Chapter 36 - Blacksmithing.

Just as Tang Yao loaded into the game, he was bombarded with notifications.

[100% of [Blank] has been attempted to be removed from you, however, Encounter prevented it.]

[100% of [Blank] has been attempted to be removed from you, however, Encounter prevented it.]

[100% of [Blank] has been attempted to be removed from you, however, Encounter prevented it.]x46

He made a quick check over all of his stats, to make sure that nothing was removed. He sighed in relief, that his Encounter skill could prevent the system, from destroying his character.

He calculated the days left until the magic competition, and there were roughly 3 days until the magic competition or 1 real-life day. He figured, that there wasn't enough time for him to start his revenge plan, so all he could do for now was pick up a side profession.

He quickly teleported back to Black Raven City and started to look around for a blacksmithing place, where he could pick up his profession.

It didn't take very long since it was a big building with smoke coming out of the chimney, and had huge bold words on it.

{Black Smithing Association}

Tang Yao then entered the building and was greeted with a slightly worse reception room compared to the Adventurer's Guild. He walked up to the front desk and was greeted with a pretty NPC.

"Hello, how may I help you today, King of Commoners Tang Yao?" said the NPC in reverence.

'Ah, I forgot about that Title can I hide it?' thought Tang Yao, before finding a menu for it, and hiding his title.

"I would like to pick up blacksmithing, as a profession," said Tang Yao

"If you like to pick up blacksmithing, please sign this contract here, and pay 30 copper. Afterward, you will have to rent a blacksmithing room with is 30 copper a day for a basic room, 1 silver for an intermediate blacksmithing room, and 1 gold for an advance smithing room." said the NPC.

Tang Yao signed the contract and paid the money needed to learn the profession. 'Man, learning professions here is different from what I thought, you even need to sign a contract to learn it. This is like a corporate business, it even has a receptionist room. It isn't like those books I read were, all you had to do was enter a blacksmithing place, and become an apprentice, to learn blacksmithing.' thought Tang Yao, who was slightly surprised by this.

The NPC explained, that when he rents a room, there will be video's of master Blacksmith's to show you the way for forging.

After hearing the NPC explanation of blacksmithing, he rented an advance room and headed straight to it.

He opened up the video called introduction to blacksmithing, however, it wasn't like regular youtube video's, it was more like you were transported day in person to witness the person forging. The blacksmith introduced himself as Kaguya, and that he was a master blacksmith, and that there were several tiers to blacksmithing, and that blacksmithing was like leveling up. Whenever you forged something you would get a certain amount of proficiency (XP), and after getting a certain amount of proficiency you could level up.

Beginner Blacksmith - Level 1 - 10 | You have a 99% chance or creating Dirt Tier Weapons/Armour and 1% Iron Tier Weapons/Armour. Can at max create up to Level 10 Armour. 90% chance of Failure. (I will just list % for Tiers, and max level crafting from now on.)

Intermediate Blacksmith - Level 11 - 25 | 75% Dirt, 20% Iron, 5% Bronze. Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 50. 75% chance of Failure

Advanced Blacksmith - Level 26 - 50 | 20% Dirt, 50% Iron, 20% Bronze, 10% Silver, Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 100. 50% Chance of Failure

Master Blacksmith - Level 51 - 100 | 5% Dirt, 15% Iron, 20% Bronze, 40% Silver, 15% Gold, 5% Dark Gold, Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 250. 35% Chance of Failure

Grandmaster Blacksmith - 101 - 250 | 1% Dirt, 8% Iron, 10% Bronze, 55% Silver, 20% Gold, 5% Dark Gold, 1% Platinum. Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 500. 25% Chance of Failure

Perfected Blacksmith - 251 - 500 | You can craft any Tier of Weapon/Armour you want up to Gold. 50% Gold, 25% Dark Gold, 15% Platinum, 5% Diamond, 2.5% Psuedo-Legendary, 1.5% Legendary, 1% Mythical. Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 1000. 0% Chance of Failure.

