Hello! Jianghu!

Wei Gaoyuan was shocked. That might be the toughest one. The red-eyed Whining Dead with one Full Moon Flower in his mouth could block his blade with his claw. What about the four flowers? And the four-flower's pupils were glowing green.

He wanted to turn and run, but a Whining Dead behind him had stopped him, which filled him with a panic.

Liu Xingfei had considerable experience of Jianghu as he'd been before, his pace still steady. He gave a stab-strike to the Whining Dead in his way. His opponent didn't dodge, and stretched out the thin claws to grab his blade.

There came another sound of chopping wood. The claws blocked the blade but didn't get any damage. Liu Xingfei took the opportunity to let out a round-kick over the chest of the Whining Dead, who was hit and took several steps back.

Wei Gaoyuan was terrified virtually and had to behave calmly. He learned Liu Xingfei's attack style to wield his sword at the stems in the mouth of his opponent, and then kicked its chest while it reached out to block his sword.

He had just kicked away one, but hadn't got enough time to run as the green-eyed "four-flower-king" had clawed over his chest.

Before Wei Gaoyuan realized that the claw moved as fast as thunder, he had no time to dodge but raised his sword before his chest to block it in a rush.

The claw of the Green-eyed hit the blade of Wei Gaoyuan, and a full powerful impact came through the sword. Crash! Wei Gaoyuan was knocked off, flying back with his sword and fell into a pit.

"Junior brother Wei!" Liu Xingfei was shocked and hurried forward to rescue him, but was stopped by two red-eyed, and the green-eyed had turned its focus on Liu Xingfei.

Wei Gaoyuan wiped the dirt on his face, spat out the dust in his mouth, and tried to sit up.

Feeling the blood and Internal Qi revolving and boiling in his chest, he said "lucky" in his heart— lucky to block most power of the strike with the sword at the critical moment. If his chest got hit directly, he would be seriously injured even if didn't die.

When trying to calm down, Wei Gaoyuan saw the green-eyed was stepping towards Liu Xingfei. He picked up the sword immediately and wanted to give him a back-up, but suddenly he felt the weight of the sword in his hand was not good; the blade was broken in half!

That was awfully troublesome!

Wei Gaoyuan's heart sank at once. He was totally outmatched with a complete sword, knocked off by only one strike of the green-eyed, let alone a broken half. Besides, there was assistance of another two orange-eye, each with two flowers in the mouth.

Seeing that Liu Xingfei was surrounded and couldn't escape even with wings, Wei Gaoyuan remembered the sword in the Universe in Bag: Fall of Maple Leaf!

Although he couldn't exert its magic and power, it was obviously far better than fight with bare hands or broken sword. Without hesitation, his stream of consciousness flowed into the bag and took out Fall of Maple Leaf.

Liu Xingfei kicked off a red-eyed again, trying to get away. The green-eye jumped forward high after a roar, landed in front of him in an instant, and grabbed his chest.

Having witnessed the green-eyed slammed Wei Gaoyuan flying over by only one claw, Liu Xingfei knew it would be stupid to fight against it. He had to choose another direction to retreat. However, more than a dozen Whining Dead had surrounded him, leaving him no gap to escape.

At the critical moment, a dark cloud floating in the sky moving over and covered almost all the moon. The Grave of Wumen was shrouded in darkness at once. All the Whining Dead seemed to turn blind and deaf, losing the sense of direction and the aggressive consciousness for a while.

And that was just a saving-life while, Wei Gaoyuan rushed up and kept wielding Fall of Maple Leaf to chop across the dead crowd. Surprisingly, the body of the Whining Dead where Fall of Maple Leaf hit was cut off as easily as cutting pieces of standing tofu. Just a while, two Whining Dead were chopped into large pieces, and a few Full Moon Flowers stems had also been cut off from their mouths.

That dark clouds were moving away little by little, the moonlight gradually sprayed over the graveyard again. The Whining Dead began recovering their senses and moving about slightly. "Brother! Run!!" Wei Gaoyuan hurriedly pulled Liu Xingfei, who was still surprised at the scene that Wei Gaoyuan suddenly started cutting the toufu happily.

Liu Xingfei recovered himself immediately and rushed out through the gap Wei Gaoyuan had chopped through the circle of the Whining Dead. Without any exchange of any words, the two just kept running as fast as they could, for fear that the green-eyed king with four flowers would recover and chase them up.

