Hotel Room

After we came back from my parents house I checked the flight tickets. Looking upon it I confirmed that we'll be going to Italy for our honeymoon.

I've been there two times, when I was younger. My dad used to be quite busy with the work so when ever he got free time, he would pick a place and go for a short trip with me and mom. But all the places I've been, are mostly meant for romantic getaways.

I tried to ignore my parent's lack of common knowledge and somehow spent those times.

It was embarrassing rather annoying for me to be there with them. I felt like a bone in a fish.

On the next morning I came down to have my breakfast. Stella was already sitting on the chair with a glass of orange juice and her plate had toasted brown bread, pouched egg on the top of it.

" Good morning." I greeted her upon meeting her graze. I sat on my chair and grabbed the newspaper.

" Good morning. Did you checked the tickets?where are we going?" Stella asked after filling my empty glass with juice.

" Italy. We will be staying at Rome. Mom booked the hotel already." I told her

" Oh that's good I've never been there."

" Then I guess you'll enjoy the trip. I won't mind going with you." Even though I'm not really interested in going to this trip but I can't let her go there by herself it'll be too risky and Regina is also out of country. So I decided that I won't cancel the trip.

" How long we will be staying there?" Stella asked.

" About a week." I replied

" Is it okay for us to go there? " she said nervously.

" Don't worry, it's just a vacation so try to enjoy, the flight is on tomorrow so pack up your bags. We will get separate rooms so don't be concerned about it." I confronted her. I can see the excitement on her eyes. She's really looking forward to this trip.

After finishing my breakfast I went to the office. I got out from my car and went to take the elevator. The staffs bowed down their heads after seeing me

" Good morning Sir." Everyone greeted to me.

I waved my hand, telling them to go back to their works.

I sat on my cabin and called for John. Since I won't be here for a week, I decided to left everything on John.

On the next morning both of us got ready in time. Our bags were packed, I told the driver to load them in the car.

Stella came down wearing a jeans and

a t-shirt, with a pair of sneakers,her hair was tied in a pony tail. She wore a sunglass which was in red frame.

Without delaying any further we reached at the airport. Soon our destination came.

I looked at Stella who was sleeping like a baby. I shook her hand

" Stella wake up." She woke up and started to rub her eyes. We got out from the airport and saw someone waiting for us.

The hotel, which my mom booked, had sent a driver to pick us from airport.

We reached to the hotel. It was indeed fancy and alluring. We went to the reception to know about our room and arrange a extra room so that one of us can stay. I wanted to get the room on the same floor so that it won't be hazard for both of us.

I noticed the receptionist was younger than me so I addressed her as 'Miss'

" Mr. and Mrs. Lester " I gave her the names

" Here's the key sir enjoy your stay" she gave me the key of the room.

" Miss can we get an extra room?" I politely asked without taking the key.

" I'm sorry sir but all the rooms are reserved before one week. Our hotel is specifically known for a good destination for honeymoon couples that's why you have to take reservations before hand." I understood the situation but couldn't make out a solution.

I thought about going to some other hotel but if we don't use the room, the money will be refunded to my mom. She will immediately be notified about it. I pleaded the receptionist girl a little longer then Stella came and grabbed my hand,dragging me little further from the receptionist desk.

" What's the matter?"

" They don't have any other room available. On the other hand we can't go somewhere else either. The money will be refunded and my mom will find out about it."

" Then let's stay at the room your mom booked. Since it's a five star hotel I'm sure our room will be big enough for both of us. I even shared a room with my brother before so relax okay." She told me and we went back to the desk.

The receptionist girl gave us the key and we took the elevator. We opened the room and our luggage was already in there.

But after that what I saw, made me felt bemused. The bed was indeed large enough for two of us but it was covered with red rose petals. The white bed sheet was filled with those red rosy petals. It was definitely a view, newlyweds would enjoy. Although I was not pleased to see this.

I stayed at my place where else Stella jumped on the bed letting out a good laugh.

She began to hold the petals in her palm and threw them above her. The petals came down falling on her.

" What are you doing?" I asked her opening my luggage.

" Isn't this great! Man I really love this. It's like sleeping on a bed with flowers." She giggled softly. I noticed how happy she was so I decided to let her sleep on the bed. I looked around the room and thankfully there was a couch big enough for me to sleep in it. I certainly thanked my mom for booking the deluxe room.

" Fine you can sleep on the bed I'll take the couch." Hearing this Stella frowned and lifted her upper body from bed.

" Are you kidding me? This bed is big enough for both of us we can easily sleep in here. How can you pick that hard,stiff,rigid, uneven couch over this soft fluffy baby?!" Stella exclaimed at my answer.

She got up and picked up the pillows, placing them in the middle of the bed, making a wall.

" You take the left side and I'll take the right one. This barrier will prevent us from getting inside each other's side." She explained her plan. Well I had no problem either as long she's okay with it. So technically we will be sleeping in the same bed without having any contact with each other. I was still in relationship with Regina and I'm not going to cheat on her.

That's how we settled our room problem and since it was late already we decided to eat the dinner at our room.

I called in the room service and ordered food for us. I already changed into a comfortable attire. Stella also changed her clothes and wore a baggy t-shirt with a baby pink shorts. She was sitting on the balcony looking at view of Rome. She got up and stood at thr edge of the balcony. Her pale skin sparked in the dim moonlight. I could see her smile from side of her face. The chilly wind of night made her hair wave in the sky. The night sky was brightening with the stars. The sight was beautiful but the person viewing at the sight, seemed more beautiful to me somehow.

~ to be continued