All Your Fault

Lyndon went directly to his favorite bar to drink late at night after he talked to Roy Go at Han's Ancestral Mansion.

He had managed to convince Roy Go that it was best to have Dr. Long leave the hospital as soon as possible, presenting him all convincing documents that Dr. Long was already a liability. 

Roy Go disliked people who did not share the same sentiments like him about earning money and treating the hospital as the money minting machine and Dr. Long often contradicted this idea. Lyndon also added that a Union against the management was being led by Dr. Long.

Seeing that Dr. Long was the most supported by other employees as the best candidate for the next Hospital Director was enough for him to shut up Roy Go in whining why he immediately removed Dr. Long without him knowing.

He stared at the glass of whiskey he was holding and whispered, "I will soon get rid of you."