Army Summon to the capital city

The princess and I left the throne room. We start to walk toward what it seems to be a shooting range for archers.

"I want to practice archery. I want to increase the amount of weapon I can use. I am sure this will prove to be helpful in the future." (Arturo)

The princess nodded. We start to walk towards the shooting range. The shooting ranged is so big. There is a lot of people training to become better at archery. The princess put in my hand a bow with many arrows. The bow is made of wood. And the arrows have iron tip on it.

Since I can control the amount of strength I can use. I made my mind up. I will use 3% of my strength. This should be enough. I think with three percent I will not break the bow. I take the bow, and I take an arrow. I pull back the arrow with one percent of my strength still the bow extended towards me. When the bow finally extended towards me, I release the arrow. The Arrow travel with an extremely Amazing speed. The arrow hit the middle of the target in less than 10 seconds after being released.

I take another arrow and repeat the same thing I did before. This time I use 6 percent of my strength. The result I was not expecting. The arrow travels with such force that when it hit the target the arrow when through the target and finally stop when it hit a stone wall.

Everyone in the room stops what they were doing at looked at me with disbelieve. It seems like have done something that not many people have done in the past. This surprises me a lot. Imagine if I use all my strength what I can do.

You have obtained Archery level 2

Archery- with every level you increase you will become more efficient while using a bow and arrows.

I continue to practice archery for two more hours, and I have already reached level 10. I decided to evolve this skill since I have 10 skills point I can use them to evolve Archery skill.

You have evolved Archery skill to Expert archery.

You have obtained Eagle Eyes level1.

Eagle Eyes- this skill allows you to see better and you can see 400 meters in front of you with no issue. The more you use this skill the faster it will level up. This skill cannot evolve.

Wow, this is really amazing I never thought that by evolving a skill I will get another skill. I am extremely happy about this.

I want to learn how to ride a horse as well. I will need to learn sooner than later. The reason for this is because now I am a general in training of the army of this country. I need to be able to move in horses to travel faster.

"Princess can you please bring me to a place where I can learn to ride horses. I believe this is extremely important for me. "(Arturo)

The princess and I walk toward the stable. The princess got a horse, and I got one as well. At first, I did not have control of the horse since this the first time I have ever mounted a horse. I start to ride following the princess. I am going at an extremely slow speed since is my first time riding a horse.

I start to pick up speed little by little. I am impressed with how fast I am learning to ride the horse. It seems like I have an ability or something that let me learn extremely fast, but I do not know what it is.

You have obtained horse riding skill.

Horse riding- this skill will allow you to ride a horse with proficiency. The higher the level the better you will be. This skill can be combined with other skill to become a better fighting machine. The weapon that this skill can be combined with is spear, sword, bows, and crossbows. This will enhance your combat skill.

The princess and I continue to ride for about 3 hour's maybe more. I have already leveled up the horse riding skill to level 8. I have gotten way better at horse riding. I am surprised at how fast I have level up the two skill I have just learn. Tomorrow I will learn how to fight while riding a horse this will be fun.

I woke up early in the morning and went to the stable. I want to start my training with horse riding combine with weapons as soon as I can. I got a horse and went to a field where people can train with horses. First I took my sword out, and I start to ride toward the target. The horse is moving fast. I hit the target with an amazing strength that I broke the target in two.

I took out a bow, and start to ride the horse not too fast. I pull back the string with the arrow and release it will riding the horse and using eagle eyes. I hit the target with ease. I continue to practice with the bow while riding for a few hours. Not once did I pay attention to the people that have started to gather around me. I am focused on my training.

I have level up horse riding to level 10. I have as well level up eagle eyes to level 5. This helps me see extremely well and improve my accuracy as well as of the distance I can now see. Expert Archery has leveled up to level 4. It seems that every time I evolve a skill it will take longer to level it up. The speed that uses the bow has increased a lot as well. I can fire as of now 3 arrows in 10 seconds. This is extremely fast.

