Lovers Friends

A broken lover's heart is very hard to mend. It's like a broken glass, bring shattered into such small, tiny pieces. So, trying to fix it would be a fool's joke.

Here we are, sitting together, in the early morning, instead of going to work, consoling my wife's best friend who just got rejected by her. Life is so small and funny at the same time. I can't believe I'm easily forgiving this piece of shit, who tried to break my marriage, steal my woman and not the least, give my wife an open proposal to choose him if she ever leaves me.

Ironic? Isn't it.

I am rather calmed about the whole situation where else I was supposed to be freaking out or burning into the flames of jealousy. But no, that's something a fool would do. Someone like Ray, stupid enough to scheme these type of childish act on his own.

At the current moment, Ray has drunk two bottles of wine by himself. Me and Stella just sat down with him to give him company. It took him only few minutes to burst into tears. No matter how cruel it sounds, I was kinda irritated with it and so was Stella.

We had already wasted our day by not going to our work. I mean after Ray decided to stay here for a drink, I really felt that I should at least show him some hospitality. That time when he came to our house he was kinda driven away by us,especially Stella.

" I can't believe." *hiccup* "you-" *hiccup* "You saw my dick!" *hiccup* " It's not fair! And-" *hiccup* " and you even compared it to that guy!"

It was just trash talk so, neither of us bother to be fazed by his remarks. On the contrary, we were smiling, seeing him like that. His nose and eyes were red after crying so much. He was still weeping like a kid as he kept on talking nonsense.

" What I'm gonna do now?" *hiccup* " My life's over" *hiccup* " I wanna be happy." Ah. They say that a drunk person is a very interesting creature. You either get beat up by them or enjoy their shit talk.

" We shouldn't have let him drink here." Stella said with an worn out look.

" It's fine. If you look at the whole thing, what Ray did turned out good for me only. So, I should at least offer him a little bit of drink. Besides I know that it will make you sad if you guys stop being friends all of a sudden."

Yes, even after all the things that have happened, I was not telling Stella to break her friendship. Ray was with her since the beginning and he didn't had the bad intention to hurt Stella.

It was all his foolishness that led him to take the wrong road. Friends are important. It took me a long time to realised it's value.

If I imagine my life, where I had never encountered with Luke, if I had not interacted with him, if I had not been friends with him, I would have tuned into a block of ice.

He was the one, who made the efforts to be friends with me. He was with me in my sad days and good days. He was there when I needed a person to talk. That's what friends are for. You need them in your life because they are like your siblings, they are like your family, they are like your mentor and some time they are like lovers. They gave you the affection which can be same as your lover. But they will still be your friends. You get everything in the package.

" I was sad to think that I will have to stop contacting Ray. You know that I forgive people easily, in fact I had forgiven him the moment when we left his house. For me it's hard to see people leave." Her eyes were sparking, gleaming like glitter but I can't tell if that's her sorrow or grief or regret or something else.

" Because once they leave, they never came around." I knew it since she had been suffering from her insecurities. Her life had been putting her in so many tough situations where she had to pick the road to make others happy.

But was she happy? Have anyone asked her that?

No! She was not.

She was just trying to enjoy her life in this beautiful earth, where she had so many options to see various things, various people, to interact with them, to know them. It would have been such a great opportunity for her, where she could have felt the freedom to pick the road she wanted.

" I'm glad that I met you." We were completely lost into each other eyes, rather than being bothered by our surroundings.

" You mean, you're glad that you married me?" With a playful smirk I replied back.

" Yes!" Our lips touched to seal the answer more efficiently. I mean, I can say 'yes' to anything if she gives me a kiss for it.

" For gods sake! Get a room you two!" Ray yelled at us which sounded more like a kid winning to his mother. We laughed at him, which is probably bad but we can't help being happy right now.

After the lunch, Ray left our home. His driver had taken him back to his house. They day ended like that. We stayed at home and spent it together. Stella has already came to my room after changing her clothes.

" You should keep some of your belongings here since we will stay in my room." It's a hassle to get her clothes and other things from her room when ever she needs it. So, it will be better if she keeps some of her things here.

" Yeah I was also thinking about it."

" My room is big enough to share it with you but it would be nice if you don't stick those pictures of anime characters in here. I'd be grateful." She let out a chuckle hearing my words.

" Yes sir!" She replied back sarcastically.

" Tomorrow's Sunday so, I decided to take you on a date. A proper one. And I won't cancel it even if tsunami or some other disasters breaks out." I am a type of person who does or plans the things before taking other's consent. I believe that you should do it rather than waiting for a 'yes' or 'no' and even at the end, they turn down the offer don't be sad for it. The pleasure and delight you get from a surprise gift, is just incomparable.

" Okay!okay! Fine. But why so sudden?"

" Because I wanted to. Duh!"

" Seriously?" She rolled her eyes as she spoke.

" Be ready on time okay?"

Now that the date is fixed I can sleep peacefully. Although my anxiety kept on telling me that it will turn out bad. Let's see what's going to happen tomorrow.

~ to be continued

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