Yoo Hanjae's POV
I went out of the building and saw my driver waiting already outside. He opened the door for me at the backseat but then..
I immediately jumped out of surprised upon seeing Ray inside the car. "Wtf are you doing there??" I said as I glared at him.
I knew him since college so it's been about ten years since we've been friends. And as you can see, we have totally have different personalities. He is always hyped up while I am the calmer one. It makes me wonder sometimes how we got along. But nevertheless, he knows almost everything about me. He's a good friend(?) :/ I guess.
"I heardeu andeu saweu everythingeu" he said with his ussual tried-hard-American-Accent as he puts on a mischievous smile and repeatingly raises his brows up. It's annoying hearing him talk like that -_- but I got used to it.
"When will you seriously stop hacking my computer?" I replied and then let out sigh.
"Sarreh - 3 - it was too intriguing"
I just didn't mind him and told him to move to the other side as I went in. The driver finally closed the door and went to the driver seat to start driving.
"But.. will you really not hire her?" He said in curiousity.
"No" I only gave him a short reply as I kept my attention outside the window.
"Why? Is it because of resentment?"
"I don't think so"
"Or is it because you still like her?"
Upon hearing his question, I was momentarily put into silence. I just turned to him with an annoyed look.
"Stop spouting nonesense. It's simply because she isn't just cut out for the job. Her performance during the interview didn't satisfy me" I answered as I looked back at the window again.
"Her answer was great though"
"She kept stuttering"
"Do you haveu a boyfriendeu? Have you hadeu a boyfriendeu? Why dideu you breakeu upeu?" He said trying to imitate me and so I just glared at him. "You even used that tricky question just to ask how she is.. pfft-" he added as he tries to hold his laughter.
"Stop exagerating will you? I didn't say it like that -_-"
"But you still said it :p"
I was about to nag at him more but then he suddenly spoke in a serious tone.
"But aren't you still curious? About why she disappeared like that?" He asked. I didn't answer him anymore as obviously, who wouldn't? Although my special feelings for her has long been unfound just like how she went lost, my curiosity never did.
"Silence means yes" he concluded. "Anyway, the fact that you met again.. what do you think does it mean? Well, I don't have any idea either but I know that you surely met for a reason. I just hope won't miss this chance"
"I'm still sticking on my decision. And it's final" I said undaunted by his words. I could hear his deep sigh at the other end of the car.
"Oh, driver-nim, just drop me off here! I'm gonna go party over at my friend's club!" he excitedly said. The driver responded and immediately pulled over to the side. Without hesitation, he moved quickly to my direction "I'll get off here on this sideeuuu" the driver just did as Ray said.
"Ya! Just get off to the other side!" I irritatedly exclaimed as he consumes the space infront of me.
"Mr. Yoo! There are cars on the other side! Do you want the Company's Vice-President to get hit?" He said with a pout and faced at me.
"Yeah, I don't care! And will you face at the other side? I can't stand your face"
"So mean ;-;"
The driver already opened the door but then he still stayed and didn't leave.
"Aish.. seriously! Hurry and leave!" He still didn't move and instead looked at me in the eye. I could see a lot of people with their attention drawn on to us.
'ugh.. this crazy lil punk..' I thought as I tried to put up with the situation.
"I already searched up everything about Lee Yuri's state :v Their family hit rock bottom. Her mother is sick so she can't afford to do much work. Her father is currently just a construction worker. She is still jobless despite applying 29 times. Lastly, his little brother has cancer so their income is not enough to pay debts and other bills. Basically, our company was like her last hope"
"Are you telling me to accept her application so that I could help her?" I responded.
"Nope. I'm just telling you that she needs the job badly. And that she deserves it. If you really don't care anymore, then prove it to me by keeping things proffesional" He replied as he finally got off the car.
"I'll see you tomorroweu~ driver-nimeu thank you!" He hurriedly left and went in the club.
"He's so hyped up as always.. ^^" the driver commented.
"Being with him just consumes all of my energy tsk" I said as I light out an exhausted sigh. The driver then closed the door and went back to his seat . He started driving however, my mind wasn't still able to move on from what Ray has just said.
"But.. ajhussi.. what do you think should I do?"
He has been my driver since I started up my company. I trust him as much I trust Ray. I consider him as my family that's why I can freely open up to him.
"I don't know either.. ah.. just.. do what your heart tells you I think..?"
Heart..? I don't think I still have that..
Lee Yuri's POV
"Ah.. I'm exhausted.. T_T" I said as I flopped down on my haneul's bed.
"The job interviews didn't go well again huh? :(" She said as she patted my back. "Cheer up~"
"But.. Haneul-a.. Tech+ really is a dream company.. the buidling is just so nice.."
I didn't look at her and just burried my face on the pillow. Haneul was the first friend I ever made after I moved away. She's the first ever person, aside from my parents now, that I have told about my past.
"Right? Their building is just as beautiful as their president's face. Have you seen his picture?"
Well, I have come to a point in my life that I don't care about boys or special relationships anymore. What I need the most now is money.
"You should check it out later :v oh and, how was the interview there? Was it much different than the other ones?" She curioisly asked. But then, it just made me remember of something. I rolled and faced the ceiling before sitting up straight.
"Ah. Right. Yeah. It was quite wierd.."
"What is..?"
"The first and second applicants, who were with me, were interviewd by the pannelist. But suddenly, I was interviewed by someone who only spoke through the speaker.. -.-"
"What? o.o omg.. really?"
"Eo. And what's more wierd is.. the question was if I have or had a boyfriend.. psh.. it reminded me Minjun.." I said as I laid back down on the bed.
"But were you.. fine? I mean, it reminded you of him" she asked in a softer and concerned tone.
"Yeah.. I was able to handle it somehow without breaking down.. but seriously.. why does that guy have to question me about that?"
Back then, I couldn't even bare just getting to hear his name nor remember the place I once lived.. Thankfully, I got a little bit stronger for the past few years. Just a bit.
"Wait.. could it be because he's interested in you..?"
My eyes widened upon her guess. I immediately hugged my body upon imagining something inappropriate and slapped her arm.
"Y-ya..! Don't scare me like that! >.<"
"Not that kind of interest! -_- lol. Guessing from how it was so sudden, that guy must be in higher position. Maybe he saw potential in you" she explained and it made me calm down.
"Potential? Me? My resume is trash ;-;" I insisted. Well, who would want to see a resume with only part time jobs and some not-so-high academic grades?
"Well, who knows right? It depends now if you are able to answer his question well though. Were you?"
I just bit my lower lip upon hearing his question. I looked at her with a worried face and shrugged my head.
"... ._." she momentarily paused before speaking again "should we search for part-time jobs now? .-."
I just nodded.
After hanging out at Haneul's place, I went home and immediately took a rest as my energy has been drained for the whole day. I didn't even set the alarm on my phone anymore to have a good sleep. However, the sound and buzz of my phone suddenly woke me up early in the morning.
"What is this ish.. *yawns* I didn't turn on the alarm thou--"
From: Tech+ Company
Good day Ms. Lee Yuri! Your application has been accept. You're hired! Please see Secretary Kim for your job orientation at exactly 8:00 a.m. Absence or late is strictly prohibited. Thank you ^^
I'M H-I-R-E-D?!