Chapter 18

'He cancelled again! He's been doing this for more than two weeks now, what's wrong with him?' Ed asked tensed. Ava looked at him helplessly. She didn't know how to console him.

This was the fourth time in two weeks. It was quite evident that Chris was doing this on purpose.

Chris has been avoiding any kinds of meeting with them. He did promise Ed that he would join them for a movie this weekend and not cancel like last time yet he cancelled... again.

'Ed, just ask him what's wrong? It's better than worrying like this and assuming the worst' Ava insisted as she sat beside him.

The fact that Ed was upset made Ava worry a lot.

'He's not responding properly, Av! Whenever I call he says he's too busy to talk. I really can't understand what's wrong?' Ed said looking at Ava.

Ava looked at Hazel and Charlotte who were standing in front of them. She was kinda expecting them to make Ed feel better.

'So are we going or not?' Charlotte asked after a minute of silence.

'I don't know' Ed replied looking at his phone, debating whether to call Chris or not.

'Maybe he's really busy' Charlotte said looking at Ed.

'Charlotte, how are you saying that? He's been cancelling all the plans we make for the past two weeks and when we asked for the reason the first time he cancelled, he said he had to go to a PTA meeting' Ed said looking at Charlotte. Usually, she is the one who becomes Mr. Sherlock Holmes when these kind of situations arise.

'Doesn't sound suspicious to me' Charlotte answered interrupting him as she walked over to the living room.

'On a Sunday' Ed added.

'Well...yeah! He's deliberately avoiding us' Charlotte concluded accepting defeat.

'Let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe he's really busy, we hardly see him in the office. Right, Haze?' Ava said as she felt like they were worrying over nothing. She was the only one trying to be optimistic.

Hazel nodded to her question but her face clearly displayed that she wasn't interested in that conversation.

'I guess he's doing it again. He did the same...six years ago…' Ed started.

Hazel looked at him and found that he was in agony. She kinda felt guilty looking at him. Partially she was the reason why Christ kept avoiding any kinds of outing with them. Since she felt bad for Ed she decided to call Chris.

'You know what Ed? Just don't jump to conclusions like Ava said. I will call him again' Hazel told Ed smiling positively at him. 

'Are you sure, Haze?' Ed asked her.

Though she nodded confidently at him still his face displayed hopelessness.

Hazel dialled Chris.

'Hello?' she said when the line got through.


'Mr. Finch?' she called out as no one answered on the other side.

'Yes Ms. White? Is it some emergency?' he asked after a slight pause.

'Well no! I called to ask why you won't be able to join us today.' she said trying to sound casual.

'Cause I am busy' he answered bluntly.



'I can't believe he hung up on me' she cried out in disbelief looking at her phone.

She dialled again.

'Look Chris! I just told you to stay away from me and not from everyone. So better stop acting like this' she spoke at once as soon as the line got through. 

'But if I hang out with them then it means I will have to see you too and you told me to stay away from you' he defended himself.

'Well... I did say that but... maybe we just shouldn't talk to each other but for that don't avoid the others' she said in a low voice making sure that no one is around.

Chris remained quiet for some time.

'...okk. Well, you got solutions for everything' he said his voice expressing a slight hint of pain.

'Look Chris! Ed is upset and I kinda feel like it is because of me' she told him understanding from his voice that she hurt him.

'No, don't think like that! It is because of you!' he told her directly chuckling a little.

'Just shut up and come here' she said him and this time it wasn't a request and Chris knew it.

'But Ms. Whi…' he started.

'Enough! Be here in 30 minutes' she hung up.

'I can't believe she hung up on me. What does she think of herself? She can't boss me around. I am never showing up...Well...even if I am gonna go I will never go within 30 minutes' Chris said angrily placing his phone on his table.

'He'll be here in half an hour' Hazel did entering the room.

'But he told me he got work' Ed said surprised to hear Hazel's answer.

'He is done with work' she answered settling on the couch.


'That was quick' she said opening the door for Chris.

'I didn't come because you wanted to me. I came here for Ed' Chris defended as he saw Hazel smiling triumphantly at him.

'I didn't say anything' Hazel replied with a innocent look.

'Well it's written all over your face!' Chris muttered and went inside the house.

'Finally! Here you are!' Ed shouted in relief as he walked over to Chris.

'Of course! How could I ever say no to you?' Chris said trying to flatter him.

'Well you did! Four times this week' Ed complained standing unshaken by Chris' move.

'You asked me to' Chris whispered in his ears looking around.

'Because you wouldn't shut up about what Hazel said to you two weeks back' Ed quietly murmured to Chris.

'Not here' Chris said warning him with a gaze.


(Two weeks earlier…)

'She told me not to come into her life anymore, Ed! She hates me! She hates me!' Chris kept chanting the same line even after he finish two bottles of wine.

'Enough Chris! Stop drinking now!' Ed said trying to stop him from going over board.

'No…how could she? I am never forgiving her' Chris told him angrily.

'Technically she should be the one telling you this. If I was her, I would have killed you the day we met in office. I am truly surprised on how she managed to keep her cool for so long' Ed spoke up looking at his drunken friend.

'Not helping! Shut up!' Chris said quietening Ed.

'I still think it would be better if you tell her the truth about your wife. The sooner we say it, the better. If she finds it out by herself it's gonna be tough convincing her, plus I kinda feel that we can't hide that fact for a long time' Ed suggested as he could find no other solution to Chris' problem. Sometimes he wonders why Chris complicates his own life as everything will be alright if he's just honest with Hazel. What could possibly go wrong?

'Everything! Everything could go wrong! I know that I should tell her the truth but I just want to say it at the right moment. I can't tell her now, considering that she hates me and for various other reasons' Chris said pouring himself another glass.

'Be happy, kid! At least Ryan is out of the picture' Ed consoled taking the glass away from Chris.

'Is he? I don't trust him, never did!' Chris said giving him a distrustful look.

'Fine! Now let's just go home' Ed said trying to pull Chris away from his terrace.

'I still need to drink' Chris said going back to the table situated in the terrace of Ed's house.

'You already had two bottles. If you go on, I am pretty sure you will call Hazel and propose' Ed said looking at Chris and the least both of them wanted now was MORE TROUBLE!!!

'You are right! Maybe I should crash by your place tonight' Chris said as they walked down the stairs.

'Will your kids be okay?' Ed asked concerned.

'I am sure this will be their fun night' Chris answered him chuckling.



'What are you two talking about?' Ava asked walking over to them.

'Nothing' they said in unison as they pulled away from their little flashback.

'Shall we go?' Ava asked them.

'Where is Char and Haze?' Ed enquired.

'They already went downstairs. If you both leave then I will lock the apartment and join you guys downstairs' Ava answered.

They nodded at her and left the apartment.

'I will tell her the truth Ed' Chris spoke out without warning as they made their way to the parking lot.

'I just want her to know that I wasn't happy in the past too. I just hope she will let me explain' Chris continued looking at his best friend.

'Don't worry she will' Ed said smiling hopefully at him.

"I will prove my Innocence, Haze! Please don't hate me. It's just that still things from my past has to be resolved so please be a little more patient" Chris prayed quietly walking over to his car.

'Hello, Ryan?' Hazel answered the call.

'Haze, I found it!' he informed as a sense of accomplishment washed over him.

Hazel stopped walking and after confirming that no one was around she spoke up;

'I don't think I can come now! We will meet up tonight' She propounded.

'Sure Haze! But make sure you come, it's really important' Ryan told her before disconnecting the call.

"Chris! You can't run away anymore! This time you will have to come clean!" Hazel thought to herself getting inside the car.