
At Yang Ancestral Mansion

"Madam Yang is so beautiful," Butler Garry commented as he stood beside Senior Yang. Sir Yang was examining the Yang family portrait that hung in the center of the mansion's staircase.

"She is indeed beautiful. Even my son, Xander is grateful to get his looks from his mother…" Senior Yang frowned, "That brat!" He complained, recalling how Xander would always mention, proudly who he got his beauty from.

"Have you decided to tell him about young madam Yera?" asked the Butler.

Senior Yang inhaled loudly as he closed his eyes. He was recalling -that- night.


Several Years Ago…

Yang Globals Group and Life Hospital Group had a collaboration that year. Xander was seven by that time. The two groups had a grand celebration and had conducted a three day long fundraising event. A treasure hunt was a part of the event.