Chapter 4 - The Game

Though Tang Yao was not into games, Reverie was a game that Tang Yao couldn't help but be excited for. The loading screen was simply breath taking, giving a cinematic view in first person of the empire, and surrounding areas. As well as spectacular battles between different races, it was obvious how much effort was put into this game.

After Tang Yao had finished the introduction of the game, he had entered the start screen of the game and began to create his character, he could choose from a multitude of different races.

- Human - All rounded traits

- Orc - +15% in Strength -15% in Intelligence

- Elf - Like Humans, but +15% in Agility, and -15% in HP

- Dwarf - Like Humans, but +15% in Defense, and -15% in Agility

- Beast - +15% in HP, but -15% in Dexterity

Tang Yao chose human without hesitating because, it is a known fact that humans have the most potential out of all the creatures.

[Please Choose a Name]

"Tang Yao" said Tang Yao

[Name is already in use]

"DF, someone dared use my name I'm gonna beat them up." said Tang Yao

[Would user, like to use name, "Df someone dared use my name I'm gonna beat them up"?]

"NO" said Tang Yao 'stupid system can't tell when I'm serious or not.' though Tang Yao

[Please Choose a Name]

"Dip Stick" said Tang Yao

[Name has been successfully chosen]


[Sorry Name Changes Are not Allowed Please choose how to customize your character]

"What kind of bullshit is this, It didn't ask to confirm my name or anything." said Tang Yao, 'Whatever it isn't a bad name I guess, let me create my character now.'

When it came to appearance, the character looked exactly like Tang Yao, and Tang Yao didn't know what to do with his appearance, but then it occurred to him, that he could make himself taller, Tang Yao was a bit on the short side, on 5'4, while people around him were taller than 5'7, so Tang Yao changed his height to 5'7. However now Tang Yao only had 5% remaining that he could change, since each person was allowed to change their character by 20%. So Tang Yao decided to make his body look more buff, but it barley changed anything on his body.

Next the game scanned his body to allocate his stats:



Strength - 18

Agility - 18

Dexterity - 21

Vitality - 16

Defense - 14

Intelligence - 15

Luck - 100


'The only stat where I'm beyond human limit is Dexterity, and also I'm insanely lucky hehe, now lets see that luck pay off and hopefully I get a 4 when I roll the dice.'

[Hello, I am Jarvis the Super Computer that is in charge of running Reverie]

[I will open roll the dice for your special reward]



[You have rolled 4]

[Adding 10 additional points when you level up]

[Reducing XP required to level up by 50%]

[Increasing All Stats by 50%]


'Holy... I didn't expect to actually get a 4, I'm so OP now, no one can compare to my stats.' though Tang Yao.



Strength - 27

Agility - 27

Dexterity - 31.5

Vitality - 24

Defense - 21

Intelligence - 22.5

Luck - 150


"WAIT WTF, MY LUCK IS ALSO AFFECTED? Isn't this a little bit to OP?" exclaimed Tang Yao. 'I wonder what my other stats are, whatever it doesn't matter to much.'

[You will now receive your other rewards]

[Please accomplish this task to the best of your abilities, as it will affect what hidden class you will get. You will be sent to your task in 5 seconds]






[Good Luck]


"Ow, my head, where am I?" said Tang Yao

Looking around, Tang Yao saw thousands of human like figures around him. There was also a blinking screen in front of him.

[Mission - Difficulty Varies]

[Task 1 - Survive as long as you can... 5 seconds - Epic Class; 1 minute - Legendary Class; 1 hour - Mythical Class]

[Mission Note, you can also kill these puppets, however they will not award any exp when they are killed, you will also receive a wooden stick to help defend yourself. Also time in here will not affect real game time. Good Luck]

[Starting in]


"WAIT WAIT STOP!" shouted Tang Yao


"NO!" shouted Tang Yao again


"IM NOT READY STOP!" shouted Tang Yao

[Good Luck]

"FUCKING IM NOT READY." yelled Tang Yao, as he looked around he saw the human like puppets begin whirling to life, with hundreds of thousands of them staring at Tang Yao.

[Congratulations - 5 seconds have passed]

All of a sudden hundreds of puppets leaped at Tang Yao. "YO, ISN'T THIS TO INSANE?" exclaimed Tang Yao while running for his life.


Some where in a big building. "I wonder how long this kid will last, the other girl barley lasted 10 seconds before dying." chuckled a Old Man,


[Congratulations - 1 minute has passed]

"HOLY FUCK THAT WAS A MINUTE?" yelled Tang Yao, 'If it weren't for my improved stats, I already would of been long gone. Lucky for me it appears that I'm faster than these puppets.'

After several minutes of running, a warning appeared in Tang Yao's face.

[Congratulations - 55 minutes have passed]

[All puppets will now have a 10x increase in stats, good luck surviving for the next 5 minutes.]

"Eh? Wait, FUCK I KNEW THIS WAS TO EASY!" shouted Tang Yao, while trying to run faster, but as he felt a hand on his shoulder, and slowly turned his head around while running.

