Chapter 51 - Magic Competition Part 10 Getting Flexed on.

When the fight started, Tang Yao started off with an explosion. To Tang Yao's expectations the lady was completely fine, not even a speck of dust.

'*sigh* I might have to erase her from existence, and then unerase her.' thought Tang Yao, 'What troubling match up's, first a unkillable cockroach, now somebody like her, I should of watched her match yesterday, so I would at least know her abilities.'

The lady then pointed her right palm at Tang Yao, with the left hand holding onto her wrist.

7 Magic Circles appeared, the biggest one in front of her palm, and several smaller one's following that.

When Tang Yao observed her, he found out that she was using a spell called Extinction Ray. Tang Yao immediately copied that spell, and started casting it towards the lady. However instead of a 7 magic circles on Tang Yao's extinction ray, there were 35 magic circles layered on top of each other.

Right now, all of the skilled magicians watching the fight were beyond shock. In the history of the Kolyma Kingdom, the most amount of magic circles layered on top of each other was only 14. Yet, Tang Yao's spell used 35!

"Somebody like him can not live, please arrange for Lord Sauron to take action. Against, Gandalf, and that boy." said a figure cloaked in black.

"Sir? Lord Sauron? You do realize that he gave you 1 favor, and would do anything you ask, why are you wasting it on those 2 people?" said another figure cloaked in black.

"Just do it!" grunted the figure in black.

"Of course." replied the other figure.

Right now in the arena, the lady was visibly shock, but quickly regained her calmness. The lady immediately powered the Extinction Ray to 35 magic circles.

"What?! She can do the same?!" shouted Tang Yao.

Right now the audience was even more shocked.

"Find out the origins of that girl right now!" shouted the figure in black.

"Sir, we have already done that, but all we found out was that her name is Elizabeth." said another figure in black.

"Useless! Who's her teacher?! She can't enter the magic competition without a recommendation letter from a magician!" shouted the figure in black at another figure in black.

"That's the problem we can't find out her teacher's identity." said another figure in black.

"Useless! All of you are useless!" shouted the figure in black.

Right now, Tang Yao's extinction ray was fully charged, and launched it at the girl. The lady followed suit, and the two extinction ray's clashed. However unexpectedly Tang Yao found himself on the losing end. "What the hell! How high is her intelligence and mana?!" yelled Tang Yao whiled looking at the stats of the girl

Elizabeth ???

Age ???

HP ???

Mana ???

Strength 1

Agility 1

Dexterity 1

Defense 1

Vitality 1

Intelligence 1


'I only know her name?! I thought my Gamer's Observation would be able to see through everything what the hell!' thought Tang Yao in his mind, while fueling even more Qi into the extinction Ray, but he was still on the losing end. 'At this rate I'm going to get hit by it, even though it shouldn't be too much of an issue, it would look bad for me.' thought Tang Yao, he was more worried about how it would look if he lost in the exchange.

"Shit, I think the only way I can beat her is if I unleash my limiter." said Tang Yao out loud.

The lady who was originally focused on putting her mana into the extinction ray when she heard that, had a shocked expression on her face.

Tang Yao activated the limit breaker, and regained control of 99.9999% of his power.

[Encounter has nullified the 75% HP loss.]

Tang Yao emitting a huge amount of energy of his body right now.

The spectators were just as amazed.

"He was limiting himself, and still destroying his opponents?!" shouted someone in the audience.

"I can tell that limiter was limiting 99% of his power!" yelled another person in the audience.

"99%?! Your kidding!"

"No I'm serious!"

Right now somewhere in the building, two cloaked figures in black were watching the thing.

"He was limiting his power?" said one of the figures in shock.

The lady who was originally winning the battle, started losing. Tang Yao extinction Ray was now over 10x the size of her's. Her face immediately paled, and her face contorted, and blood dripped from her lips.


Another magic circle similar to the one above Tang Yao appeared on the lady. Immediately as that happened, her Extinction Ray went to the same size as Tang Yao.

"WTF?! She was limiting her power as well?!" shouted Tang Yao in surprise.

However, her extinction Ray was still getting bigger, and bigger. Soon it was more than 10x the size of Tang Yao's extinction ray.

Tang Yao immediately started losing. However that was less than 1% of his true power. He still has more than 99% of his mana to fuel the extinction ray.

"You think your busted? Your dreaming, I am the most OP person ever!" shouted Tang Yao before putting in 10% of his Qi into the extinction Ray. The beam surged to more than 1000x the size of the girl.

The girl immediately started losing, however she put even more mana into her extinction ray, and it matched the size of Tang Yao's.

"WTF? No, no no, my 10% must be her 100%, yeah, yeah that seems right." said Tang Yao before, putting another 10% in the beam, while the girl copied him.

"Okay, maybe my 20% is equivalent to her 120%." said Tang Yao trying to get some sort of measure, on the girl's strength. Before putting in 50% of his total Qi into the beam, which surged in size, however the girl immediately copied Tang Yao, and put an equal amount into her beam.


The audience watching, had their eyes opened as wide as they could, none of them daring to blink, and their jaws literally falling onto the ground. Both of their beams, where bigger than the continent, and that wasn't the worse part, both beams were still growing in size.

"Hey... Do you think Lord Sauron can kill him?" asked a figure in black.

"FUCKING IDIOT! DO YOU THINK ANYONE CAN KILL THEM?!" shouted the other figure in black.

While back in the VW, Tang Yao was getting frustrated. 'I already unleashed my limit breaker, which surged my strength by 500%, and put 50% of my Qi into this blast, however we are still tied?!' thought Tang Yao, before putting in another 25% into the blast, and the girl immediately copied him.

'She must be getting close to her limit right? I already put in 75% of my Qi into this blast.' thought Tang Yao.

"Fuck it, let's go all in, my Qi regeneration is already very high, I regen 10% every sec in combat, worse come to worse I just keep adding Qi to the blast." said Tang Yao outloud, Before putting in all of his Qi, even the amount of Qi that regen's every second.

Both of their extinction Ray's were growing at the same rate, and now the screen that was broadcasting their fight, only had 2 different colors. White, and Black, White belonged to the girls, while Black belonged to Tang Yao's.

In figure dressed in a brown cloak was floating in the air above the stadium.

"That boy is different, to be able to deal with Eli on that level, his Qi must be insane. To bad for him that Eli, has only used less than 1% of her power. While it looks like that boy has already used 100% of his power." said the figure in brown, before teleporting away.

If Tang Yao heard that, he would of spit of blood. He was the one that was suppose to do the Flexing, not the other around. The MC is suppose to flex on everyone, it doesn't go the other way around!