Chapter 1

January 16,2013.

'That's not a very good idea' came her quick reply as Hazel told her friend about her plan.

'But Charlotte, why? I am well prepared; I will go up to him and tell him that I like him. It is as simple as that' she assured Charlotte.

Charlotte looked at her naive-minded friend in silence.

'Are you sure, you wanna do this? 'Charlotte questioned worried as they were arranging their bags.

'Yes, how long can I keep it within me? And plus it's his final year. It's now or never' she told her friend as they both came out of their classrooms for lunch break.

'Hazel, I have a bad feeling about this, if he likes you too then he could also propose, why are you doing it?' Charlotte asked as they were about to enter the canteen.

Hazel had the same doubt but she wanted to take a chance, trust in miracles. She knew that there is an eighty percent chance of her getting rejected but the remaining gave her hope.

'Come on now Charlotte, you are my support system if you feel low then I feel low too so cheer up and cheer me up' she told Charlotte patting her back.

'Let's do this' she told herself as they approached towards the table Christopher was sitting with Ed, Charlotte's older brother.

Christopher Finch, pursuing his Bachelor's in Technology, currently in his final year of study, also voted the hottest guy in the girl's hostel.

Hazel knew him through Charlotte, he was Charlotte's older brother's friend. They all used to sit together during lunch.

'Hazel if he rejects you. I will tell my brother to break his head. Sounds good?' Charlotte asked Hazel as they sat next to each other in the table turning all serious.

Hazel quietly nodded with a smile. Charlotte always had her back irrespective of any situation.

'What's wrong?' Chris asked looking up to the two.

'Nothing' they both replied in unison almost panicking.

Chris looked at his friend Ed, Charlotte's brother, for an answer but when he shook his head telling him that he had no idea about it Chris didn't worry any further.

As they sat there eating in silence Ed spoke up,

'What's wrong with you two? you both are surprisingly quiet today, are you both sick?' he teased laughing loudly.

'Yeah, it's kinda unusual you both are usually quite talkative, what's going on?' Chris asked looking at Hazel.

Hazel choked on her food trying to find a reply.

Chris handed her a bottle of water saying,

'Fine I am not asking anything, don't die now' he told her holding up an laughter.

Hazel drank the water and gave him a faint smile as a reply.

After a few minutes, Charlotte signaled Hazel to come with her to the hand wash area.

'Are you planning to tell him after he is gone from the college?' Charlotte questioned her washing her hands.

'Charlotte it's not easy ok? What if he thinks that I am also like other girls who fall for him for his money and good looks, I really like him, he's so sweet and caring. I am really scared of getting rejected.' she replied nervously.

'It's going to be fine. Just tell him it's better than keeping it within you for the rest of the life regretting not telling him' Charlotte told her trying to put some confidence into her best friend.

Hazel shook her head in acceptance and smiled at her friend with confidence.

As they reached the table, Chris was talking over in the phone and Ed was just scrolling down Instagram.

As Chris hung up the call he looked at them, as he was about to say something,

'Chris I like you' Hazel confessed interrupting him.

Chris looked at her dumbstruck. He looked at Ed but he was already in the same situation as him, totally blown.

As Chris struggled for a reply, she spoke again,

'You don't like me, do you?' she asked in a low voice feeling dejected.

'It's not like that haze, he's just' Started Ed when Chris interrupted him.

'No I don't' he replied coldly.

Ed touched Chris' shoulder signaling him to speak softly but Chris didn't seem to listen.

Hazel eyes brimmed with tears. Noticing this Charlotte held her hands tightly. As Chris got up to leave, she stopped him asking,

'Why? Why don't you like me?' she asked managing to speak up in a calm voice.

'I like someone' he told and just left the table. Ed rushed behind him leaving the girls a quick look of pity.

'Just don't mind that idiot he's just blind, please don't cry, Haze' Charlotte tried consoling her friend.

'It's ok Char, at least I tried' she replied managing to come up with a smile as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Charlotte quietly hugged her friend as she was at a loss of words.