Your Gift

I can not take any credits for showing concern to my wife and the lady I love. It may seem to other that I am a great husband but in reality I haven't even started to act like a proper husband. In fact we are not even a real couple. How oddly everything sums up together now. All those years, I have been unsatisfied with my past relationships.

Now I'm just in a delusional world. What I see with these eyes of mine, becomes so dreamy when I am with Stella. She can turn something upside down—— from a bad start to a good ending.

Probably the effects of loving someone I guess. It makes me feel young and merry.

Stella still hasn't noticed that I had asked thr lady to pack up the necklace. She was busy, looking at the other stuffs around. I walked at her and stood in front of her.

" Oh. You're done ?" She seemed rather unfocused replying to me.

" Yup. Let's go eat something."

" Sure. I'm super hungry."

We sat on the car and I took out the box which was wrapped in a shiny paper. She looked at me, still confused about the thing I was holding in my hand. I handed the box to her and placed it on her palm.

" What's this?"

" Open it." She unwrap the box and lifted the led of the box. As she picked up the necklace with her hand, her whole face was gleaming brightly like a sun. She looked so happy and cheered up.

" When did-" I cut into her speech

" You like it right? Then you should have told me. Just because we went to buy gifts for your parents doesn't mean you can have one for your self." I wanted to sound reasonable to her. Technically I wanted to impress her and make her happy but I shouldn't say this things out lord right?

It will be a total embarrassment.

She was back in her old form. The beautiful heart warming smile was back again. If only buying things was easy enough for making any girl happy.

We went to eat out since we had taken leave from the work. The whole day was meant for us to be enjoying and getting closer to each other. Needless to say, after spending all this times with Stella I have a little amount of idea about her likes and dislikes.

It was always in my mind to observe her fully and to know more about her. I like to hear her stories. They are usually good and interesting.

The day was well spent and finally we were back to our home. We were both tried after spending the whole day so, we went to sleep. The sun rays beamed through my curtains and made me woke up. I went to the bathroom for freshening up and wore my clothes.

Since everything was back to normal I decided not to ignore Stella any longer to make things uncomfortable around us. I went to my table and sat down.

" Good morning." A warm greeting came from Stella as she walked out from the kitchen.

" Good morning. What's for breakfast today?"

" Nothing new. Here's your" Stella put the plate on the table and sat on the opposite direction. I started to dig into my food.

" So I'll be here to pick you up and you should get ready in time."

" Okay."

I left for my office and so did Stella. We decided to leave from here at about 6 o'clock.

I made sure to finish my work in time. Thankfully it ended on time and I went to my home. It didn't took me much time for getting ready. I wore my fine tailored black suit with a pair of black shoes. I tucked my hair into my ear since they grew longer. I finish with spraying my favourite Italian perfume which I got from our honeymoon. And just like that I was done getting ready.

Yeah! being a man is actually a blessing I tell you.

I got out from my room and sat down on the dinner table. Few minutes later Stella walked in wearing a bright blue dress. Her hair was let loose around her back. She was wearing the necklace that I gave her yesterday. It made me so happy seeing her wearing it.

She looked so pretty and adorable that I wanted to cuddle her up.

" You look beautiful."

" Thank you. Same goes for you."

" What? You're not gonna compliment me? That's rude."

" Don't be such a kid. You look good. Now let's go we have to reach in time."

" Yeah. Let's go."

We reached at her house. We could see all the people's car packed who were invited today. My parents were also invited here but my mom and dad went to German for an early vacation. They will be returning after four more days.

I opened the door for Stella and she got out from the car. We walked into the house holding our hands.

The reason for this step is quite obvious. We were a married couple but only to the world. So, we had to keep up with our act in front of them. I never thought that someone I will be deeply attracted to somebody who is a total stranger.

But this is real. What I feel is real and I'm not letting this feelings go away or wipe out from my heart.

I was happy holding her thin hand into mine. It felt so warm and I knew that she was only pretending. I can't blame her in this.

Stella's father was attending the guests. When he looked at us, he came forward to welcome us.

Mr. Carlton was hugging Stella and then he patted down my shoulder.

" Welcome, welcome. How are you son?"

" Fantastic. Thanks to your daughter. She has been taking very good care of me. "

" I know. She's a really good girl. I must thank you too for looking after my daughter. I may not call you often since I'm busy but your mother-in-law calls in to know how you two doing."

" It's really nothing to worry about. Even I am very busy through out the day so, I don't call you either. It's understandable." Mr. Carlton is a jolly person. I can see all those things Stella received from her father.

" Dad, this is for you." Stella handed the bag which had the gift inside it.

" Thanks honey."

" Actually Theo got it for you. I'll go see where mom is. You two continue to chat." Stella left us alone and went to see her mother.

Mrs. Carlton was also attending other guests in the house. I looked around the room to find Neil but he wasn't there in the crowd.

" Where is Neil? Can't see him around."

" He's with his friends. By the way how's your marriage life? Are you guys getting together?" The question didn't sound that negative so, I decided to give a positive reply.

" It's good. I didn't had any problems with her. You also know how is your daughter. She's such a naive and easy going girl." I grabbed his two hands and grabbed them with mine " Honestly Mr. Carlton I'm very happy and lucky to have your daughter as my wife."

" Now that you're saying all this I feel a bit relaxed. I was worried if I took the wrong decision for Stella."

~ to be continued