I finally stop training after a few hours. There were so many people around me that I was surprised. The king and the royal family was there as well. It seems like a lot of people came to see me practice. I wonder why that is. I did not pay any attention to it, and I made my way towards the shooting range. All the people that have gathered around me follow me. It seems like they want to see another show. If the show is what they want, they will get one.

I got two arrows, and I pull back the string with the arrows. I aim at the target and released both arrows at the same time. Both of the arrows made their way toward the middle of the target. I use eagle eyes to increase my accuracy. I as well use 6 percent of my strength. The arrow went through the target with amazing speed and finally stop after hitting a concrete wall. I continue to fire more arrows toward the target, and the result was the same.

I only got 3 arrows left, so I got all 3 arrows. I pull back the string with the arrows and released all three arrows with 15 percent of my strength. When the arrows hit the target the target was knock down the three arrows continue to make their way toward the concrete wall. The arrows hit the concrete wall and went through it half way in. the sound that the arrows made by colliding with the wall were extremely loud. It sounded a small explosion have gone off. Everyone that was around me was extremely surprise.

"This is our new general in training Marcos. I want you all to meet him. He will be leaving for officer school in the next two month, and the princess Marissa will be accompanying him as well to the officer school. I want you all to treat him with respect. He will be someone great in our kingdom later one. This I am sure of. One of the reasons I have to call the army here is to introduce him to them, and there is another reason that will be exposed on a later day when the army is here. The army will be here in 2 to 3 week time. " (king)

The scream of everyone could be heard throughout the whole city. They were saying that the new general in training was so amazing.

It seems like I have become these people idol. I really like this I am surprised. This is extremely good. Just in one day of my coming here, I have already have become extremely famous just because of my skills along. They were saying no wonder I have become a general in training of their army.

One week has passed in a blink of an eye since I came to the castle, and I have already level up all the skill I learn so far to level 10. I also practice with crossbow and spear during this week.

Another week passed, and finally, the army has gathered in front of the barrack. I have traveled to this barrack with the royal family as well as the king to it. The king has given me a mask to wear as well when he tells people about me being a god. The fort is extremely big. It can hold up 2milliong people on it. This is the only fort that can hold that many people in this country and that is the reason the king choose this location to gather the army. They were roughly 1,000,000 people in the army.

I have my mask on right now since he will introduce me as a god first. I am wearing gold armor with a gold sword that was made for me under the king ordered. The mask I am wearing it is also gold. This show my status of being a god highly.

"Today I have gathered you all here for three extremely important reasons. The first reason is to introduce someone extremely important to us. He will guide us to war when the time comes. Many of you wonder who this person is, and why I hold him to such high status. The reason for this is because he is the newest god of war. His name is Arturo. You all should become his believers since he will guide to war the future. He is here today, and he will greet you all." (King)

I walk toward the stage where the king is. I like the introduction that the king has given me it is really impressive. It seems like today I will be able to rank up. I am extremely excited I want to know what I will gain by ranking up. I got to the stage and I start to wave my hand towards the crowded. Everyone is excited it seems.

"I am the God of War Arturo. I will be guiding this country to become stronger and stronger. There is someone that will make a big improvement to the army, I have given this guy my protection. All of you that become my believer today will help your country get stronger. This is my promise to you all. This country will become one of the strongest countries in this world, and many people will fear us." (Arturo)

I left the stage after saying that. Since I have to change clothes since I will be introduced as a general in a few minutes as well. I put my clothes on and waited for my cue so I walk to the stage and introduce myself to the army

"The second reason as you heard god Arturo say there is someone that have received his blessing. He is a general in training of the army. He will be going to school to become a full pledged general. In two year time, he will come back to us. The name of this great person is Marcos. Marcos please come here and introduce yourself." (King)

I started to walk again toward the stage. This time I am wearing a light armor made of silver. The sword I have is the sword that I was given by the king. I just notice how beautiful the princess is a dress. She looks amazing on her dark red dress. Her hair is straight. She looks like one of those actors in the movies. I finally arrived at the stage.