There was a puppet hand on his shoulder, and hundreds of puppets leaping through the air, and a huge crowd chasing after him looking like this, "( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)".

Before Tang Yao could do anything he was grabbed by several more puppets, and was being pulled back. "AHHHHH, FUCK OFF, GET OFF ME, WHICH ONE OF YOU POKE MY ASS?" shouted Tang Yao as he was being overwhelmed slowly by the puppets. All Tang Yao could do was watch his hp drop from 240. In several seconds he was down to 50 hp. "Fuck I was so close, is it going to end here? Well fuck I'm not going down without a fight, COME AT ME YOU GOD DAMN LENNY FACE PUPPETS!"

Tang Yao grabbed the stick, and started to spin around with it as fast as he can to repel all the puppets charging at him. (Looks like the League of Legend Garen's Spin move) Tang Yao puked several times while spinning, as his brain was a mess, from all the spinning. Before he knew it a system message came up in front of him.

[Congratulations for Surviving for 1 hour, you will be teleported shortly]

"Finally I can stop, BLECH, ughh, BLECH, fu-, BLECH, ck, OOMF, BLECH" Tang Yao couldn't finish his sentence before vomiting all over the place.

[Teleportation Initiated]



"I'm so, BLECH, done, BLECH, with, BLECH, spin-, BLECH, ing" said Tang Yao.

[You have been awarded with a Growth Rate Mythical Class.]

[You have received the Mythical Class Stick Emperor]

[You are the first person to receive a Mythical Class, +100% stats, and Title Viscount, throughout the whole game.]

[As you are one of the 5 Mythical Classes, you must find your fellow companions, the Mythical Class Morrigan The Phantom Queen/Goddess of Life and Death; the Mythical Class Thor/God of Thunder; the Mythical Class Monkey King/Great Sage Equal to Heaven; and the Mythical Class Gaia/Earth Goddess]

"Wait, why did I get such a boring class, compared to the other mythical classes the stick emperor...what kind of bullshit is this, the game is definitely ripping me off. I need to contact support."

{Ring Ring}

[Yes Hello how can I help you?]

"What kind of BS is the stick emperor, how the hell is this a mythical class, compared to the other mythical classes this one is obviously the worst! Is the game ripping me off of a mythical class?" questioned Tang Yao

[Hold on let me talk to my superiors...Ah Yes, uh there was a typo in your class, originally it was suppose to be the Sage Emperor, but some how it got mixed up with the Stick Emperor.]

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU MESS UP STICK, AND SAGE? You must compensate me for this trauma, how can I, the first mythical class, have a spelling error in the class name?" exclaimed Tang Yao.

[Ah yes, we were planning to compensate you, originially the item you were suppose to get when you start the game was going to be Diamond and allowed to be whatever weapon you want, now it will be a growth godly weapon, however we will be choosing the weapon for you thats all good bye.]

"A godly weapon huh? hehehe." Tang Yao said to himself while laughing, "I wish to go into the game now system."

[Please choose which Empire you would like to start in]

- The Viridian Empire

- The Tijuana Empire

- The Noxus Empire

- The Ionian Empire

- The Demacia Empire

"Hmmm, I choose the Ionian Empire" said Tang Yao

[Very Well, you will spawn in village #1435]


As soon as Tang Yao could see again, he saw hundreds of players looking around, and trying to talk to NPC's. 'First let me see what weapon the game gave me.'


Stick - Trash Weapon

- 1 DMG

A stick found on the ground.


"Wait a minute, phew thats my beginner weapon, let me see my godly weapon now." said Tang Yao


Stick - Godly Growth Weapon

Current Status - Trash

- deals additional 10 DMG

A stick that fell from the skies.


"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, THIS GAME IS ACTUALLY TROLLING ME" shouted Tang Yao, every player around him looked at him.

"What a weirdo" someone said out loud.

"...Awkward..." said someone else.

Tang Yao started at the players for a solid 30 second.

"Why were looking at him?" someone said

"I don't know man, I don't know." another person responded.

'Yeah... I'm just gonna walk away, anyway let's see what my stats are'


Stick Emperor - Hidden Mythical Growth Class

- +100% Stats

- +10 Attributes per level

- +10 points in each main stat per level

- Mythical Class Title


Viscount - Allowed to own 2 plots of land, and own 30 guards.

Mythical Class Title - +50% exp


First Mythical Class Player

- 100% increase in stats

- Viscount Title throughout the whole game.


- +10 Attributes Per Level

- -50% xp needed to level up

- +50% in all stats


Strength - 27 + 200% = 81

Agility - 27 + 200% = 81

Dexterity - 31.5 + 200% = 94.5

Vitality - 24 + 200% = 72

Defense - 21 + 200% = 63

Intelligence - 22.5 = 67.5

Luck - 150


Spinning Stick - Repels targets to the length of the stick, deals 100% of Strength for 30 seconds. For every second longer than 30 seconds subjects user to 15 seconds of dizziness plus 1 second for every second over 30 seconds in addition to vomiting.


Name - Dip Stick

Level - 0

Hp - 720

Mana - 675
