Chapter 3

Charlotte's phone rang quarter past seven in the morning, she lazily searched for her phone through her blanket, and she answered the call yawning soundly.

'Hey sleepy head!' greeted the person on the other line.

'HAZE!!' she screamed beaming.

'Oh looks like you really woke up now' Hazel teased laughing.

'Yup! And yeah, what's wrong?' Charlotte asked getting serious.

'Why do you think something's wrong?' Hazel questioned puzzled.

'Honey, just tell me'

'Fine, how did you know that something's wrong?'

'Well, there are two reasons why you call me this early, one, we have to prepare for exam and the next, you are upset and don't know what to do, since we are working now and kinda don't have to write exams, it has be the second one' Charlotte answered.

'Can we meet?' Hazel suggested.

'Ok, 40 minutes. I will come over' Charlotte replied and hung up the call.

'She is coming?' Ava asked placing the coffee cup on the table.

Hazel nodded in acceptance.

'Well she's the only one who could provide us with the solution now' Ava said looking at Hazel's lusterless face.

'You didn't sleep last night, did you?' Ava questioned.

'I did and I asked Charlotte to come over only to hang out, it's been long since we three hung out together' Hazel answered looking outside the window.

'Look Hazel, you can fool yourself with those words but not us, and yeah I do not know you like Charlotte does, but I do know you Ok? So don't lie to us, we really care about you' saying this Ava gave Hazel a light hug and went back to her room.


Hazel answered the door,

'Hi Ed!' Hazel greeted asking him to come inside.

'Where's Charlotte?' she asked looking through the corridor.

'Char is parking the car downstairs' he replied sitting on the sofa.

'Don't you have work today?'

'Yes, but Char told you were kinda upset so i wanted to check on you'

'Yeah nice save, you know that you could fool Charlotte and not me, right? You are here for Ava, aren't you?' Hazel asked him raising an eyebrow.

'Well..., you know sometimes I wonder why you aren't my sister? You sure do know about me than my sis' he replied laughing.

As they both continued laughing, Charlotte entered the door carrying two heavy bags.

'What are these?' Hazel asked puzzled taking a bag from her.

'Yay! Sleepover' She replied hugging Hazel.

Hazel hugged back smiling; they both knew how much they missed each other.

Charlotte worked in a different company, she seldom got any leave and hence it was difficult for them to meet often but they always made sure to meet whenever they get a day off.

'Hey, where's your roomie?' Charlotte asked placing the snacks she bought on the dining table in the kitchen.

'Yeah right, I too forgot you live with someone, where's Ava?' Ed questioned getting off the sofa trying to act cool.

Hazel fought back a grin before calling Ava outside, Ava came out and greeted them,

'Hey Ava!' Charlotte greeted back.


The three girls looked at Ed as he was struggling to pronounce a word looking at Ava.

'Ed?' Ava called out seeing his frozen expression.

Ed pulled himself back to reality.

'Hey Ava!' He managed to greet back.

Hazel and Charlotte giggled silently. They sat together catching up for the days they couldn't meet.

'Haze, now tell me what's bothering you?' Charlotte asked as they all settled down after a few minutes of chatting.

Hazel looked at Ava; Ava nodded her head with assurance. Hazel took a deep breath before responding,

'Char, l saw him' she told looking at Charlotte and Ed.

They both looked at her in confusion.

'I saw Chris' she clarified.

'What! You saw Chris?' Ed shouted fuming with emotions. Ed hasn't heard from Chris for four years, Chris rarely called him after college, even when Ed tried calling he was always busy or told him he will call him back later, he denied all Ed's invitation to meet and gradually communication between them didn't happen at all. Soon they lost touch, Ed tried going over to his house but he shifted somewhere else informing no one.

'Where did you see him?' Charlotte asked.

'In my office' she replied.

'What was he doing there? It's ok honey, just don't bother, who knows what he was doing there? He will leave soon, you just don't start thinking about him, he doesn't deserve you' Charlotte told Hazel trying to cheer her up.

'Well, it's kinda of a doubt whether he will leave, maybe we can quit the job' Ava suggested.

Charlotte looked at her perplexed.

'He's our new boss' Ava answered.

'WHAT!' both Ed and Charlotte exclaimed together.

'But the real problem is, he doesn't remember me anymore' Hazel told them.

'He doesn't what now?' Ed asked completely losing his mind for a moment.

'Maybe we should meet him' Charlotte suggested to which Ed accepted in return.

'But..' Hazel started.

'No buts Haze, he just disappeared out of our lives out of the blue and now he doesn't remember you? Haze, I have a very bad feeling about this. It's important that we know why he went away like that, if not us at least Ed deserves to know. We weren't close to Chris but Ed was, right? It's time to face the past Haze, you can't keep running away' Charlotte told Hazel hoping that she understands.

'Look Haze, you moved on already, don't you remember how he never showed up for days after your confession and when he did, he just ignored you and even though you wanted to apologize and be friends he didn't stop to hear a word and then what? He stopped talking to Ed after college, and we all know How Ed felt about it, It's time Hazel just forget that idiot he never deserved you and never will. Ok? If he chose to forget you, you too play along. You are strong now, you have faced a lot after college and you were strong all along, don't get broken for such a small thing' Charlotte stopped to take breath, as she was about to continue Hazel stopped her.

'You are right Char, Ed should go and meet him and I shouldn't worry about him any longer, it's good that he wanted to be strangers it will help me realize how much of a fool I was, all these years. I should've moved on long ago' she told firmly looking at the three.

'Wow, my baby finally grew up' Charlotte cheered opening up a soft drink.

Ed and Ava burst out laughing.

'Ava?' Ed called out suddenly.

'Yes?' Ava answered looking at him.

'Would you like to have coffee sometime, like only you and me?' he asked sheepishly.

Ava looked at him bewildered. Well so did Charlotte and Hazel.

'Well finally, he asked her out' Charlotte whispered slowly to Hazel and she nodded grinning.

As they all looked at Ava curiously expecting a answer.

'Oh that's why you wanted to come with me ah? For a moment, I really thought that you were concerned about Haze and came to check on her' Charlotte teased Ed grinning widely.

Ava looked at Hazel as she was at a loss of words. Now it was Hazel's turn to assure her.

'Just speak your heart, we respect your decision no matter what it is' Hazel told her. Ava smiled at Hazel and looked back at Ed who was nervously waited for an answer.

'Well you mean, like a date?' She asked Ed giving him a innocent look.

'Yes' he nodded.

'Oh Sure! I would love to' she replied smiling at him.

The three of them screamed in happiness hearing Ava's reply.

'YAY! Let's celebrate' Charlotte said as she ran into the kitchen to get some more snacks and drinks.