*Upper Perfected Blacksmith* - 450 - 500 | You can craft any Tier of Armour/Weapon up to Dark Gold. 55% Dark Gold, 25% Platinum, 10% Diamond, 7.5 Pseudo-Legendary, 1.5% Legendary, 1% Mythical. Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 1000. 0% Chance of Failure.

Blacksmith Saint - 501 - 750 | You can craft any Tier of Armour/Weapon up to Diamond. 50% Diamond, 35% Psuedo-Legendary, 10% Legendary, 4% Mythical, 0.9999999% Godly, 0.0000001 Beyond Godly. Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 2500. 0% Chance of Failure.

Blacksmith Apotheosis - 751 - 999 | You can craft any Tier of Armour/Weapon up to Psuedo-Legendary. 50% Psuedo-Legendary, 35% Legendary, 10% Mythical, 4.9999% Godly, 0.0001% Beyond Godly. Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 9999. 0% Chance of Failure.

Blacksmith God - 1000 | You can craft any Tier of Armour/Weapon up to Mythical. 75% Mythical, 24.99% Godly, 0.01% Beyond Godly. Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 10000. 0% Chance of Failure.

The levels of blacksmithing were similar to the levels, however, blacksmithing required, 10x more XP for regular levels, and 100x more XP for the bottleneck levels.

The Blacksmith called Kaguya started smithing and forging, however as Tang Yao was watching closely, he received a system notification.

[The All-Seeing Eyes of The End, has taken Kaguya's Master Blacksmithing level 100 and elevated to 500%. You have received the skill called Blacksmithing.]


Blacksmithing - Level 600 (Saint)

You can craft any Tier of Armour/Weapon up to Diamond. 50% Diamond, 35% Psuedo-Legendary, 10% Legendary, 4.99% Mythical, 0.01% Godly. Max Level of Armour/Weapon is 2500.

Level - 600/1000

"Damn, I completely forgot about that skill, this is amazing! I don't have to grind forever now," said Tang Yao ecstatic because of this skill. At this moment, another system announcement occurred.

[Congratulations for Dip Stick being the first to become a Master Blacksmith +1% success to every Tier, +100 Gold. +10000 Fame]

[Congratulations for Dip Stick being the first to become a Grand master Blacksmith +1.5% success to every Tier, +1000 Gold. +100000 Fame]

[Congratulations for Dip Stick being the first to become a Perfected Blacksmith +2% success to every Tier, +10000 Gold. +1000000 Fame]

[Congratulations for Dip Stick being the first to become a Upper Perfected Blacksmith +2.5% success to every Tier, +100000 Gold. +10000 World Fame]

[Congratulations for Dip Stick being the first to become a Upper Perfected Blacksmith +2% success to every Tier, +1000000 Gold. +10000 World Fame]

[Congratulations for Dip Stick being the first to become a Blacksmith Saint +5% success to every Tier, +10000000 Gold. +10000 World Fame]

"Well, this is a surprise, I get an extra 14% success rate on any Tier. So about 25% Legendary, 19% Mythical, and 16% Godly, and 14% Beyond Godly." said Tang Yao, who was now even happier, that he could already craft Godly, and Beyond Godly Weapons.


After ranting towards the system for a little while, he began to think of what he could smith, since he already had OP spells, and he didn't need a weapon because he had his stick. "Hmm, what to build, if I'm going to destroy the hierarchy of Reverie I need to look bad ass while doing so, I don't want to look like some monk while destroying the hierarchy." said Tang Yao. Then he began to remember a novel (also anime now) called Arifureta, where the MC used guns, in a game like world.

"I wonder if I could create guns, or better yet, make my stick be able to turn into guns!" said Tang Yao excitedly. He also looked at himself in the mirror, his Armour was very lacking, he was still wearing stuff since he was level 50, so he needed to make himself a new set of Armour as well.

Luckily for him, he didn't need any materials for forging since he had a bunch in his inventory from his Quest Advancement's, or his leveling expedition. He was about to begin forging when, he asked himself, wait how do I create a weapon that can change forms?


Double Chapter Today

Can't Post on Sunday's bcuz I am a busy person.