"Hello, fellow comrades. I am Marcos, and I am the newest general in training. I will be leaving towards officer school soon. I will show you all why you guys should become god Arturo believers." (Arturo)

I walk toward the shooting range. The shooting range was really close by. Everyone in the army turns their face towards me. I grab three arrows, and I also grab a bow. I pull back the three arrow against the string. I hold the three arrow before releasing it. I going to use 20 percent of my strength this time. I use the eagle eyes skill and my eyes version became way better. I release the arrow immediately after activating the eagle eyes skill. The arrows made their way toward the target impacting them with such speed and force that the target was destroyed in the spot. The arrow kept going and hit another target and that target as well as was destroy. The arrows made their way toward the wall. When the arrow finally impacted the wall it made a huge bomb. The reason for this was the force and speed behind it. The wall started to crack where the arrows hit. The arrows made their way toward the inside of the wall than it finally stops.

Everyone that just saw just happened were quiet even the king was quiet. They were not expecting this much force to have happen with just 3 arrows.

"This is one of the powers that the God of War Arturo has given me. What do you think is it worth it to become his believer or not? I am sure that you will not have much increase since you have to do something big to get his blessing. Just by becoming his believer you already are a step closer to get a massive attribute. I ask you all to become his believer today for a better future tomorrow. Who knows who will receive his blessing and who will not?" (Arturo)

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

This kept going nonstop. I level up so much time becoming stronger and stronger by the minute. The notification did not stop for a while.

"The third reason I gather you all here is that I will be giving the hand of my daughter to Marcos. From this moment on he and the princess will be fiancé. This is if Marcos agrees of course. He will also be allowed to have as many women as he wants. This is the condition that the god of war Arturo himself gave to me, so I am sure that Marco will agree." (King)

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

The notification kept going nonstop it seems like I will rank up soon. I already have 30,000 believers. The amount of believer I keep getting keep increase. Every second that passes many more believer I get.

"I agree king under two conditions. These conditions are that I will get marry with her in 5 years. The other condition is that she needs to be the crown princess and heir to the throne. If these two conditions are not met I will not marry her." (King)

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

My head is starting to hurt as so much notification I am getting. It seems like it will never stop. The headache is becoming so intense. Right now I have 50,000 believers, and it keeps going up and up.

"I agree with your condition general Marco" (King)

After that everyone was dismissed. The army could do whatever they want for a whole week before having to return to their location that they came from.

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

You have obtained a believer

Four hours later I have already rank up two times, and I have gone many benefit for ranking up. My stats skyrocket through the roof. I have also gotten weapons that used to belong to the former God of War on these ranks.

The weapons I got are extremely powerful. I got 2 legendary swords. I also got 2 legendary bows. These bows have infinite arrows. The reason for this is because they are magical bows. I got as well two spears. These speasr is really amazing. Finally, have received two full set of weapons.

Status check

Status of God of War

Name Arthuro total Level 1

Race God Rank of god 2

HP 22,000+5,000 Mana 22,000+5,000

Stamina 202,000+5000 Strength 62,000+5,000

Speed 202,000+5000 Defense 22,000+5,000

Luck 0+5,000 Wisdom 22,000+5,000

Believer 1,000,000 Required to rank up 10,000,000

Believer Require to level up 10,0000

Title: New God Of War

general of the army

Skills Passive Skill

Advance Mastery of Sword Arts Level 10 Give a small Attribute point to all skill Level 1

Appraisal Level 10 Believers will receive 1/10 of your Attribute point

bare- hand combat art Level 10 Attribute Point + 500 to all stats

Fireball Leve l1 Believer Converted Level 10

Expert Archery Level 10 Eagle Eyes Level 10

Spearmanship Level 10

Horse rider Level 10