Behind His Back

Dion's heart almost jumped out of his chest seeing Lyndon going inside the same room where Yera had rushed to, but then he heard Yera on the other line, "I'm safe and fine you all stay put as planned."

Dion reviewed the footage and murmured, "Vin how much longer?" He was walking and he saw the security personnel going towards the place of incident, he intentionally bumped into the man and spilled his coffee all over him.

"Oh I'm sorry. I spilled it on your uniform, I am extremely sorry for spoiling your uniform." Dion muttered and inspected the man's uniform.

"That's okay Doc. This is nothing…" answered the man who seemed in a rush but Dion apologized further and offered him a shirt to change into. The security personnel refused though and immediately left him.

"Ria, get out of the site. I'm almost done. There's no need for you to stall and get on the site." Vin remarked as he manipulated all the clips and cleared it of Yera's visuals.