Guilty Lover

Thankfully my father-in-law decided to take Stella's help as we had planned from the beginning. It was already late and I insisted my in-laws to spend the night at my place. But Stella refused it, which was kinda sudden.

She looked into her phone and booked a hotel room.

Yes, a hotel room. Honestly she went on to the super serious mode after the conversation we had. A fire was lit up inside her soul. The sadness, the depression, the dejection was no longer visible.

The arrangements were all prepared by Stella. She knew that her father's pride would be pervaded if he had to stay in my house. It would have been completely normal if they had came here for visit then stayed. But in current situation they were literally homeless.

Yep, that's how it was.

Stella booked a five star hotel room where her parents will stay. Also it was one of the well known hotels in the city. A hotel is better than an apartment.