Chapter 14 - Human Nuclear Bomb

After, Tang Yao got home, and brought his sister to her room, Tang Yao was no preparing to enter Reverie again. It was now 10 o clock at night, and Reverie servers open at 8 pm, the time ratio is 1:3 so Tang Yao already missed 6 hours in game. However, Tang Yao doubted anyone would catch up to his level in that amount of time. Tang Yao climbed into the capsule, and entered Reverie.

[Welcome Back To Reverie, Where Dreams Can Come True]

Tang Yao, quickly got pass the loading screen, and went into the game, finding his character in the same spot, that he logged off in. Tang Yao decided that he would test out some of the spells, he got from his other class. Just as Tang Yao was about to leave the city, he saw a flash of light at the teleporter, and saw the little girl, named Amanda that he met the other day, when buying the capsule.

"Nice seeing you here" said Tang Yao

"What class did you get from the trial?" asked Amanda

"Uh.. Mythical Class Stick Emperor." said Tang Yao

Amanda opened her mouth wide, and stared at Tang Yao, and pointed her tiny finger at Tang Yao. "You fought against those horrible things for 1 hour!?" shouted Amanda

"You mean those puppets with the ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°) face?" asked Tang Yao

"AH! Don't show me those faces! It's so creepy!" shouted Amanda.

'Ay..she is just a 12 year old girl.' though Tang Yao while shaking his head, 'they weren't even that scary, it was just weird as hell.'

"Is that all?" asked Tang Yao

"Wait!...Add me, my name is Melodic Sorcerer." said Amanda.

"Wait, what class did you get from the trial?" asked Tang Yao

"Epic class, Theurgist" said Amanda

"What does it do?" asked Tang Yao

"Well, I use it to assimilate with ancient hero's, and deities, and when I do that I can use their spells, however I can only assimilate for 5 minutes, otherwise, I'm a normal sorcerer. I also have to get their recognition before, I can assimilate with them. So far, I've only assimilated with the goddess of light." said Amanda.

"How long, before you can assimilate again?" asked Tang Yao

"10 minutes is the cool down, however it starts after I assimilate, so technically the cool down is only 5 minutes." said Amanda.

"Your class sounds pretty useless, even my other classes are better." said Tang Yao

"What?! Other classes?" shouted Amanda.

"Yeah, I have two other classes, I was about to go and check out their spells, and skills before you came." said Tang Yao

"What are your other classes?" questioned Amanda

"Nothing special, Elemental and Natural Forces Wizard, and Qi Master, both are legendary classes." said Tang Yao

"...HOW?!" shouted Amanda "How, the hell is this fair?! You get 1 mythical class, and 2 legendary classes?!"

"That's not all. I also have a godly weapon." said Tang Yao

"...Unbelievable." muttered Amanda.

"Is that all? If that's all I'm leaving to farm some monsters." said Tang Yao

"Wait! Take me with you!" said Amanda.

"Why should I?" questioned Tang Yao, "Your just going to drag me down."

"I can help, I can give you buffs!" exclaimed Amanda.

"Whats the point? I can already one shot all the mobs around here." said Tang Yao, "Like I said, your just going to drag me down."

"Hmph, if you won't take me, then I'll tell my dad." said Amanda.

"And? What is he going to do to me? You guys still owe me." said Tang Yao


"WAit WAIT WAIT, don't leave take me with you please!" shouted Amanda, before jumping onto Tang Yao's back and hugging him.

"Hey? What! Let go!" said Tang Yao

Tang Yao, and Amanda were arguing with each other, when several other flashes of light appeared on the teleporter. There was 5 people, however when they came to the city, they did not expect to see a Loli, climbing on the back of a young man. While the young man is trying to pull her off. One of them whispered, "Hey? Is that the man that solo'ed the level 300 boss?"

"Wait a minute, now that you said that, he does look familiar." said another.

"Hmm, lets watch for now." said the person who appeared to be the leader of the group.


"Get Off of ME!" shouted Tang Yao

"No! Not until you bring me with you!" shouted the loli/Amanda.

After several minutes, of wrestling with the loli, Tang Yao gave up, and brought the loli with him.

"Hey boss, should we follow them?" asked one of the people in the group who was watching them.

"Yeah, follow him, but keep your distance, if he really is the man from the video, we can't offend him." said the leader.


"Hey! There are a bunch of stranger's following us." said Amanda.

"Yeah? So?" replied Tang Yao in a carefree tone.

"What if they try to do something?" asked Amanda.

"Just ignore them, they can't do anything." said Tang Yao

"Okay!" replied Amanda in a cheerful tone.

After several minutes of walking, Tang Yao finally see's his first monster, it was a level 50 Elite Moon Crescent Bear.

[Elite Moon Crescent Bear - Level 50.]

25,000/25,000 HP

"Hey. Tang Yao, are you sure you can take care of that boss?" asked Amanda.


"I one, shotted a level 300 boss, what makes you think I can't do the same with this boar?" asked Tang Yao

"Its a bear..." said Amanda, who couldn't refute Tang Yao's words.

