One of the Fifty Avenues

Two days passed in a flash. The results of top ten Gui disciples was in. Just as public expectation, they were almost disciples selected by the formal trial; only Hu Xiaoshu and Lin were eliminated from the next round. Especially Lin, who even fail to win at the first round of the top-ten, made the Elder of the Scarlet-Feather very angry.

In fact, the strength of the two were indeed at the bottom of the 12 seed players, and they would have no chance to enter the outer section if without the pine crystal from Wei Gaoyuan.

The following top-five competitions soon began after a draw. This round, Wei Gaoyuan's opponent was a girl, named Huang Yingyan.

On the competition platform, Wei Gaoyuan did not know her stage in advance, but after a few patterns, he'd roughly perceived her strength of Qi, furthermore, her style and pace of breathing was not curious, which he must have experienced somewhere. So, if not underestimated, she just broke though into the bottom of ninth-level, not long ago.

The patterns of Huang Yingyan was a set of swordsmanship, smart and swift. Once the competition began, she took the lead and shot her light sword continuously.

After evading her three patterns, Wei Gaoyuan suddenly blocked her next move and meanwhile let out a pattern of "take the blade with an empty hand." In a flash, Huang Yingyan's sword had been in Wei Gaoyuan's hand. From the beginning to the end of the competition, Wei Gaoyuan did not draw out his sword.

"Sister Huang, I'd learnt a lot from you!" Wei Gaoyuan gave back her sword after a cupped-fist greeting.

"Nice!!" the audience were shocked by Wei Gaoyuan's last pattern.

On the other platform, WEI Gaoyuan of the Cyan-Feather ended it with only one pattern before he was just looking over and saw Wei Gaoyuan's grabbing Huang Yingyan's sword. He was not as shocked as others else, but showed a slight chuckle, whispering to himself, "This pattern is not bad… Just try hard to meet me in the final."

Then he turned his head and stopped looking at Wei Gaoyuan, not noticing Wei Gaoyuan's following gaze over his platform and the corner of Wei Gaoyuan's lips raising slightly, as if smiling.

Compared to the Scarlet-Feather, the Dark-Feather had a rich harvest this year. In addition to Wei Gaoyuan's unimpeded promotion, another disciple, Zhu Qinglong, also won. He competed against a disciple of the White-Feather, who'd just broke through into the bottom of the ninth-level.

Zhu Qinglong was still at the top of the Interior Force,without any level-up since he entered the outer section. Yet he did have a quite tough foundation of Martial Arts. Besides, his personal cultivation methods of Internal Qi seemed quite extraordinary. That made his opponent even failed to win him in a short time, and unexpectedly, this cunning fat just seized a slim fault of his opponent and suddenly release a powerful explosive Internal Qi, blowing up his opponent off the platform — a classic "skip-level kill!"

The brother of the East Mountain Sword Club, Li Xiaochun, had steadily stepped into the bottom of the ninth-level after more than half a year's training, not far from the top of it. However, his opponent, a bottom of the ninth-level as well, was not a weak guy. After a fight of more than 200 patterns between the two, Li Xiaochun just win narrowly.

Right after the win, he immediately came to Wei Gaoyuan, Hu Xiaoshu and Lin, first expressing admiration for Wei Gaoyuan's performance, then encouraging Hu Xiaoshu and Lin to keep harder training. Afterwards, the group of the East Mountain Sword Club turned their eyes on the last competition that was still on the show.

The only battle that didn't end was between the Blue-Feather and White-Feather, both the bottom of the ninth-level, almost the same stage. More than 400 patterns between them passing, it still got no sign of stopping.

In the end, the two fought in more than four hundred patterns, and the disciples of the White-Feather, Zhenhai, relied on his longer-term and larger amount of Internal Qi to win, precisely, exhausting his opponent to quit.

After that, the top five were fixed, and there was still one remaining ticket for those defeated four.

The reason why the defeated could still have the opportunity to advance was a belief among cultivators since ancient times that "Tao generates 50 avenues, 49 of them are revealed, 1 of them is concealed." An opportunity left to a potential or an uncertainty perfected the imperfect. Thus, the loser should be offered the chance to avoid missing some talent, for instance, if a talent met another talent by the draw, "one of the two tigers will be wounded when they fought."

