Father’s Punch

A man tends to make mistakes when he is angry. Anger can lead to great destruction. Therefore I try to stay calm most of the time. The uncertainty of the situation makes me restless.

Mr. Carlton is boiling like a hot volcano. It's about a matter of time when he's gonna blow up. I have to make sure that nothing bad happens here. I can't let Adam cause us any harm.

" Mr. Carlton... I think you're mistaken-" Just how long he's going to act all goody goody? It's so damn annoyingly.

" Drop your act. I know very well what you did with my daughter." Again Mr. Carlton grumbled in a harsh tone.

" Me? You seriously think I harmed your daughter? On the contrary I helped her. I gave her the job at my company, helped her to adjust with the work-" He was interrupted in the middle of his speech.