The low roar sounded behind them, getting farther and farther though. Before long, the two had rushed out of Grave of Wumen and disappeared into the dark distance.

Until about an hour later, the two was speeding down. Having confirmed that the green-eye didn't chase after them, Liu Xingfei gasped and said, "Okay…slow down…have a… a rest…"

Wei Gaoyuan also ran at his fastest speed for long, his mouth feeling very dry. He looked back a few more times before taking out the kettle and taking a big mouthful.

"That green-eyed guy shouldn't follow…So pettish is that guy! We just took only one of their sweethearts!" Liu Xingfei complained.

"More good fame, more bad temper; and, not one…" Wei Gaoyuan raised his hand, holding one Full Moon Flower with a short stem.

"Hey, hey, you guy has learned to flee without empty hands! Great! We've got two now!" Liu Xingfei laughed, raising and waving anther one in his hand, "Dead fatty Power 5! I'm gonna help you to lose some weight!"

Wei Gaoyuan gave a sigh. Indeed, if without Fall of Maple Leaf, they might have joined the army of that four-flower king.

Then Liu Xingfei remembered something, stared at Wei Gaoyuan and said, "I didn't think you're so strong, just chopped off the leg of an orange-eyed with one stroke of sword! Your sword..."

Wei Gaoyuan knew that Liu Xingfei had noticed it, raising Fall of Maple Leaf before he asked," Thanks to this sword. As I fell into the pit, I touched it at the bottom of the pit, mine had broken during the battle, so, I used it without hesitation. It's pretty sharp!"

"Uh..." Liu Xingfei's face became serious. "Isn't this sword some talisman? It looked sort of unusual! I mean, it might be used to tame or expel those evil stuff… if so, we would throw the Grave of Wumen into great turmoil…"

Wei Gaoyuan reluctantly spread his hands and said, "I'd rather report it to the local government than go back that fucking place again, and the sword is quite to my taste~"

Fall of Maple Leaf was the Spirit Weapon left by Lie Qianshan, and he wouldn't surrender it naturally.

Liu Xingfei thought for a while and said, "you're right, just report it first, if it's not some talisman in Grave of Wumen, you just take it. Brother Wei, thank you for saving me again…"

"Hey, hey~ You're speaking like me~" Wei Gaoyuan smiled.

"You too~ Hahaha…"

Under the sky full of stars at night, the two young swordsmen came amidst bright moonlight and went with their debonair laugh.

Tears in smiles, sweat in blood, love in resentment…That was the Jianghu of the youth, that was the youthful Jianghu!


Two days later, a group of people came to Grave of Wumen. One of them, long grey beard, was wearing a teal Taoism robe and held a compass-like stuff. He scanned the ground as he walked around and glanced at the compass-like stuff in his hand from time to time.

The ground looked a bit messy, with traces of the dirt being turned over. The army of Whining Dead and their limbs cut off by Fall of Maple Leaf were already gone. Only those big and small gaps on the ground proved that something must had happened here.

"Senior Feng, I wonder if something… has been changed here?" asked a middle-aged man in an official uniform, tension shown on his face.

The man who was called senior Feng observed around again and said, "The monument is immaculate; the formation shows no sign of chaotic as well; someone should have come here to collect Full Moon Flowers and… fought with the villagers, I mean, the Whining Dead."

"Who are they? So bold! Taoism Followers?" the middle-aged official was amazed.

"Even if it's some Taoism Follower," Senior Feng nodded lightly, deep in thought, "it's probably just a junior, Full Moon Flowers got no power to detoxify the poison of fire that can hurt those…errr… stronger than the stage of Real Inedia."

The middle-aged official got relieved. After all, senior Feng had affirmed that both the monument and the formation were good as old, and the disorder here was just caused by someone instead of "somebodies."

Such annoying issues, two or three times a year, made him quite depressed every time. There were no proper ways, however, to stop it. He couldn't stop kinds of cultivators or Taoism Followers from picking up Full Moon Flowers here, or get some senior or master from Jianghu involved in the guard task of local government.

Fortunately, the Full Moon Flower only appeared twice a month at most, and there were not many people who showed much interest in it.

It was just another false alarm. The middle-aged official ordered his men to fill up the pit and tide the scene up, and then he needed to calm himself down, with a jar of "Burning Knife" in his favorite tavern.

(Burning Knife: a sort of alcohol in ancient China. It gets the name due to its high levels of alcohol and strong flavor, like burning knife in the stomach after drinking it.)