Hang In There

"Are you safe? Where is Xander? How is he? Why is his phone not getting connected? What! I can't understand Ron. Slow down Ron..." Senior Yang said. He looked anxious though he tried to calm his voice.

Ron was talking anxiously and very fast, his words almost jumbled coming out from his mouth as he shouted from the other side. He was conscious though he felt his entire body aching and small and big wounds were there on his entire body as well.

Senior Yang looked at Yera as the call ended. "What happened father? Xander? Where is he? He's safe right? He must be with Rui? Both safe right father? Please say his safe..." Yera asked, gasping while she was saying her silent prayers for her husband to be safe.

"Xander… was on the bridge when it collapsed dear, Ron is in the ambulance with Xander… Please don't worry, everything will be fine..." Senior Yang muttered with trembling lips. He could not dare relay what Ron said to Yera.