Good Advice

Well these two days have been very hectic. I wanted to talk about this to someone and without a second thought I decided to meet up with Luke, Mike and Regina. Technically I felt that Regina should come also since she's the only smart one among the us.

It was almost lunch time I called Luke and told him to meet up and call the others. Stella and me came to the dining table. I was happy to eat lunch with her after a long time.

" So, you have any plans?" I asked her first to see if she was free or not. To be honest I thought it would be best if Stella doesn't come with me. I mean after all I'm going there to discuss about my relationship with her. But if she's free I'll take her with me.

" I have some works to finish. Why did you ask?"

" I'm going to meet up with Luke, Mike and Regina. Do you wanna come?" I fixed my gaze at her to see her expression. Since Regina is my ex, I didn't wanted her to feel uncomfortable or sad or angry. But I don't want to lie either. At present Regina and I have a friendly relation so, even in future I don't want her to feel vulnerable over my ex or my past.

" I would have but I have to submit the work tomorrow. Maybe next time." I noticed that she was calm and casual when she replied me. But you can't tell what a woman really want so I asked her again.

" You sure? Can't you delay it?"

" Nah. I have to finish it. You go have fun and don't get drugged." With a playful smirk, she chuckles softly and looks at me smiling.

" Fine. I'll be careful."

Just like we planned Stella stayed at home to finish her office project. Meanwhile I am already at the bar, sitting with my squad. Even Dalton is here, yes I came back to that bar. Four of them are eagerly waiting for me to speak up.

" So, I told her about my feelings."

" Woah! Congratulations bro!" Luke shouts out in excitement.

" Yeah and we had sex"

" That's even more better! Way to go Theo!" Mike and Luke both shouts out again.

" Finally this ship has sailed!" Regina raised her glass of cocktail and then all of them started to clinking their glasses, as they all said " Cheers" together.

" But there's a problem." It's time for the tricky part. I have to slowly reveal the details.

" Come on. Don't tell me that you still didn't apologised to her." Regina gave a annoyed look, raising her eye brows.

" That's not it. I did apologised to her."

" Then?" Dalton spoke, finally. Luke wasn't grinning at him today.

I explain the whole incident regarding the hooker part and what happened after that. Everyone literally had their mouth wide open when they listen to my speech. Well, I can't blame them. This situation was so bizarre and awkward even I would have done the same reaction.

" Wait the fuck up! You literally forced her to have sex but next she tells you that you guys should become fuck buddies and then you told her about your feelings? Are you freaking kidding me?" With an ear pitching voice Luke shouted into my ears. This is why I hate talking with him. He's even worse than a girl.

" What the fuck Theo? Did you even realised what you did?" Regina glared at me, grinding her teeth. She looked super angry.

" Man! this thing only gets complicated." Mike added to that.

" I don't have any idea how to like— stick everything together. It's only getting messy when ever I take a step forward." With my hand, I started to massage between the eyebrows.

" Even I have no words to say. Can't believe she chose you over Ray." Seriously Luke? How can you say that on my face?

" Wait a minute. Are you my friend or his? Oh! And I almost forgot to tell what happened with Ray." I got annoyed by Luke's dumb comment. And since he brought up Ray's name it only made me more furious.

" Did he confessed his love also?" Dalton asked with a worried expression. Man! Only this guy here, is probably willing to help me to sort out things.

" No. That asshole came to my house and nagged about me to Stella. He saw me in that place then he thought he will expose my character. Thankfully Stella managed the situation." I explained it with a annoyed voice. My mood had turned sour as everything went.

" Why the hell Stella picked you?" Luke made another dumb statement. Jesus Christ! Just stop already!

" Shut your mouth Luke! I beg you!" I yelled at him in anger.

" Listen Theo, I don't care what happened between us but if you make Stella cry, I will chop off your balls." Woah there! My balls are very precious I need to have a hair who will inherit my property. Calm your tits woman!

You never showed this much hostility when we broke up.

" Exactly. Man you got such a nice wife. Why are you ruining your life? Open your eyes! God has send you an angel." Mike spoke up calmly rather than spitting nonsense like Luke.

" Why are you guys blaming me? I'm supposed to be your friend!"

" Fuck that! We are leaving. You go home and be a man." Luke yelled at me and he stood up from his sit.

" Don't mess up now. This is your last chance. Don't let Ray win." Regina added getting up from her sit. She continued again " By the way I'm gonna burn all the clothes I brought from his fashion show."

" You don't have to do that though." I told her to change her mind since these clothes costed a lot. It's a dumb idea to just burn them.

" Honestly, Ray is just making confusions between you two." Dalton gave his statement.

" Correct! He just wants you to take the wrong step then Boom! Stella divorces you and goes to Ray. Classic strategy of cunning men." Pointing his finger at me, Mike spoke up as if I'm the culprit here.

" Cunning? More like a cunt." My cod lines became rigid as I thought of Ray.

" Forget it. You should go home now. Stella is probably waiting for you." Regina advices me. But I knew she is only worried about Stella.

" Yeah I'll go back now." All of us left from there. We probably spend like one and half hour in the bar. Since our objective was to have a subtle conversation on my relationship status.

I drove back to home. It was around 9.00 pm and my stomach was empty. I wanted to eat my dinner as soon as possible. Thankfully I had told Stella that I won't be eating out.

" Oh! You're back." Stella was in the drawings room working on her laptop. She was so focused on the screen that she didn't noticed my foot steps.

" Yeah. How's your project? Do you want me to help you?" I had no idea what she was currently working on but in spite of that fact I gave her the offer. It will be a shameful moment for me if I can't help her out.

~ to be continued