It was so dark, I remember peering through the window and saw dark clouds hanging over, the sun was blotted out, the rain is going to fall soon. The carriage moved along the bumpy road, my corset was tight and uncomfortable but I had to keep it on, it was proper dressing for a girl from a respectable middle class family. But being as I am, I was still called "indio" by those pesky Spanish women who are really not as proper as they appear.
"Señorita, we will arrive soon", said my teacher beside
He had a look of concern in his face, my father was a supporter of the revolution, but it was a secret, and he hired this man to be both my tutor and my bodyguard. I nodded at him, and tried to smile. It has only been a week since I have returned from Spain, father has sent me there to learn under my mother's cousin who was a nun, father wanted me to be able to enrol at Colegio de Sta. Catalina in Manila so that I will be an educated young woman, and an eligible bachelorette.
Mother was also from that school and where she was introduced to my father, but soon times will change and the revolution will put the country into great turmoil, my safety became father's priority all of a sudden.
"Señorita, are you well?" he asked me
"I'm fine Señor De Leon, I have just returned and still trying to get used to the climate here". I replied
Domingo Alvarez De Leon, a man of tall stature and a serious demeanour, I have met him a number of times before working for my father, he was the youngest son from a family of artists but was fascinated with math and sciences, and worked for my father to further finance his studies at the University.
"Do you find the province boring Señor?" I asked him
"It is less bustling as Manila, but it is not boring, actually i find it very interesting since i have lived in the city for most of my life", he replied with a smile
"Well I like this place better than when i was in spain, Papa and mama is within reach, along with Tia Lorenza", i said to him
"Tia Lorenza? You mean the Señora that will be hosting you for the time being?"
"Si, she has been like a second mother to me. When i was in spain she had sent me numerous letters."
"You must have been in spain for a long time."
"Papa sent me there when i was sixteen, it has been two years since i had been home."
Rain began to fall and the wind began to whistle, it was going to be a very rainy travel. I looked at Señor De Leon, he smiled at me and then said, "Do not worry Señorita, everything will be fine."
With those words a bright light had blinded me and when i had opened them, I saw the white ceiling of my room and felt my favorite pillow under my arm. It was a dream, I thought, a very vibrant and realistic dream; i sighed, it was so vivid that i could feel the coldness of the rain and the soft velvety seats of that carriage, and that man - i smiled to myself, he was a handsome fellow. Then the maid came in my room, manang Seling was surprised to see me awake before she even walked in, all i could do was smile at her.
"Bethany, go get dressed, it's time to eat, you have to report to work today. Your secretary called me yesterday asking if you will be seeing a client", she said to me
"Opo, Manang, I'll see you downstairs", I replied.
Ugh... I almost forgotten, I will be going back to work today, it's been a week since the internment and my life for a moment stopped and just revolved around crying and breathing, but today, life must go on and i have to earn money to get by. Like clockwork i took a shower and wore my black dress. It was one of my favorite dresses, it was a long sleeved, with a clean silhouette, it was a bit form fitting. I looked at myself in the mirror and approved of myself, who says that you can't look good if your mourning. I put on my sandals and went downstairs with my bag.
Mom, Dad and Ulysses was already eating when I got there, my brother was also dressed up for work and my parents looked all dressed up as well.
"Where are you going ma, pa?" I asked as I took my seat
"To Annie", Mom replied
I saw how my brother shrugged and eyed me angrily, he must be trying to avoid the topic, but since it was out I just gave him smile, he let out a silent sigh. Mom and dad were wearing their mourning clothes just like me but they were much more forlorn than myself. I understand that but right now there is nothing I can do to alleviate their pain.
"Would you like me to drive you there?" I asked
"Don't worry Beth, we have Ricky to drive us there", dad said trying to smile.
I know my father was trying to pretend that life was all normal and that nothing was wrong but the fact that my sister is gone will not change. I smiled back at him and started to eat, breakfast was unbelievably dry.
After breakfast I went to my car to go to work, the drive was light and easy, not too much traffic and everything was going right. When i arrived at my office my secretary, Daniela was already flustered and seemed to have dealt with somebody already, when she saw me a look of relief was seen on her face, that meant a client was already waiting for me.
"Good morning Danie", I said to her trying to smile
"Ms. Beth, I'm sorry I had to call you to work so soon, I know you are still... you know", she said to me apologetically
"Don't worry", i replied, "life goes on, can't stay depressed forever... you know."
I saw her smile and i went on my way to my office, as I approached the door I already saw a person was sitting inside. I fixed myself and went right in, "Good Morning", I said, "sorry to have made you wait."
The person waiting for me is a man who stood up, I extended my hand for a hand shake that he took with a smile, "I just arrived myself, Architect Villafuerte." that was the first time that i saw the man's face, and my jaw dropped - I've seen him before!
He was equally surprised, it was all over his face, the man was clean shaven and sported a long-backed hair that was combed back. He had a prominent jawline, a well sculpted nose and an alluring pair of brown eyes. He wore an expensive looking suit paired with newly polished shoes. Physically he was what you will call an average looking guy, but he had some weird vibe that gave him a lot of charisma, his name was Albert Saldivar, the philanthropist.
"I didn't expect that my client was the famous 'Good Albert'", I said to him, "It's a pleasure meeting you sir."
"Pleasure is mine Ms. Villafuerte", he said as he sat down, "I never thought that I will be working with a Senator's daughter."
"Well, it's a small world after all", i said to him smiling, "so how can my company be of service to you sir?"
"You see, my foundation received a piece of land that where we want to start a small school, one that can really cultivate open learning for children and we saw one of the designs that you have made that utilizes much of natural lighting and green architecture. We want the children to feel that they are part of nature."
"Oh, you are talking about the Castello Glass house", i felt a sudden pang of pain on my chest, yes it was one of my most popular designs but I wasn't one of my favorite, because i made that design for Annie because she always loved the sun even if she was indoors and that design was one that maximized the use of natural lighting.
"Yes, it was an amazing place, I saw it with my own eyes, the owners were so proud of it."
"Thank you for your praises. But that kind of design is only applicable if the area has a lot of exposure to sunshine, it may not be the one that you need for the site you have acquired."
As the conversation went on I felt a sense of familiarity with this man, it was like he knew a lot about me but it was the first time that we have spoke with each other. It was understandable that he was kind, he is a philanthropist after all but he gave of a different feeling that we have met before, if that was true, i couldn't recall. Then the sky began to darken and rain clouds covered the sun, I excused myself to open the lights and to check the weather, when the bolt of lightning cut thru the dark sky, I covered my ears in preparation for the approaching thunder, and before i came I heard a whisper to my ear, "you're still afraid of loud noises", I looked back as thunder came roaring, and as another bolt lightning flashed, I saw it clearly, the person sitting across my table was Domingo Alvarez De Leon, the man in my dreams.