Hidden Motive

I was overwhelmed by the new discovery of the past. All these stories were buried deep into his heart. This family is more complex that it looks.

" You know, Theo, back in those days, I was a carefree guy. I did all sorts of things. I used to spend every night at the bar. Hooking up with women, drinking and spending my money thoughtlessly on everything. A spoiled arrogant brat, that's what I was.

Things changed when I got married. I also had an arrange marriage which didn't made me happy at that time. But I tried to work this relationship.

Soon Stella was born. I was very happy to see me first child. She was so adorable and so tiny. My hands were shaking when I held her in my arms. She was just the exact copy of me. As much it made me happy, my father was displeased.