I was speeding, I knew I was. The limit was like sixty but I was going around ninety to a hundred at least. "Men!" I said out loud, putting my foot on the gas, any faster this car will fly. I said to myself.
When I got home and my stomach grumbling because I wasn't able to eat anything at dinner, I just got up and left, for a split second I almost, almost regretted walking out, but those two were acting like a bunch of pubescent teenagers. I was exhausted and hungry I just wanted to be properly fed without any arguments or macho stuff going on and to get into my bed, sleep without anymore hellish nightmares and live my life normally. I was still a grieving person, anymore additional drama was too much for me to handle.
I went to our kitchen where I found my sister pouring herself a bowl of cereal, somehow I went to her and hugged Carmie from the back, and suddenly began crying. Everything that Robin told me came rushing back, the exhaustion and I just wanted to hug someone and cry, Carmie just happened to be that someone. My sister held my hand tight and let me cry. Maybe things just has to pass, and all of this was just part of what has to pass.
"Do you want some cereals Beth?" Carmie asked when I finally stopped sobbing, I nodded. She smiled at me got a bowl and poured some chocolate cereals and milk then placed it in front of me.
"I can cook but Manong Erwin might get angry because you know how much he wants to cook for us". She said
"Yeah right! You're just lazy", I teased and we laughed.
This was a dinner date. Not awkward, no pressure, just people around a table eating, and eating happily. When we finished, my sister my sister walked me to my room and hugged me one last time before I went inside my room.
When I saw Ciel sitting on my bed I wasn't even surprised, honestly, I just stared at him and laughed. I was laughing like a madman and at some point he joined me at my laughter, when everything cooled down, I finally caught my breath after laughing so hard Ciel and I just sat on my bed. For a weird reason we seemed to be thinking about the same thing, what happened with Albert was hilarious. I mean, yeah I was offended because I was in the center of it but when you look at it on an outsider's perspective it was funny and childish even comedic.
"So what in the world are you doing here Ciel?" I suddenly remembered how fast my heart beated earlier that evening and again here it comes, my heart began to drum in my chest.
"I just wanted to say sorry for tonight", he said very sincerely, my heart sank, I was, for a moment out of words. Well that hurts, to have a guy apologize for 'liking' you after saying it just a few hours ago. Kind of makes you question what the hell is wrong with yourself.
I forced myself a smile, and it was a painful smile, "don't worry, nothing about you is real, I knew that. Besides, I'm not Antonina, so I knew you were just bluffing." Ciel smiled at me, it looked painful too, and then he was gone.
I cursed myself, I have a crush on a reaper, what in the world is happening to me?
I took a shower and went to bed, after what has happened the previous night I was dreading sleep but I was exhausted and wanted to rest, slowly my eyes felt heavy and I drifted to sleep.
I opened my eyes to feeling of wind brushing on my face. I stood in the middle of nowhere, there was a house in the distance but from where I am it was a good two kilometers away. I looked around and there was nothing but that house, it was too far away to make out how it looked like. I felt the hand take my own and I was pulled towards the house, I couldn't see his face, but he held my hand gently and we began to walk towards the house. It was man that took my hand, I knew it, he was taller than myself and was of a different built. He was standing against the light making it impossible to see his face. He was saying something, I can't hear as if I was wearing noise cancelling headphones, then I was in front of the house, something was moving, there was a noise that like a nails dragging on the floor, my heart raced, this is wrong, this is very wrong. I stood frozen where I was, as I watched as a pair of red eyes appear from the dark abyss of the house. Fear began to creep under my skin, it's coming close, I willed my feet to move, to run, but I was rooted where I stood.
My heart was racing, I was beginning to breathe hard, I need to get out of here. Please someone save me! I can hear it's breath, its growl, the air was thick with bloodlust. It's coming, whatever it is, it coming. I screamed and then I was awake.
Something was coming, I said to myself, I can feel it, something out there is coming and whatever it is it means me harm.
I stared up on my ceiling unmoving, my heart was still racing, still trying to catch my breath, I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I am scared. Too scared to move. No, I said to myself, I can't let myself be paralyzed by fear. I forced myself out of bed and begin preparing for work. I dressed myself in a white long sleeved shirt, paired with a pair of cream colored slacks, and heels. I finished my make up and put on my shades. Time to face the day.
I drove to work with a sense of dread looming over my head, I just wanted everything to end. I arrived in the office and found Dannie looking at me with a wide grin, I eyed her but she just pointed at my office and giggled. I shrugged and walked in, to my surprise I found a garden in my office, Dannie was on my heel, giggling like a schoolgirl, then click, she took a photo.
