains was still at the corner of Liu Xingfei's mouth, and his own bandaged chest was also bloody.

Upon hearing an ancient Unorthodoxer who was able to take in the essence of people, both Yu Wansu and brother Zhao were shocked, after all, even the one as strong as Qiu Mengqin at fifth-level of the Mystery had been easily suck up the essence and still in a deep coma now.

Then the two looked at Wei Gaoyuan and Liu Xingfei; Yu Wansu asked, "How did you escape that evil Unorthodoxer?"