First Kiss

Stella stood there, shouting her heart out. No one will listen what she is saying besides me. She came back to me when she was finally done. I was standing there, waiting for her near my car. When she walked at me, there was a big smile on her face. With that heartwarming smile she started to spoke

"How did you know about this place?"

" Back in those days, when I was in my college, I had lots of stress at that time. So when even I felt frustrated, I would come here and release my stress. Shout my heart out."

" That's a really cool way to release your stress."

We were standing closely, gazing at each other shamelessly, smiling like an idiot. Seriously! Who would have believed me, if I said that few moments ago, we were literally heartbroken and covered with the dark clouds of sorrow.

No one. Not even a single person.

It was a beautiful moment and I was hypnotised by those eyes. She leaned her body more closer, making our lips touched in a deep kiss.

Our lips moved in a sync just like they knew their way. With the sun going down, we had our first kiss as lovers. Surely I will not count those kisses which we had in a spur of moment. They were just some physical contact only. This is the new beginning of our chapter and I will do my best to shape it into a beautiful life.

The sun has set now and we were lucky enough to witness that mesmerising scene together, holding our hands firmly. I can't tell if I had ever seen the sun going down with a person, spontaneously like today. Because of these whole situation we had skipped our lunch. Although Stella had stuffed her stomach with ice cream. That won't be enough for both of us to prevent the hunger.

I texted Lucy to prepare a good dinner for both of us, mentioning that the young miss is still suffering from her period. We were very tired and our body needs food. I drove the car in a mild speed since the road was clear, free from the city crowd. Stella was looking outside the window. I wonder what she was thinking about.

It was silent in the car. So, I decided to break it by asking her about some questions.

" When did you realise that you love me?" I was calm when I asked her this. I mean, it felt rather funny, interrogating her about this.

" I guess, when you came back from your trip or maybe before that. Honestly-" She began to laugh without finishing her sentence.

" What?" Frowning my eyebrows, I looked at her with bewilderment.

" It's just-" Now she's giggling like a kid who just broke her mom's brand new lipstick and she feels no regret for that. Kind of like an evil grin but it got more innocence to it.

" To be honest, when I married you and started to live with you, I was happy. There were times when I felt that even if you were my real husband you would be good. But as you know, I never wanted to have a romantic relationship or love someone. You were my friend but at the same time very different than my other friends, just like I had some kind of special connection toward you. Even I can't explain it. You always supported me and been there for me like a-"

" Good father." My sarcastic remark made her roll on the seat with laughter. Hey! I just said what it really was! " Can you stop now, please?" Yes I had to plead her to continue her speech and stop her laughter.

" Actually it's not completely wrong. You are like the best image of a father to me." It was funny enough to compare me with her dad. I have heard that girls want their husbands to have their father's characteristics. Or there could be some perverted reasons for her laugh. Who knows!

" Fine then. You should call me daddy from now on." I don't know why but as soon I spoke those words, her face turned into a red tomato. She was blushing at my sarcastic remark and it was clearly shown all over her face. Well, she managed to get a hold of herself and began to talk again.

" Everything was going good until the day we had sex. For me, it was kind of a shock but I didn't reject you. Perhaps I did liked you from the beginning but never considered it as a lover's perspective."

" Don't know if I should be happy or sad to hear it." I let out a deep sigh of dissatisfaction.

" Why?"

" It makes me feel like I cheated on you." With a bland gloomy tone I replied her back.

" I don't feel that. Regina is your past and so are the other women you had relationship with. All you can do is forget them and move on. We both agreed to have a fake marriage. I will also take the responsibility of it." Her words made me feel better. Sure, I knew that holding onto past will only bring me dissatisfaction. Unless I stop worried about it, I can never enjoy my present. Let those unwanted past be wiped out by the tides of my promising future.

" I'm gonna burn those paper when I reach home."

And that will be my first step to my promising future.

We reached home and the food was waiting for us. Our stomachs were empty and after eating all those ice cream Stella's period cramps are gotten worse. Which is obvious but sometimes you can't balance your health and your craving at the same time.

So, to cure her painful cramps Lucy had cooked chicken stew, salads and vegetables for her. I don't mind eating those besides I always prefer having diet food.

The dining table was already packed with the food when Stella and I went to eat. We had not Changed our clothes. Our tummies were screaming for food.

After finishing our food I went back to my room. Stella went to her room to change her clothes and take a shower. When I was done having shower and dressing up with casual clothes, I opened my locker to find the papers. They were at the same place where I have kept them, covered with a thin layer of dust.

" What's that?" I didn't noticed that Stella had already entered into my room since I was busy looking at that piece of paper.

" Paper." I chuckle softly and replied. Stella was wearing a loose baggy t-shirt and her pajamas. Her hair was open although they were not wet. When she sat down beside me, I realised that she had shampooed her hair. The floral fragrance of her shampoo was floating around the air.

My hands were automatically drawn to her silk like hair. As my hand went through her black smooth hair, being touched by my palm, it felt so soothing. I wanted to do it more and more.

" Hey! Stop touching my hair!" She yelled at me looking bit annoyed.

" I think I will be doing it more often." I have found the most amazing thing to do with her. This is so far my greatest discovery till now. I am proud of myself.

~ to be continued