Don’t Run

Just like I said, I had taken those foods with me. Stella was not ready to let me take them with me. Although after pleading so much she agreed. Stella had heated the food and packed them well for my lunch. I was excited for the lunch. When I started to eat my food, they tasted so good. Such a shame that I could not eat them when they were freshly cooked.

After that day, I kept on avoiding Megan. These types of things bring miss understanding in a relationship. It's true that Stella didn't thought practically that day. She acted stupidly but knowing her shy meek nature, I couldn't just blame her.

Since I'm a caring husband I shall take half of the blame from her. It's the starting of our relationship and I don't want it to crumble little by little.

That's is why staying far away from that Megan was better. I knew if she sees me, she will try her best to stick onto me. As you say, precaution is better than cure. Two days past like that. Every time Megan asked for me or tried to meet me, I would tell John to handle it or tell him to say that I'm busy. Megan's job was almost done. Soon she will leave and I can be peaceful again.

Stella didn't came to sleep in my room after that day. Actually she started her period on the next day after that night when she slept in my room. I had told her that I won't mind or get bother by it. But she insisted that she will stay in her on those days. Thus, I had sleep alone all by myself. I mean I can not force her for it.

It was the last day of Megan's shooting. More than anyone else I was super happy that she will be leaving. From the beginning I knew her behaviour was weird. The way she shifted her body posture, they way she talked everything was so fishy.

She tried her best to gain my attention. But honestly, other than annoyance, I felt no attraction towards her. Wearing some tight short clothes and putting on loads of powder, can not make anyone pretty or attractive. They may catch attention of people who are mostly blind but not me. I am different. Besides you can tell about a person's true nature if you observe them for a long. No matter how hard she tried to pretend that she's a nice person I knew she was nothing but a scheming bitch.

It was around the lunch hour. I was going to put down my laptop and have something to eat. As I was sitting inside my cabin, my phone rang up. I thought it must be Stella. She usually calls me around this time to have little chat about my day. It may be short but I enjoy talking with her.

Surprisingly the person who was calling me was Megan. 'Strange why would she call me?' I muttered to myself.

" Hello?"

" Mr. Lester, I'm so sorry for calling you at this hour but I'm kinda in a trouble." Her voice sounded worried and tensed.

" What happened?" I asked her the reason.

" I think I broke my ankle and I can't walk. Can you please come here to pick me up?" Her voice was shaking and she sounded as if she was in pain. Maybe she had really broken her ankle and she can not walk by herself.

" Okay fine. Text me the address I will be there in a minute."

" Thank you so much." Her voice sounded bit relieved after hearing my words.

I hung up the phone being annoyed. I called John into my cabin to send him there. He entered in my cabin.

" What it is?" John asked me holding the files in his hand.

" Miss Megan broke her ankle. She's sending me the address. You go and pick her up." I instructed him to do the job. Call me rude or evil but I am not going there to pick some damsel in distress or what so ever.

" Don't you think it will be better if you go there? If she comes in front of the media, they will gather a crowd around her. If you go with your car it will be the best." I rolled my eyes hearing his explanation. Seriously?

Now I have to take that responsibility?

Who told her to go there on her own?

At least not me!

" Do I really have to ?" I frowned my eye brows staring blankly at John.

" It's about our company's reputation."

" There goes my lunch! Fine you also come with me. I can't even stand that woman for a second." I yelled at John then we went to my car. John drove us to the address that Megan had texted on my phone. It was not that far. John parked the car and we went inside the place.

It was a hotel but there was a restaurant inside it. I looked around to see where Megan was although my eyes could not detect them. Finally I saw Megan. She was sitting on a chair, looking at her phone. We were just standing close to her but she was busy looking down at her phone screen.

" You okay?" She was looking at her phone's screen so, she got startled hearing my voice. As soon I spoke she quickly turned off her phone.

" Oh! Yes... thank you for coming Mr. Lester .... and Mr.John." She spoke of John's name after seeing him behind me. She forced a smile at him. Her expression had turned sour at that point I could tell easily.

" Uhhh... okay then try to walk supporting on my shoulder." I lowered my body and she kept her hand on my shoulder. There's no way I'm going to carry her. If that happens John will do it. Anyway John also came forward to give her the support but she was only clinging onto me. She walked two step but then suddenly she fell, wrapping her arms around my body.

Thanks to my quick reflex i was able to hold her down. Her body was literally hugging mine.

" Theo!" A voice filled with anguish and terror ranged into my ears. It was a familiar voice which made me move my head in a hurry.

The person standing opposite me was none other than Stella. Her face was coved with the dark clouds of sorrow even I could tell at a glance. She didn't made any sound after that. When our eyes met with each other we stood still. But it was not for long. With in a blink of an eye she ran away from that place.

It took me few seconds to realise what just actually happened. My heart was stabbed with a dagger and it was bleeding badly. I had no idea what to do at that moment so I ran after her. I was literally chasing her like a manic.

How did everything came to this?

~ to be continued