"Daniela... When did I die?" I wheeled to her, she was still giggling, and I just noticed the other people were around us. I had to clear them out and walked inside my flower encrusted office, there was a card on my table:
"I'm sorry for last night"
It was unsigned, but I knew who it was from, the reaper already apologized so this meant that it was from Albert Saldivar. Another apology, I'm not quite sure how these men see me, but I'm seriously beginning to doubt my femininity with all these apologies not specifying the reason for apologizing, but I had to put it aside and asked for utility to get most of the flowers out of my office and if possible donated to a church or hand it to everyone in the office who wanted one. I wasn't in the mood for any romantic gestures.
I began with my work, I found a folder with the house that Mr. Saldivar has showed me the previous night. It was white, weather-beaten mansion, it looked old. For a moment I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and when I opened them, I was standing in the middle of nowhere again. The sky was dark and the wind was wild, I looked back, something was coming towards me fast. Fear was at my throat, whatever it was it was getting closer, I began to run, but as I did I was met by a wall, I was inside what seemed like a box, there was no place to run, it was coming and then...
"Architect Villafuerte", I heard Dannie's voice and I saw her standing by the door of my office.
I was breathing hard, I felt cold sweat trickle down my brow, I was shaking, "are you alright?"
I nodded, "what is it Dannie?" I asked trying to control the quake in my voice
"Engr. Aggari has sent document for you to sign", she said walking in the room with carrying the documents.
"You look pale Ms. Beth, did you get enough sleep last night?" she asked teasing, I tried to smile, I looked up, and out of the corner of my eye somebody was standing by the wall behind Dannie. It was tall, skin dark as a coal pit, it's eye burned read, on top of it's head was a pair of thick horns, it's claws scratching my office wall, and a dark heavy aura emanated from it. I felt my heart race and fear was creeping under my skin. I watched it grin. It sported two rows of sharp teeth. It was walking slowly towards me, I heard a voice no louder than a whisper, "I'm coming for you Traveller".
"All set", said Dannie, "are you okay Ms. Beth? You don't have color"
I nodded, I swallowed hard, "I'm fine, thank you so much Dannie".
As Daniela exited the room, it was gone. I was once again alone.
Still unnerved by what I saw I stood up to get my a glass of water, it was just a quarter before twelve but I already wanted to be home, or drive my ass back to the church and stay there for good. Whatever is happening to me, Father Lawrence might be able to help me. He is a priest and this... I assume was spiritually related.
Unknown to most of the people in my life I had lived in a church five months before the discovery of my sister. I was able to find solace inside the church walls and kept all this craziness out. I drank my water, took a deep breath, and then my phone rang. Irritated with the situation, I answered the call, "Hello", not bothering to hide my irritation.
"Beth", I heard my brother's voice, he sounded worried.
"Kuya!?" I changed my tone almost instantly, to cover up any sign of irritation.
"Stressed?" he asked
"You know just the usual", I tried to sound natural as much as I could.
"I'm just checking up on you. I heard you've been skipping dinner these past few days. Ate Carmie is getting worried."
I smiled, tough as he was in congress, but at home is a complete marshmallow, "Yes, kuya, I'm just kind of you preoccupied with a lot of work. But thanks for the concern."
"Okay, come home early today if possible."
After the short phone call, my nerves slightly calmed, but I was still on edge, still scared, still... I let out a deep sigh. I walked over my window, questioning why was this happening to me but there wasn't enough time to ponder because Dannie has informed me of a stream of client meetings. I smiled, stress not related to any of this craziness is very much welcome, with the exception of Albert Saldivar, who I disappointingly noticed was part of the flurry of clients that I will be consulting. I returned to my work, after that my world began to turn for the worse.
The next morning I woke up with barely able to move my left foot, thinking it was just lazy I pulled away the covers to massage it but to my surprise I saw a bruise that snaked around the front of my foot to my ankle, it was purplish black and my it was painful to move it even a little bit, for some unknown reason I was sprained. I limped out of my bed then to the bathroom, took my bath and got ready for work. My mom was concerned that my ankle was swollen so bad, I just smiled at her telling her that everything's going to be fine.
The following day I felt something was stinging, when I opened my eyes I saw my blanket in shreds and my legs were scratched, nothing too deep, but my legs are bleeding. I felt my body go cold, what the hell is happening? Choking down a scream, I whispered a small prayer. I'm getting desperate, I need to leave, I need to run away, as far as possible. This thing, is out to get me.