Tang Yao activated Super Kaio-Ken, making all of his stats multiply by 1,000x .

The people who were watching Tang Yao, was blown away from the shock waves of the transformation, while Amanda, was gasping at how Tang Yao's hair turned to a orange-ish color.

While Tang Yao was deciding what spell to use, he finally decided on Fire Ball.

[Perfected Fire Ball - Rare]

Uses Qi instead of Mana. Created a fire ball using Qi. Deals damage equal to 250% - 1000% of Intelligence, and creates an explosion based on how much Qi is used. Burn Damage is 1% of Intelligence every second for 30 seconds.

Cost - 1000 - 20000 (can go beyond) Qi. Every 5000 Qi added will increase the damage by 250% up to 1000%, and increase explosion range by 5 meters. Every 5000 Qi after that will increase damage by 10%, and range by 10 meters.

Cool down - 1 minute

Level 0/10 Exp 0/1000

Tang Yao decided to upgrade the fireball, until it was level 3, and now Tang Yao was level 18.

[Perfected Fire Ball - Rare]

Uses Qi instead of Mana. Created a fire ball using Qi. Deals damage equal to 500% - 2000% of Intelligence, and creates an explosion based on how much Qi is used. Burn Damage is 2% of Intelligence every second for 30 seconds.

Cost - 5000 - 20000 (can go beyond) Qi. Every 5000 Qi added will increase the damage by 500% up to 2000%, and increase explosion range by 10 meters. Every 5000 Qi after that will increase damage by 15%, and range by 15 meters.

Cool down - 1 minute

Level 2/10 Exp 0/1000000

'Perfect' though Tang Yao.

At this point Tang Yao had 1.92 billion Qi, and 38.5 million Intelligence. So the damage from the Fire Ball would definitely not be weak, and the explosion, would be insanely large. Tang Yao decided to start channeling as much Qi as possible into the fireball. Amanda, and the people watching saw the fireball, growing larger, and larger, till it covered the view able sky for them. Even the people, who still did not advance to the city yet, could see the giant flaming ball.

"Uhhhhhhh.. Tang Yao? WHAT IS THAT!?!" shouted Amanda.

"Its a fire ball." said Tang Yao nonchalantly


"Alright time to test it fire power!" shouted Tang Yao, before sending the giant fire ball down, towards the ground. Every animal, and creature in the area started running for their life. While the players watching him, also started running for their life.


(Imagine 550000000000000000000000, or 606 Quintilian tons of TNT, or 606 trillion megatons of TNT, or about 61 million gigatons of TNT, or 606 thousand teratons of TNT exploding in your face.)

Everything in about 5,800 kilometers was wiped out, except for the city nearby, dealing about 221 trillion damage, with no critical hits.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

These messages kept popping up in front of Tang Yao, until he was level 49. While Amanda leveled up until level 46. Tang Yao also got several messages, saying that he has killed nearly 10,000 players, and that he severely damaged the city barrier of Raven City, and that several guards, and important figures will be sent to arrest him, and that he has caused the wrath of several near by cities.

"I should of used more Qi." Tang Yao out loud. "It's, a decent size explosion."


While Tang Yao received these notifications.

[Congratulations the Title, God of Explosion has been awarded.]

*Requirements, create an explosion capable of wiping everything out within 100 kilometers.*

+500% explosion damage.

Spells that are AOE will do 100% more damage, and their range will be increased by 50 meters.

'Wasn't that a bit to easy?' though Tang Yao.

While Tang Yao was thinking about what spell to use next, a voice disturbed him.

"Hey! Tang Yao, there are thousands of guards marching towards us." said Amanda, who was worried.

"Eh? Don't worry about them, help me think about what spell to use next. I'm deciding between these few: Wind Blast/ Lightning Bolt/ Light Blast/Darkness Blast/ (Nuclear/Atomic) Power" said Tang Yao.

Amanda was shocked to the core, if these spells were on the same level on the fire ball spell he just used, 'Wind Blast? He's going to make a Hurricane!, Lightning Bolt? He is going to make the Heavenly Tribulations!, Light Blast? Darkness Blast? It's going to be the same as the fireball from before! Nuclear/Atomic Power? HOLY SHIT ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL EVERYONE?! YOUR A FUCKING HUMAN NUCLEAR BOMB!' thought Amanda.

"I suggest, that you don't use any of those spells." said Amanda.

"Hm? Why, I just want to test the full extent of my spell powers." said Tang Yao


All of a sudden a loud voice came from behind them.

"Dear God! Tang Yao, please don't tell me that you are responsible for that blast." said a burly man in red armour.

"Yo, Gazef what are you doing here, and what blast are you talking about?" asked Tang Yao.



The players who were stalking Tang Yao, from before, were lucky enough to survive the blast, since they were relatively close the city.

"Holy Shit! We can never mess with him." said one of the people in the group.

"That! J-Just Isn't Po-Po-ssible!" said another.

The group of people who were stalking Tang Yao, developed PTSD from that explosion. It shook the ground for tens of thousands of kilometers around the country. The blast covered the distance, of around 1.5 United States Horizontally.