Their Never-Ending Love Story

'Yes honey, I promise!' Hazel said looking at Robert, sitting next to him on his bed. She came to the kids room to inform them that she and Chris will be going out for dinner and Grandma would look after them till they come back. 

'Perfect! It's decided. We are going to the amusement park this weekend' he announced elated after hearing Hazel.

'But dad promised to take me to the beach this weekend' Aurora argued in a low voice as her face clouded with sadness.

'Chris said that?' Hazel asked caught between two ends, looking back at Aurora sitting at the opposite end.

'But mom promised me' Rob argued back glaring angrily at his sister.

'Dad promised me' Aurora replied ready to throw a fit over the issue.

'So what? Dad listens to mom' Rob said laughing with victory.

'No!' Aurora yelled throwing a pillow at her brother's head.