Chapter 41 - Robbed

After Tang Yao logged off he was in his room, it was early in the morning about 6 am. It only has been 10 days since the game has been released, yet in the game it has already been a month.

"Hmm, what to do now?" said Tang Yao to himself.

Tang Yao has already fully dedicated himself to the game, but when he gets back to reality, he doesn't know what to do. Just as Tang Yao was thinking about what to do, he received a call from his best friend Alexander.

"Hello?" asked Tang Yao

"Yo, buddy, how come you haven't added me on the game yet? Its been like 3 days!" shouted Alexander over the phone.

"Oh... Shit, I forgot about you." said Tang Yao, In reality he did remember, but he didn't want a name like Butt Cheeks on his friends list.

"Ah, nah its fine. I didn't like my class, so I changed to Warrior, since they looked cool. My new name is Obese Orangutan." said Alex over the phone.


"I'm doing a quest right now, so I won't be able to level with you." said Tang Yao over the phone.

"Oh, its fine, just add me in the game. Also did you know that there's a new update?" asked Alex

"No?" replied Tang Yao

"Well the new update is something about there being other continents, it is suppose to take place next week, I think the update was called Warring Continents." said Alex.

"Interesting," replied Tang Yao, while thinking 'Does this have something to do with me?'

"Anyway's just make sure you come to school next week, since there's only like 7 days left of vacation." said Alex

"Alright then," said Tang Yao.

The two of them talked over the phone a bit, before hanging up.

When Tang Yao opened the door of his room, he saw that his apartment was a mess, there was a broken window, and a door that was wide open.

"What the hell?!" shouted Tang Yao, before charging into Jie Yao's room.

Jie Yao was still sleeping when Tang Yao charged into her room waking her up.

"Whats wrong brother?" asked Jie Yao

"We've been robbed!" shouted Tang Yao

"You're kidding right?" asked Jie Yao

"I'm not, hurry up and get ready, I need to see what was stolen!" shouted Tang Yao, before going into the living room to find if anything was missing.

Fortunately it seemed like the person who broke into their apartment was looking for something, and that thing they were looking for wasn't there in their apartment.

"Lousy security, how could they let a robbery happen this easily?" questioned Tang Yao while looking at the broken glass on the floor, and scattered objects in the room.

As Tang Yao was entering the kitchen, he saw a shadow hiding next to the door of the kitchen, as he stepped in a figure dressed in black swing something towards Tang Yao's head.

Tang Yao quickly ducked, and punched the lower part of the figure.

"ARGH!" the figure in black scrunched up and dropped a frying plan, before falling on the ground clutching their crotch, while screaming in agony.

Tang Yao immediately grabbed the perpetrator by the head, and lifted him up, before kicking them in the crotch again.

"ARGH! STOP!" shouted the figure.

"Okay." said Tang Yao, before dropping the figure on the ground and kicking them in the crotch once more.

"Why the fuck are you in my house?!" shouted Tang Yao, and kicking them in the crotch again.

"ARGHHH! STOP KICKING ME!" shouted the figure.

"Fine, now tell me why are you in my house?!" shouted Tang Yao at the figure.

The figure was completely dressed in black, and had a ski mask on their head.

"I'm not saying!" shouted the figure.

"Ok." replied Tang Yao before, ripping off the ski mask, and punching him across the face.

The person was a burly man, with dark brown hair.

The man was now bleeding profusely from the nose. "I won't talk!" shouted the man.

"I didn't ask!" shouted Tang Yao before punching the man's crotch again.

The man screamed in agony once more.

At that moment Jie Yao entered the room, and saw the man crunched up and clutching his crotch, while screaming in pain.

"Who is he?" asked Jie Yao

"The person who broke into our house." replied Tang Yao flatly.

"Let me deal with him, just go to the living room." said Jie Yao.

"Are you sure?" asked Tang Yao

"Just believe in me, I saw some video's on what to do when there is a situation like this!" said Jie Yao excitedly.


Tang Yao did not want to know what she had in mind, and just left the room. Not even a minute after he left the room, he heard the man's agonizing screams.


We have reached a 100k views, as promised there will be mass release.

This is the first chapter of ???

So stay in tuned
