Weak Body

I was beyond agitated with the whole situation. My heart was racing fast. What if something bad happens to my wife?

How can I not suspect that swine——Adam for doing something notorious with Stella? I mean, he's been looking for an opportunity like this ever since Stella started working at his company.

My phone rang up again. It was from Neil. I almost forgot to call him back to inform him about his sister's ware-about.

" Theo! What the hell is going on? Where's my sister?" He shouted out with anger.

" Stella is at Adam's place."

" What! But why?"

" I'll explain it later. I'm texting you his address. We will meet there." Rather than staying here and chatting on the phone, I ended the call. There's no time to waste. I quickly grabbed the car keys and drove away from my house.

" Oh shit!" I murmured by myself. After driving for a little while I realise that I'm still wearing my PJs. Yes I left my house without changing my clothes. Stella— my wife, she's in danger, she's in the lion's den. If I don't go there in time, she will be in a big trouble. This is going to be a hectic night for sure.

I was driving the car like a manic. It didn't take me long to reach there. When I was parking inside their estate, another car entered through the gate. It was Neil. Both of them came out from the car and instantly their eyes focused on me. I'm in no mood for criticism or sarcasm.

" Why are you wearing shorts?" Neil asked me, frowning his eyebrows.

" I forgot to change." With a chuckle I replied.

" Is Stella okay?" Ray asked me, looking tensed and scared.

" I don't know. Let's see for ourselves."

" I had no idea that Adam can do something like this. It's all my fault. I'm sorry Theo. I should have supported you when you wanted Stella to quit her job."

" Forget that Neil. It's not your fault. Besides, we can't predict the future. She only went to a colleague's birthday party and look how it ended."

He was acting childish. His emotional state was making him weak and unstable. Neil loves his sister dearly. It's obvious for him to react in this way. The guilt of not protecting his precious sister from the devil's hand.

" Why the hell he didn't inform any of us? Or he could have sent Stella home. That way none of this would occur."

We walked into the house. A butler came and he escorted us to where they were. My eyes laid upon the unconscious body of Stella as I entered the room. Beside her, Adam was sitting with a witty smile.

" Welcome." He didn't flinch a bit or showed any other emotion.

" You bastard!" Neil lost his cool and jumped on Adam furiously. The hard punch hit directly on Adam's cheek. But even after that, Adam was calm, looking at us with his sinful eyes. That smile remained as it was before.

" Calm down Neil!" Ray and I pulled him back toward us.

" What exactly happened with Stella?" My jaw clenched, to assure the fact that I am dead serious right now.

" I already told you on the phone. She felt uncomfortable at the party. After she came out from the bathroom she fainted, thankfully I was there to catch her on the right moment. I didn't know your phone number. So, I took her to my home." My mind was screaming, telling me that I should not believe any of his words.

" You could have checked her phone." I was civil enough while talking with him. Although my eyes kept on glaring at him with rage.

" I tried it but her phone was locked."

" Well, if you had pressed her fingers on the phone it would have opened easily."

" Oh! That didn't came to my mind."

" Is it all true? What you just said?" For the last time, I asked him if his words were true or not. I'm not a lie detector or a mind reader. Therefore I will have to investigate further to ensure his statement.

" Yes, you can ask your wife when she wakes up."

" Fine. I will believe your statement."

" What! How can you just believe him ? He's definitely lying!"

" We can find about it later. Listen Adam, I am grateful that you helped my wife. But when she wakes up, and it turns out that you were trying to harm her. I will not show any mercy, mark my words."

" Why would I try to hurt her? She's my goddess—— my angel." That sinister smile was back again. From the moment I saw him talking about Stella like a obsessed guy, I knew it was not healthy. His personality and body language chances. His behaviour is similar to a psychopath and it still gives me creeps.

" Stop your drama! We know that you stalked my sister. Even after knowing it, we let her work at your company. You are the first person to suspect if anything happens to her!"

" Well, since I'm not the culprit I have nothing to fear."

" Whatever I'm taking her back." I literally shoved Adam's body away. The more I stay here, the more I loose control over my anger. My poor wife, her face was pale and shrunken. I should call the doctor at my home. She needs a check up. I can't delay it for tomorrow.

Suddenly she opened her eyes. Our eyes met and locked instantly. Those eyes of her, they had lost the shine. She looked like she was in pain.

" Theo?" A soft moan escaped from her lips. She probably thought that it's a dream. Or maybe she's not completely awaken.

" Honey I'm here. It's all right now." I stretched out my arms to grab her into my embrace. Her thin body was not warm enough. The heart beats were slower. At that time, she vigorously threw my body away. It got me startled. Her hands covered the mouth tightly as if she's trying to prevent herself from puking.

I wanted to ask her what's wrong but she ran to the bathroom.

" See—— I told you that she's wasn't feeling okay."

" Looks like Adam was telling the truth after all." I murmured under my breath.

" Of course I was. I would do nothing to hurt her. Even if she's not with me, I want to keep on looking after her, just like I used to do. I was so happy when she came to my company. It was like a dream came true. I can be with her forever."

" Sorry to break your little fantasy. But she's married to me." A little hint of sarcasm was enough to make him understand where he is standing.

" People don't stay married forever." That snapped my mind. How dare he make such bold comment! Is he provoking me? I was acting so nice to show my sincerity and now he wants some smoke?

Or perhaps..

" Did you helped Vanessa to frame me?"

" Yes." The word had no regret, no fear, no shame at all. He replied like a King proclaiming his victory. What a bastard!

" I knew someone was behind this! And I'm so stunned to see such audacity. You didn't even flinched to admit your crime."

" Let me clarify one thing. I will never do anything to harm Stella. But I won't let anyone else have her either. I don't care if I can have her or not." Damn you son of a bitch! Just how damaged your brain is? Have you ever considered Stella's feelings? Don't you know that she loves me also. If you try to break us apart, it will make her sad too.

" That's outrageous! After today, I'm not allowing her to work at your office. I'll tell her everything." I growled at him.

" Sure. Go for it." His evil smirk made it clear that he had something up to his sleeves. I don't know what new disaster is waiting for us. If he thinks that it's easy to separate us, then he's so damn wrong.

~ to be continued