Blue Flavor takes place in the fictional, L.A. and Seoul mixed city of S.L.A. (Seoul. Los. Angeles), which lies among modern skyscrapers, high tech subways and rural town areas. It has both churches and Buddhist temples. It's like a super Koreatown but less bummy basically. Korean music is also very popular here too. Unexplained incidents and crimes have been taking place all over the city. Such as dead bodies in obscure places causes of these deaths are unknown. People rumor it to be due to a supernatural being or the presents of multiple supernatural phenomenons. The comic follows the main protagonist's daily life in S.L.A. where he along with fighting crime and solving the incidents he must also juggle his high school life.
The story focuses on the 16-year-old protagonist, Yeri Kyle, after he is transferred to Miroh Academy in S.L.A., California, Yeri is forced to move to California after the death of his mother leading to the splitting of the family. In S.L.A., he stays with his parent's friend, who owns a pastry shop, where she lets the Yeri stay in an upstairs apartment.
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