The Balcony

Life will put you in many hard situations. Unless you fight back, you will be devoured by the darkness and the suffering of your painful life. It's a long, dark tunnel when you start to walk at first. But as you walk and walk further evading the sable cloak, you will reach the light of faith at the end of the tunnel.

I am such a hopeless husband. First I would fight with my wife, then I would go back to her for forgiveness, begging at her knee. As soon my office was over, I drove back to Stella's parents house. Even though I wanted to go back to meet Stella as early as possible, my work kept me occupied until it was 9.30 pm. When I reached her home it was pretty late. Besides her house is far from my office. It probably took me hours to reach.

I called Neil to confirm if he's at home. It's kinda awkward for me to go to their house at this hour. Parking near the gate, I stayed inside my car.

" Neil, where you at? "

" I'm just returning home. Have you reached there already?"

" Yeah I'm inside my car."

" Yo!" I literally jumped up from my seat as I got startled by his sudden appearance.

" What the hell Neil! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

" Sorry bro."

" How's your sis now? Is she still mad?" With guilt and regret I asked him.

" Hmm. My parents aren't aware of it. She told them that she came to see how they are doing."

" I see. It's better to keep this matter to our self. By the way, your sister left my house wearing her office clothes. What did she told her parents?"

" Nah. She changed her clothes before going home. I had to took her to buy clothes."

" That's good. I was also wondering what happened. Anyway, let's go inside."

" Uh-Uh-Ah.....Not like that."

" What do you mean?"

" You need to enter like a hero of a romantic movie. "

" Is that a joke?"

" I'm serious. Come, follow me." Parking the car inside their house, I got out from it and followed Neil. He escorted me to the backside of the house where it was filled with trees and bushes.

" Here. That room, up there is my sis's room. You can climb up the wall and enter in her room via balcony." My eyes went up and I realised how childish it was to climb up.

" What!" Thats the first thing came from my mouth. " How can I climb .... oh wait there's some places to grip on it."

" Yup! We made them."

" Huh? We? You mean Stella and you?"

" Yup. Only my sis has balcony in our house. That's why, we made this little rack. When ever we sneaked out from our house, we used this to avoid our parents."

" You guys were rebels from such young age."

" Yeah. Anyway climb up and meet your princess. I'm gonna go get some sleep." He left me there with my misery and amusement.

Like a burglar, I had to climb up to her balcony. The glass door was covered by the curtains which was why I couldn't see her. I began to knock on the glass door waiting for her to open it.

Although I made no sound from my mouth or called out her name. The chilly wind was hitting me hard, making my body shiver in cold. Thank god it's not winter yet or else I would have been frozen.

" Theo?" Thankfully Stella came to the door and opened it for me. As I entered into her room, my long arms grabbed her slender body tightly.

" I'm sorry. I shouldn't have fought with you." Without any delay, I apologised to her.

" ...How did you?"

" I climbed up here to steal your heart. " With a sarcastic way I told her. It made her chuckle.

" I wasn't expecting to-"

" See me? Yeah that's obvious. After how shouted at you. You don't have to quit your job. I'm sorry for acting that way." I'll handle Adam later. As Neil said before, Stella is married to me. Even though Adam may try to get her attention, it won't be enough to make us separated. I'll keep my eyes on him in case he does something shady.

" But why were you opposed to me working there?"

" I was just jealous and one thing I realised today. I can't live without any longer. I know there will be time in future when we will have arguments like this. But no matter how much we fight I just wants us to sort out things as soon as possible."

" I was really mad when you told me to quit the job. Maybe that's why I reacted arrogantly. I'm also to be blamed for talking to you that way."

" Anyway let's not bring that topic anymore. I'm guilty of my mistakes. We will go back tomorrow. The home doesn't feel home when you're not there."

" I was missing it too. I'm kinda attached to it now." Stella told me with a smile.

" You mean attached with the home? Or with the person living there with you?" I asked her with a smirk on my face.

" Both."

" Aww! You hurt my feelings! I was expecting something more."

" Like what?" She was playing hard to get. But never mind, I don't mind taking the lead. My body cornered her straight at the wall, making her trapped under my body. My hands were slowly rubbing her skin seductively. By that time we were already kissing each other.

I picked up her feather like body and slammed it on the bed. We were engaged to the wildest desires of our heart. When two bodies clashes with passion and love, it's normal to be lost into their own world.

" Hey... be quite. I don't wanna wake my parents up." She whispered into my ear, making them tickle.

" Your house is big enough. They won't hear any sound. Or you want me to gag you with something?" I received a slap on my arm as I teased her naughtily.

" Very funny." It was actually her who was doing all the moaning but I can't just admit it in front of her. Right?

So, I stayed quite although the upcoming moments were so hectic that she couldn't keep her moans on hold. The bed was also moving a lot, making some weird unwanted noises.

Jesus Christ! I hope no one hears us or comes near the room.

Continuing our passionate night, we fell asleep peacefully. But the problem is what will we say to my in-laws? I mean I came inside their house like a robber, climbing through the wall. They will surely question us about me being present at their house.

" I'll say that you came in the morning." Stella gave me her advice which sounded reliable.

" Okay. Let's go with that."

~ to be continued