Friendly Support

I went to the front door, wondering who is the person waiting for me. As I opened the door, Neil and Ray stood there with a smile. Why are they here? They didn't informed me about coming to my house.

" How come you guys are here?" I wasn't trying to look unwelcoming but the stress was making me cranky.

" We came to check on my sis. How did it went with Adam? " Walking into the house, Neil replied.

" Not that good as we expected. In fact things got more worse." With a sigh I said.

" What do you mean? Did he plan something else?" A worried Ray asked, looking puzzled at me.

" That's bastard Adam! He made Stella signed a contract before joining his company. She has to pay three years of her salary for breaking the contract." My vein popped up with the blood boiling into my body. Thinking about him made me burn into flames of contempt.