Chapter 32 - Bombings of WW2

As Tang Yao was reading, the system message, everyone in the room was staring at him.

'Wait a minute why am I worried? I am unkillable, what can they do to me?!' thought Tang Yao.

After thinking through his plan, he thought, that his best course of action, was to just walk out of the conference room. He knew that they couldn't kill them, but he wasn't sure if he could kill them. Furthermore, he had used his observation skill on all of them. The weakest was Tier 7, and the General was Tier 8.

This confirmed his suspicion, that there were people above Tier 8, however, he didn't know how many Tier's there were in total.

The people in the room were just staring at him, and when he was about to reach the door. One of them asked, "Who are you?"

"Uhh... I'm one of your military advisors," said Tang Yao, bullshitting his way through.

The other people in the room were now suspicious, of his identity, since they did not remember him being in the room, and now he claimed that he was a military advisor.

"If that is the case, may we know your name?" asked the person who asked the question.

'Come on luck stat don't fail me now.' thought Tang Yao, before guessing a random name, "Neil Armstrong."

All of the people in the room knew who Neil Armstrong was, he was the first person to step on the foreign continent called the moon. However, he didn't stay there for long, as they were constantly under the attacks of a foreign race called Martians, they were extremely powerful, and he nearly lost his life there. He was currently a military advisor, however, few people know what he looked like.

All of them looked at the young man before them, Neil Armstrong wasn't this young right? When, they turned back, and we're about to ask more question, all they saw was the conference door closing, and the sound of footsteps fading away.

"We've been duped! That's a spy, quickly sound the alarms!" shouted the general.

"But, what if he is Neil Armstrong?" asked one of them.

The general looked at the middle-aged man in the room who asked the question, "How did you even get into your position?! Don't you know that Neil Armstrong died already?!" shouted the general.

"Uhh..." the middle-aged man who asked that question was immediately embarrassed, he had forgotten that they had a national ceremony for the death of Neil Armstrong 2 years ago.

"WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ARE YOU GOING TO LET THE INTRUDER ESCAPE?!" yelled the general, who was now completely enraged.

Tang Yao, who was casually just walking down the hallway of the military base, heard the alarm sound, about 2 minutes after he left. 'Man, how do those people, have positions in the military if they are that slow to respond.' thought Tang Yao, who was just casually walking through the hallway.

The only issue now was that Tang Yao was lost, he didn't know where he was in the military base. So he followed his first instinct, which was to use Non-Fiction and erase the entire military base.

The general who was looking at the footage and searching for the young man, suddenly saw that his computer screen had disappeared, as well as his entire military base. There were thousands of people who were working in the military base, and now all that remained was a 10-meter deep square hole, of where the original military base was.

Tang Yao, who was now flying in the sky, looking at the missing military base, decided to summon it back. Which then followed with huge blood splatter, of all the people with their bodies, in between the wall or stuck on the floor having their body cut in half, or their limbs now missing on the other side of the wall. It had affected everyone under Tier 6, which was all of the researchers.

"Ouch... That must of hurt," said Tang Yao while hearing all the screams of the poor researchers that had their body or limbs, cut off.

"Well, they were going to die one way or another," said Tang Yao before using Super Accelerate, and Super Spell Overdrive. Then Centuple casting a hundred Nuclear Bombs and releasing all 100 fireballs in his spell storage, all to be dropped on the unfortunate island.

Before any of the people on the island could figure out what had happened to the military base, they looked up and saw tens of black submarine shaped objects falling from the sky, each one about 100 feet long, and 50 feet wide. Followed by 100 gigantic miniature suns, above their island.

All of the submarine shaped object fell onto the island at the same time, those fireballs did.


The mainland of the Laurentian Continent.


"Hey what is that huge, mushroom-shaped cloud?" asked one of the Players.

(Kolyma Continent is the US Players, and the Laurentian Continent is the Japanese Players.)

"It looks like the after-effects of a bomb." said another

"Hey, yo guys, I just got a debuff called Radiation Poisoning, and I'm taking an insane amount of damage, I also lost 50% of my stats!" shouted a player.

"Wait, I also got that debuff!" yelled a player.

"Yeah me too!" shouted another player.


When the Japanese players heard that, they all, immediately panicked, if that explosion earlier was supposedly Hiroshima, then that must mean that somewhere on this continent then "Nagaski" would be next.

This scene was happening throughout the whole Laurentian Continent. While in Kolyma, those who saw the explosion saw it as the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and they were also panicking because they received the debuff as well.

While Tang Yao, was witnessing the explosion before his eyes, system messages were also showing up.

[You have caused Nuclear Fallout on the Continent of Kolyma.]

[You have caused Nuclear Fallout on the Continent of Laurentian.]

[You Nuclear Fallout will last for 1 day in real life.]

[You have killed 569,748,564 players.]

[You have destroyed 50% of Kolyma, You have destroyed 50% of the Laurentian Continent.]

[The Laurentian's believe that the Martians are responsible for the Explosion, The Kolyma believe that the Laurentian's are responsible for the Explosion.]