After a noon break, in the afternoon's loser-promotion competition, Zhong Yifan, a former regrettable defeated disciple of the Blue-Feather, made a comeback and grabbed the last ticket, with a beautiful "double-kill" in two competitions.

The Dark-Feather, surprisingly, was the biggest winner in the top-six of Gui. Elder Wu, undoubtedly, had almost become the "target" of the Elders of other Peaks, including Elder Yang on the behalf of the Scarlet-Feather, who just congratulated Elder Wu with a black face and left immediately.

Towards Wei Gaoyuan's advance, Elder Wu felt no surprise, but Zhu Qinglong was really a present beyond his expectation.

As early as when he saw Zhu Qinglong at Palace of Dark-Feather, he'd perceived that the Internal Qi within the kid's body seemed to be evolved from a cultivation methods of some orthodox Taoism sect; what the kid needed, he thought, might be slowing down rather than speeding up. To slowly lay a solid foundation was most likely to make his cultivation process after the stage of the Mystery smoother, smoother and faster might it be to even enter the stage of the Nature.

Because of that, Elder Wu did not rush to improve Zhu Qinglong's stage, but helped him to lay the foundation of Martial Arts step by step. He'd expected that the kid would have shone in the evaluation next year, and the kid just did it this year.

The countless carefree snow still dancing between the sky and ground, the disciple on duty was whistling happily while sweeping the snow, even if no one could distinguish it from the wind blowing around. In the distance, there had been a larger snow-white landscape.

The top-three would begin the next day, still the same rule, the single competition fixing the winner, and the draw determining who was your next "destiny-man."

In the past evaluations, the liveliest scenes usually appeared on the platforms of high-grade disciples, like the Bing, the Ding. Few of disciples of the Jia and the Yi participated in this sort of year-end evaluation, even the Bing were rarely seen. Only in their final year end, disciples of the Jia would gather in the outer section for a final big show.

This year appeared different, because of the interesting news of WEI Gaoyuan and Wei Gaoyuan. Many disciples went to the area of the Gui, to watch the two boys' competitions, a few of them occasionally making some comments of their performance.

In addition to two Gaoyuans, Zhu Qinglong had also received a lot of attention, as the sole man of the top-six, who was below the stage of the Mystery. Unfortunately, the road of this dark horse would come to the end.

He met WEI Gaoyuan, the No. 1 hit.

Due to something among WEI Gaoyuan and Wei Gaoyuan, the disciple of the Cyan- and the Dark-Feather seemed to show quite plenty of "kindness" to each other. WEI Gaoyuan was not the exception for sure.

Standing on the platform, he stretched out one index finger, saying to Zhu Qinglong, coldly and briefly, "One pattern, send you back."

Certainly, Zhu Qinglong was not scared by the provoking words, even though he clearly understood the gap between their strength. Provoking me? You kid hadn't been born when I was playing such a little trick! He thought, and shot his first stroke of sword, seemingly quite powerful!

Seeing Zhu Qinglong showed the initiative, WEI Gaoyuan sneered. There just came a sword of the Undistinguishment!

He intended to defeat this fatty dragon directly, to tell the Dark-Feather what the difference between the Cyan and the Dark. So, he just poured out 80% of Internal Qi and gave out a palm-strike over the blade.

(Fatty dragon: WEI Gaoyuan calls it because "Long," in Zhu Qinglong's name, means "dragon," "龙" in Chinese.)

After all, the fatty dragon was not his enemy but the brother in the same outer section, 80%, surely enough to slap his fat face.

It was true, against Zhu Qinglong, 80% Internal Qi would be quite enough to blow him and his sword up—if the palm-strike could hit.

Under everyone's attention, Zhu Qinglong's sword-strike suddenly came to a halt halfway. This fat jumped like a fatty rabbit, flying over WEI Gaoyuan's head!

A feigned attack!

WEI Gaoyuan was kind of surprised after his palm-strike missed. He planned to use aggressive words to irritate Zhu Qinglong, the fatty must launch a desperate attack with all his strength, then he could defeat him with a more overwhelming strength.

Yet, this fatty fox just didn't follow his script to play.

Wei Gaoyuan was annoyed slightly, and was about to shoot his next pattern.

"One pattern, over!" Zhu Qinglong stretched out his index finger, with a silly smile.