Dance Off

Just the perfect time for us to meet here this sudden. Yes, we had to meet sooner anyway but I didn't expect it to be here at the club.

I looked at the confused face of Regina, standing opposite me, raising her left eyebrow. Her hands were folded like a cross upon her body.

" Hey... Regina...How come you're here?"

" Don't answer my question with another! I asked you first." She blurted out vexingly.

At the same time Stella got out from the bathroom, wiping her fingers with the piece of tissue paper. As soon she noticed us, she gave off a meek smile.

" Hey Regina. It's good to see you here." Stella was standing between us at the moment. Seeing her face, Regina calmed down a little.

" Same. How you been." Regina asked

" Fine. You say how come you're here?"

Well frankly speaking I had no intention of bothering them while they were chatting. But the fact is it's been few minutes already. My only concern is that Luke may come here looking for us. And seeing Regina with me might not be a good idea. I was hesitant to continue our conversation.

Stella looked at me and instantly figured it out. She knew that I was not feeling good about this situation.

" You know what Regina, you two talk I'll go back to lounge. Later."

" But why are you leaving-" Stella already walked away from us and disappeared in the crowd.

" What just happened here Theo? Explain it now!" Regina sighed and glared at me.

" Luke asked me to introduce Stella with our friends. We came here because Stella wanted to use the washroom. So if both of us stayed here talking with you, Luke or other may come here to look for us. That's why Stella left. Now tell me why are you here? You don't usually go to clubs."

As I explained the whole thing to her, Regina looked less ferocious. Finally she sighed letting out a deep breath.

" One of my client invited me to his birthday party. We were at the lounge area also. "

Her voice sounded less cranky. She continued her speech

" Anyway I'm glad that we came across with each other. I have been trying to meet up with you. By the way, was that really Stella? I couldn't even recognise her at first, she's looking stunning."

" I know right? In fact I couldn't even believe that it was her when I saw her at first." I replied chuckling " Well then see you later."

" Why are you leaving so fast. Stella is there so I don't think Luke's gonna come here looking for you. And you should give her some space so that she can be acquainted with other guys." As I heard this I became little irritated.

" What do you mean by that?" I spat out with a annoying tone.

" You and Stella aren't real couples. So she can date anyone she wants just like you're doing. She may not have a boyfriend now but sooner or later she'll get one. If you keep sticking up with her, she might end up staying single even after you guys get divorced."

I can't tell if I'm angry or frustrated or both. I know what Regina told me is true but my heart is aching. I'm feeling this unfamiliar emotion mixed with sadness and anger. Quite hard to explain why.

" I'll go back for now. See ya." I walked out from there without arguing any further. This feeling I'm having right now is new to me.

Why am I so annoyed? Why am I so upset? I know she's just pretending to be my wife. In future she'll have her own family with some other guy. Then why am I so angry?

The thought of her being with some other guy is making me restless. I just want her to be with me.

But why? She's not my girlfriend. She doesn't love me. She's not Regina.Then why?

I entered the lounge where everyone was there. They were chatting and laughing on their own.

" You just set me up with anyone! I can't stay single any longer." I heard Logan begging.

" How about hooker?" Stella replies with a evil grin on her face.

" Don't sink me that low!" Everyone laughed, Luke clapped his hand and Mike whistled with a ear pitching sound. It looked so lively.

I took the sit beside Stella. " How did it go?" She asked moving her face at me.

" Good."

" Hey you okay? You kinda look down. Did something happened?" I was not sure if I should answer her question. I felt that she may be bothered by it.

" Nah it's fine." I calmly replied avoiding eye contact with her.

Suddenly she grabbed my arm which made me flinch, making me look directly at her.

" You don't look fine to me. How about we go for a dance ?" She had this bright smile on face beaming with bliss. I had no strength to turn down her.

" I'm not a good dancer."

" So am I." She giggled and we walked out from the room. Luke and the boys were busy taking with themselves. That's why they didn't noticed us leaving the lounge area.

The dance floor was crowded with people. They were bouncing and dancing to the beat. DJ was cheering them up by shouting on the speaker. Stella was already dancing on her own, moving her whole body, shaking it in an attractive motion.

Is she a pro? Damn! it looked like she's going to set fire in here.

" How am I supposed to follow you up ? I am not good at it." I spoke loudly as the music was preventing us from hearing anything.

" Just follow my lead. Copy my steps or just go wild! There's nothing to be afraid of. No one is watching us."

I was pumped up by her. I slowly started to copy her moves and follow her up. Turning my head from side to side as I looked around the club area.

Without being bothered about being rigid I let out my arms flow as they move. I lifted my arm up higher while the other is low. My eyes either looked down at the ground or glance up to the ceiling or grazed at her.

Stella was dancing like a mad man. Squatting and jumping, shaking her hips on the beats of the music. She took out her phone and snapped few pics of me then handed it to me.

It was dark yet I took few snaps of her with the help of the flashlight.

I was enjoying every second of this. The loud music was making me more energetic. We laughed and giggled, watching our stupid, silly moves. Most importantly we were tried yet we kept on dancing. I had no idea how I was relieved from the frustration. It was completely out of my mind as if I never got angry. In fact I almost forgot what I heard that time. Right now this is what I want.

I want to be with this person standing here with me.

I drove us back to our home. I had only few drinks and thanks to Stella I was able to turn down the drink off challenge. But the hangover still hit me hard like a brick.

The rays of the sun sparked on my face almost burning me. I forgot to draw the curtains. My head was hurting badly with the hangover.

God I hate Luke.

Yes, you heard me. I really do hate him since it's all his fault. It was him who invited me and I know damn well that he is going to torment me until I take my last breath.

My mood is really fu*ked up right now. I just wanna sleep but with this bloody pain I'm in great agony.

Without delaying any further I went to the eat breakfast after freshening up. I saw Stella beside the table putting down the cutlery on the table.

" Good morning." She greeted me with a smile. I was stunned to see that how she's fine after drinking so much last night.

" First tell me how?"

" What?"

" How can you still be okay after drinking last night? Why didn't you got any hangover?" I blurted out loudly and a little amount of pain strikes into my head " Oow!"

Damn it! I shouldn't talk loudly.

" Here drink this you'll feel good. It will help you to recover from hangover." She pushes a glass at my direction. The content of the glass looked really unappetising and smelled nasty.

There's no way I'm drinking this stuff! My nose wrinkled and nostrils flared with the foul smell.

~to be continued