Conflicting Position

Xander's mobile phone kept ringing while he drove down the road. He briskly switched the ringer off without even looking at who was calling. 

To be honest, he was still shocked with what he just found out. Last night was a very difficult night for him. He only stared into his computer monitor for a long time. He had been up, reading all the reports about his mother's tragic death. He wanted to cry but strangely no tears fell out from his eyes then.

His mother was found dead near a cliff with that kid in her tight embrace; both were covered with blood.  The autopsy said all the blood was there because his mother struggled hard fighting the assailant. It was analyzed that his mother held a little girl, Yera, tight as to not fall from the cliff while she fought hard. His mother received multiple stab wounds in every part of her body. In the end, this caused his mother to lose her life.