[Title Awarded]

Guilty, But Not Guilty (Continental Title) - No Rank

Be responsible for something, but have the other side believe it was done by someone else. (Continental Title) You have done something gigantic but blame another continent. If only they knew that you were responsible...

+1000 Charisma

*Passive Skill*

The God of Trickery - Godly

You can lie your way through anything, no matter what evidence the other party comes up with, as long as you say something, they will believe it to be true. Whenever you bet or gamble, you have a 99.9% chance to win. Does not apply in duels.

Hidden Skill Set - Godly Bomber.

You can now plant bombs anywhere. Bombs will deal 100% of your total Qi, takes a total of 0 seconds to plant them and a cost of 1 Qi. The bombs will blend in with their surrounding, and can not be detected. As long as you put your eyes on something you can put a bomb there. There is no limit to bombs, just think the number of bombs you want, and it shall be done. Can be done on players, or NPC's.

[Quest Completed]

Mission - SSS+ (This quest will affect the Continent of Kolyma.)

Find Evidence of the Laurentian's Potential Attack on Kolyma

Time - 1 day


10 Levels

1000 World Fame

1,000,000,000 Fame

Duke Title throughout the whole continent of Kolyma

The Laurentians will now hate you as if you've killed their family.

1,000,000 Gold

Additional Quest:

Get a recording of the Laurentian's speaking about their attack.

Time - 1 day


10 Levels

25% Discount in All Stores

Additional Quest:

Kill all the soldiers, and destroy all of their war supplies and warships.

Time - 1 day


Status Elevated to Commoner's King (You will be 2nd only to the Emperor, and the King of Commoners, you can have a total of 12 Personal Guards, who will have their stats increase by 5000%, and deal 10% true damage in all of their attacks.

You are now a General in the Army of Kolyma. (+500% Stats, +1000% Damage against foreign enemies, additional 25% discount in all stores. You can command a total of 1,000,000 Troops, who will deal 0.1% true damage, and have a 100% increase in stats. Charisma +10000.)

1,000,000 Gold

Additional Quest:

Assassinate the general of the Laurentian's military base

Time - 1 day


God of Assassination Title (Godly) Enemies that aren't aware of your presence will take 10,000% more damage. Anytime, anyone sees you they can not remember you unless your friendship stat is at the level of friend. You can disguise as anyone with 100% accuracy, and can not be revealed unless a tool of Legendary or higher is used.

Saint of Commoners (Commoners will now worship even higher than the emperor, 99% discount from all stores. All commoners will regard you with the highest level of affection, Members of the Royal Family of The Emperor will hate you. Your Personal Guards will now share the highest level of affection with you, with a total of 10000% increase in stats, and 25% true damage per attack, any skill your personal guard learns, you can learn as well. The XP to level up your personal guard is only 50%, all XP your personal guard earns, you will get 50% of it.)

Whenever traveling to the Laurentian Continent, NPC's will attack you without hesitation, a 10 trillion% increase on products in the Laurentian Continent, players from the Laurentian Continent, will receive a bounty from the Emperor of the Laurentian Continent to kill you.

+1000% stats

+10 Levels

+10 Stat Points/Level

[You have received 10 Levels.]

[Title Awarded God of Murder.]

God of Murder - Godly

The more you kill the stronger you become. Every kill you get will make you 0.001% permanently stronger, Players that you have killed before will take 100% more damage from you, and lose 50% of their stats when against you.

+10 Stat Points/Level

[System Announcement]

[Dip Stick is the first player to complete SSS+ Quest, at a completion Rate of SSS+. Award +20 Levels, +10000 World Fame, +1000000 Fame. The Fame Shop will now be unlocked to the player Tang Yao. +10,000,000 Gold. +10 Stat Points/Level]

"I should be surprised, but I'm not," said Tang Yao, before taking a look at his stat panel, and allocating half of his 3600 stat points into strength, and the other half into Intelligence.


[Stats] Super Kaio-Ken

Name - Dip Stick

Tier - 4

Class - [Hidden Mythical Growth Class] Novice Stick Emperor

Class - [Legendary Class] Elemental and Natural Forces Wizard

Class - [Legendary Class] Qi Master

Level - 249

HP - 9.94 S+

Mana - 4.17 SS+ x 5 = 2.08 SSS-

Strength - 4387 + 200% + 100% + 100% + 100% + 15% + 5697% + 1000% + 500% = 2.55 S

Agility - 1237 + 50 + 200% + 100% + 100% + 1000% + 1000% + 5697% + 1000% + 500% = 3.94 S+

Dexterity - 1141.5 + 50 + 200% + 100% + 5000% + 5697% + 1000% + 500% = 7.70 S

Vitality - 1034 + 15% + 200% + 200% +100% +100% + 1000% + 5697% + 1000% + 500% = 9.94 S

Defense - 231 + 15% + 200% + 200% + 100% + 100% + 100% + 1000% + 5697% + 1000% + 500% = 4.44 S

Intelligence - 4862.5 + 200% + 100% + 100% + 2700% + 1000% + 1000% + 5697% + 1000% + 500% = 4.17 SS

Luck - 150

Stat Points - 0