BBQ Party

Things have went back to normal. Vanessa had left the city for good. In future she will not even think of harming us, since both me and Stella had taught her a good lesson. After doing a background inspection on Vanessa, I found out that she only worked at a VIP bar as a hostess. I had my doubts on Vanessa and so did Stella.

Without the help of someone else , she can't process the whole plan by herself. It's sad that her life became tragic when her father's company went bankrupt. She has been blaming Stella for her problems.

But what about the other person?

Why would that person help Vanessa?

What was their motive?

As long we are together, no one can separate us. It's only futile to scheme these sort of childish and disgusting plans. Our bond is way stronger than before. After the incident with Ray, both of us learned that we need to trust each other in every situation. My only worry is that other person. I hope that I can find about the culprit soon.

Christmas is also approaching. All my office staffs are waiting for the vacations. Even I want to take the break as soon as possible. It's funny how I used to be glued to my work 24 hours. It was the only thing where I devoted all my concentration. Compare to that, I have become a lazy guy, who only wants to take lots of break and spend that time with his wife.

A week had past after the incident happened with Vanessa. It was Sunday. Ray, Neil, Luke and Regina all of them had came to our house. We decided to have a small BBQ party and relax for the day. It was energetic and having all our friends together at a place lighten up the mood.

" Theo you're such a pussy! How could you let someone rape you." As usual Luke started to trash talk. Seriously this guy is so intimidating! Why the hell I'm still friends with him?

" For your kind information, I didn't get raped. And I told you I was drugged. My head was spinning like crazy!"

" I wonder who's going to nuke you next." Ray stated bluntly.

" The fuck?"

" Man! You should be careful. All these bitches are trying to get your baby seeds." Neil said while taking sip from his beer bottle.

" You should hire some bodyguard dude." Luke mocked me with a smirk.

" Hey! Stop bullying my husband. It's not his fault for being so handsome and rich, unlike you people."

" Did you just dissed us?" Luke snapped out as he realised that Stella just called him ugly and poor along with all the guys present here.

" Sis I thought you loved me the most!" Neil whines, making his eyes fixed at her.

" It wasn't Theo's fault. Vanessa hated me and she did all this to take revenge on me. Therefore stop blaming Theo."

" Stella you're being too nice with him." Regina growls in reply, giving me a dirty look.

" Who ever makes fun of Theo, they won't be getting any food."

" Theo! My dear friend! Have I ever told you, how much I love you? I'm so blessed to have a friend like you." What the fuck? Luke suddenly changed from ground zero to up high in the space.

" You're not just a brother-in-law. To me, you are like a real brother." Neil states.

" You know, I was only complimenting you when I said girls are trying to get close with you. After all you're such a great guy Theo." Ray also gave me his fake appreciation.

" Thanks but no thanks. I don't need your fake concerns." I spat out with annoyance, giving them a nasty expression. Regina and Stella giggles hearing the boys talk. People can change so much, dragging their dignity down, for some food.

You guys are animals. I swear.

We sat down to eat. The food was smelling delicious. I can't wait to dig in. It's totally understandable, why the boys decided to change their attitude. I mean, they know that Stella's food tastes great. She's a good cook. Or maybe because of the special ingredient she uses in her cooking, which is love. If I had to pick a dish made by a five star Chef or by Stella, I'll always pick her dish.

" What's the plan for Christmas? This will be you guy's first Christmas." Regina asked.

" Let's see. I mean we haven't planned anything."

" I was thinking about getting married this Christmas." Luke said with a blank face.

" WHAT!" All of us gasped at the same time, even Regina also.

" Why are you surprised?" I asked Regina.

" That's because I'm also hearing this for the first time."

" Luke, explain it."

" What's there to explain? I was thinking about getting married on New Year's Eve. That way I'll be able to remember my anniversary. Isn't that a great idea?" Like a five year old kid, Luke told us about his strategy. What's a dumbass!

" Yes that's fine. But have you talked about it with Regina?" Stella told him politely, with her lips pressing tightly in a meek smile.

" I just came up with the idea now. We will discuss it when we get home."

" I think that's not the point Luke. What we mean is, you should first ask your partner..... like propose them first... you know what I'm tryin' to say....." Ray tried to explain it. Poor guy, even he had a hard time dealing with Luke.

" What that mean? Regina, don't you wanna marry me?"

" That's not the point you dumbass!"

" Why are you guys giving me a hateful look? I thought it's best since Regina could be pregnant. I'm just trying to take the responsibility as a proper man."

" Regina you're pregnant?!" Stella got up from her seat with surprise and joy.

" ....No.. why would you think that Luke?" Regina's face had turned red with anger and embarrassment.

" Huh? But I saw you puking the other day." Frowning his eyes Luke replied

" That's because I was having food poisoning." Regina shouted out with frustration.

" Oh I see. So, then... let's postpone the wedding for now." Rubbing his neck, he replied back. Okay. That's enough. I got up from my seat and brought the wooden spatula from the kitchen.

" Here, go beat him up." Handing it to Regina I retuned to my seat. Regina was looking embarrassed and emotional since Luke literally made a joke out of their relationship. I always thought that Luke had lost some screws which made him unable to become a mature guy.

She started to hit Luke with the Spatula and mean while all of us focused on the food. This time Luke should learn how to properly treat a lady.

" Oww!" Luke started to whimper but none of us paid any attention. Regina wasn't really hitting him that bad. We can tell that by seeing them.

" Seriously guys? You all gonna sit there and watch? I'm not into BDSM! Please Regina stop!" I knew Luke wasn't truly getting hurt. It was enough for him to tolerate.

" You guys can use the rooms if want more privacy." Stella told Regina, while giving a cold look to Luke. Yeah they should do it somewhere else. I can't endure listening to Luke's whining and yelling.

" Thanks Stella." Regina dragged Luke out from the dining table. At least we were able to enjoy a peaceful meal. But I must say, it was also funny, seeing them fighting.

~ to be continued

* Prepare yourself for some over dramatic moments! They're coming soon *