On Air

We were both embarrassed. Blood rushes through my veins, breathing gets heavier but soon it returns back to normal. I never felt this type of amusement in my whole life.

I've been physically intimate with other girls before but I was not ambushed or hesitant all those time.

Stella kept her eyes down,trying to avoid eye contact with me perhaps. I got up from the grassy field,shaking off the dirt from my back. Stella looked at my direction, her eyes flickered with remorse and lamentation.

" I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have forced you." Her gaze directed downward,pressing her lips firmly together. I can see the guilt in her eyes.

" It's fine. Thankfully we didn't got hurt."

" Still it happened because I insisted-"

" It's fine,really. I get to experience something new thanks to your coaching classes." I gave off a playful smile, raising my eyebrows. She kept her eye fixed at me and finally laughed out with glee.

" After all I'm a good teacher. By the way my fee is still on hold right?"

" Yes and I've already arranged it which you'll see tomorrow."

" Then lets go back to our hotel and rest our bodies. I'm totally exhausted."

" Yeah me too."

After we got back to our hotel we jumped into our bed. Both of us had no energy left but our sweating bodies compelled us to take a bath.

I decided to use the bathroom after Stella. She got out wearing a bath robe, water dripping from her hair. I finished my bath and got out wearing a t-shirt with shorts.

Getting out from the bathroom I saw Stella was already laying down on her side of the bed. Her eyes were shut together.

I lightly shook her shoulder " Hey, you awake ? " and asked softly.

She opened her eyes and yawned like a kitty.

" What"

" I'm ordering dinner what will you have?"

" Anything is fine, just bring me some soda or lemonade with it."

" Okay."

" Hmm."

As usual our second night went like the last one but this time we slept like logs.

Our third day in Rome started off by getting ready for our next destination.

I am not a big fan of Naples nor well informed about that place. So I made the arrangements in my style. Since we woke up early, we were able to finish getting dressed at about 5.40 am in the morning. Unlike other girls Stella doesn't take much time in getting ready. She always preferred the natural, simple look. Stella wore a blouse with a skirt and a pair of white sneakers.

As much I like her down-to-earth look, I wasn't happy to see her in this getup. I understand that yesterday we had to dress up in a casual attire since we were going to tour the places riding our bicycles. So I expected her to be dressed in a more elegant way today.

" Go get changed."

" Why?" She asked raising up her face at me

" Cause I said so."

" But what wrong with this clothes?"

" We are going on a tour not for shopping in supermarket." I got bit annoyed at her.

" Fine." She went back and came wearing a floral dress which flared upon her knee.

I wasn't satisfied with it at all.

" Don't you have anything more elegant or some designer clothes?" I blurted out in dejection.

" I don't even wear designer clothes unless I have to attend any function or gathering or any event. Why bother bringing them here."

" Fine then we will buy some here."

" Wait what?! That's not even necessary besides I don't like wearing branded clothes."

" Well now you have to. Let's go it's already time."

" What about breakfast?"

" We will have breakfast at Naples."

" What?! So we gotta starve for two hours?" With narrowed eyes she pursed her lips, lowering her eyebrows.

" No,not two hours. More like 40-50 minutes."

" That fast? Are we going on plane? Even so we gotta go airport which will take 20 mins."

" You done asking questions?" I rolled my eyes and stroking the jawline.

" Okay. Sorry. I was just curious." She replied facing her gaze downward.

We got out from our room and went to the lift. I pushed the button to the top floor.

" Why are we going on the rooftop?"

" You'll see."

We walked our way to the rooftop and as soon we entered Stella's eyes sparked with excitement.

" Are we going Naples in this Helicopter?"

" Yup"

" Ahhhhhhhhh" She started screaming like a child jumping up and down on her feet.

" This is the first time I'm riding a helicopter."

" Really? But your dad have his own private jet."

" I never got a chance to experience it since I stayed at home most of the time plus dad has to travel a lot so we don't go on vacation often." Her voice had a little bit of sorrow.

I was not aware of the fact that she never took a ride in helicopter.

Stella's dad owns a privet jet plane so I thought she might have experienced riding helicopter as well.

I too have my own private jet, actually two but I gave it to my parents. After I took over the company dad became free from lot of his works so they usually go to places for short trip. That's why I gave them my second one and the main object of having own jet plane is to save time.

I would have came here in my privet jet but since mom booked tickets for us we had to take the flight. I also own a helicopter as well although calling my privet helicopter here would have taken much time so I hired one.

We fastened our seat belts and the helicopter took off. The view from above is fantastic.The distance between Rome and Naples is 229 km. Taking a train or renting a car would have taken two hours or more. People prefers to take train or car to enjoy the beautiful scenery while travelling on road. Even though the scenery above here isn't bad either. Stella kept eyes wide open while viewing the beauty of Italy up from here. I can clearly see her excitement on her face as if she's a child.

Soon we saw the Mount Vesuvius and that's how we got to know that we reached our destination. Mount Vesuvius is a famous

sightseeing place which is why many visitors come to Naples. It's around 15 km away from the city and you can see it from any spot.

Naples is well known for their coffee. So eating our breakfast there is a good way to start off our journey.

Landing on Naples we went to the best coffee house to have our breakfast. We ordered two cups of espresso.

Coffee in Naples is traditionally served in a small cup. The flavour is quite stronger than black coffee. We had been drinking various versions of espresso since our arrival in Rome. It's no surprise that espresso is popular in Naples since it is the home city of espresso. Along side with the pizza,espresso was also invented in Naples,Italy.

People in here likes to eat pastry with their coffee so I ordered two Sfogliatella which is the ultimate Naples pastry. This place has so many varieties of pastry like cornetto kinda similar to a croissant,cannoli,fruit tarts and cakes. But I'm not fan of sweets so I asked Stella

" Do you wanna try something else?"

" I would have but I rather keep my stomach empty for the main course." I laughed at her reply.

~ to be continued